
Conquer Emotional Eating With These 12 Weird Tricks

This post originally appeared in The Huffington Post on June 11, 2014. Your brain's been hijacked! You just blindly shoved a sweet, crunchy chocolate into your mouth. For a … [Read more...]


Swimming the Seven Seas: This Woman’s Amazing Story Will inspire You to Live Life to the Fullest

This post appeared on Huffington Post on September 2, 2014. It all started with a dare amongst friends -- who could swim from the California coast to Catalina Island? At just 14 … [Read more...]


Fit and Pregnant: Oxymoron?

This post appeared in the Huffington Post on February 3, 2014 Imagine a pregnancy with fewer mood swings, a speedy, easy labor, and fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans soon … [Read more...]


“Affirmations Are B.S.” and Other Things You Shouldn’t Believe

This post originally appeared on the Intent.com blog on August 30, 2013 “Affirmations? Yeah, whatever… I don’t do that new age B.S.! That’s only good for weak people with no … [Read more...]


5 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging and Lose Weight Once and For All

This post was first featured on the Intent.com blog on September 6, 2013 The adage goes that you are the average of the five people you hang out with the most. So, it would … [Read more...]

Orions Method