This fall, take control of your life

Give yourself the
Gift of Transformation

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity where you will learn steps and actions to take to transform into your best self, and live your dream life.

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The Butterfly Effect is a 2-day transformational seminar held at the gorgeous

4-star Hotel Irvine in Orange County, CA on November 14th and 15th.

Time left to join:

If you feel at all unfulfilled or incomplete, if you're hiding your true self from the world,
the Butterfly Effect can help change that!


The butterfly has long been associated with transformation, renewal, rebirth, joy, and freedom. This delicate, yet mighty and graceful animal, is a symbol of hope and joy. During this event you will be in a cocoon-like environment of women who love and support each other; you'll feel safe to shed what no longer serves you and connect to your true gifts and powers.

As the great Nelson Mandela said, "You are powerful beyond measure." You have the power within you, sometimes you just need some guidance and inspiration to get there. Join me as a I provide you with a blueprint to change your life, and guide you towards a spiritual, mental, and physical transformation.


Here's a peek at some of the sessions that will be held:

  • How to work with little-known "universal laws"
    so that you can attract the right people, events, and success into your life.
  • Awaken your hidden superpower and become irresistible to anyone
    through the B.E.S.T. Quantum Change model.
  • From Stress into Spirit -
    Learn how to release stress and get more out of every day.
  • Release past pain that drags you down; live with unlimited potential, on your own terms.
  • Learn shortcuts and "biohacks" that will help you get healthier, leaner, and more energetic even with your busy schedule.
  • Ignite that part of you that is juicy, alive, super sexy, and unstoppable.
    Unleash your inner superhero!
  • Turn on your genius.
    to get into "flow" and let the creative part of you thrive!
  • Tap into the power of your subconscious.

The Butterfly Effect is a 2-day transformational seminar held at the gorgeous

4-star Hotel Irvine in Orange County, CA on November 14th and 15th.

Time left to join:


Orion Talmay is a Life Transformation Coach, Fitness Expert and Speaker. She works with fun, smart, successful women and helps them live the life they deserve in a body they love and awaken their feminine genius. Her mission is to light people up and empower them to change the world. She is the founder of Orion's Method and Vibrant Body Bootcamp. Her coaching programs are designed to unlock mental blocks and unleash your best self. Orion's Method is a holistic approach to wellness working with physical, mental and spiritual aspects to create total transformation. The system breaks through the barriers of the subconscious mind through NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and hypnotic techniques. Orion is a world traveler who learned from leading luminaries in personal development, health/wellness, and spirituality. She is a graduate of Tony Robbins' Mastery University, and has studied with Dr. John Demartini, Robert Allen, Oneness University, Landmark Education, Success Academy, Speaking Empire, Peak Potentials, and Blackbelt. Her fitness skills are in yoga, weight training, kickboxing, MMA, Krav Maga, and dance. She's held certifications with the AAPT, KBA, and AFFA. Orion is a contributor to the Huffington Post and, and she is writing her first book about transformational change. Originally from Israel, she lives in Santa Monica, CA.


Included in the program are several special guest presenters who will make this weekend a memorable adventure. They were handpicked by me because I know that their talents and knowledge will truly drive your transformational journey.

Their special contributions include:

Leading you with feminine movement so you can get in touch with your inner lustful lover. Increase your appreciation, connection and admiration for your body, and rock your confidence.

An amazing sound therapy session that is shown to create breakthroughs. Sound can be incredibly healing, and an acclaimed spiritual musician will be guiding you through a deep healing session with her music.

Start healing yourself through music played in the frequency of love

You will be surrounded by smart, successful, kind, and committed women just like you.

This event provides a safe space for you to grow and be loved.

We will be doing the work together and give you a space to express yourself unapologetically and to shine your truth.

At the end of the two days, you will find yourself transformed into your beautiful, empowered, unstoppable self. Think of the weekend as the launching pad to breaking through your mental blocks. The Butterfly Effect provides a safe environment that will help you shed the doubts and fears that are holding you back from being your best self.

Imagine yourself building up your self-esteem and being able to walk into a room and own it. Imagine walking differently because you are in love with yourself and your body. Imagine feeling so juicy and alive that men are mesmerized by you. It is all within your reach and can be realized when you join us. Set your course towards greatness by investing in yourself - it is the best investment you can make! My intention for you is to have that breakthrough and awaken your genius, so you can emerge powerfully, knowing how to integrate, accept, and love all the parts of you and use them all as needed. Now is the time to transform into full vibrancy with all your colors.

What Women Say

Nancy Kearny

The best part of working out with Orion is that she mixes things up and makes it really fun. What I loved the most about working out with her, the absolute biggest benefit that I got out of it, was that she doesn’t just focus on the body and appearances; she focuses on the whole being as well. She gave me such confidence and self esteem which really put my mindset back in a good spot, at a time when I needed the most support. I definitely recommend coaching with her – I know I’m going to continue!

Andrea Santorill

Orion is an excellent coach.  She is exceedingly knowledgeable, personable and fun.  Her workouts are always varied and interesting.  Orion is attentive to my strengths and weaknesses and consistently challenges and educates me.  She has a kind and generous spirit and is a great motivator!  I highly recommend Orion.

Page Shaver

I am 59 years old and had been struggling with menopausal weight gain for the last decade. I was making no headway at all; I looked dowdy and matronly and was getting more and more discouraged as the years went by. When I finally decided I couldn’t fight this on my own, I started working with Orion and everything turned around. She’s really knowledgeable about fitness training, kinesiology, diet, and stress management and incorporates them […]

Emily Cruse

I am so glad that I found Orion as my coach. Before starting training, I was feeling exhausted and frustrated from long hours at work and was developing poor nutrition habits. Throughout all of our sessions together, she was motivating, encouraging, and invested in helping me become stronger. Her outgoing personality and sense of humor helped create a fun atmosphere during training. Orion cares about how her clients are doing in their lives, and this sense of dedication is what distinguishes her as a coach.

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The Butterfly Effect is a 2-day transformational seminar held at the gorgeous

4-star Hotel Irvine in Orange County, CA on November 14th and 15th.

Time left to join:
Orions Method