Orion's Method
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
1. What is the focus of the event?
2. What is the day/time/city/venue for the event?
3. Who is the headliner/host or organization hosting the event?
4. What is the event website?
5. What are the attendees paying to be present at the event?
6. What are they there to learn about?
7. What day of the event will Orion be presenting/selling?
8. Who else is speaking?
9. Are all the speakers pitching products? What prices?
10. What is the producer/speaker split?
11. When will we be paid – or do we process our own orders?
12. Do you have demographic/psychographic profiles or details on the audience? (age, income, business types, etc.)
13. What is the best price/package to offer?
14. Event History: (a) Have you done this event before? YesNo
Event History: (b) How many attendees were there?
Event History: (c) What did they pay to attend?
Event History: (d) How many speakers were there?
Event History: (e) How many do you anticipate will attend this year?
15. What speaker expenses will you be paying (travel, hotel, class, meals, etc.)?
16. What equipment is provided?
17. What equipment do you expect Orion to provide?
18. Are you promoting the event and to how many people?
19. Will Orion have additional obligations in order to participate?
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