
How to Feel Sexier, Juicier, and More Alive!

If you clicked on this post, your inner bombshell is in dire need of being unleashed! 

Sometimes feeling sexy can feel like such a chore, especially when life gets in the way. Work, kids, taxes, chores… who’s got time to be sensual and seductive? Yet wouldn’t it be nice to add a little oomph to your life and maintain that sultry side of you? 

You don’t have to wait for a special occasion. You can feel sexier every day with the help of these steps. 

  • Start with some inner work. Being sexy starts with your self-confidence. You don’t need to have Gisele Bundchen’s long legs or Kim Kardashian’s booty to call yourself sexy. But if you feel like achieving a certain look will help make you feel sexier, by all means, go for it. But always remember that every transformation must start from within.
  • Put more effort into how you look. Self-care is also making sure you look your best on the outside. One of my podcast guests, Pamela Reaves always says, “if you look good, you feel good.” Whether it’s putting on makeup, changing things up with a new hairstyle, or dressing up for no reason, if it makes you feel more confident, by all means, go for it!
  • Be physically fit and active. Exercising or doing any physical activity releases dopamine, aka the happy hormone. Strength training, Kegels, yoga, and running may also increase your libido and boost your arousal.
  • Treat Yourself with Some Sexy Lingerie. Not only will you feel great in it, but your man will also appreciate your little surprise. Want to add a twist? Take him lingerie shopping with you. It’s definitely going to add spice to both of your days.
  • Dance! One of my favorite mentors, Sheila Kelley, came on the show to share her passion for pole dancing and the wonders it can do for our mindset. Pole dancing is such an empowering activity, and Sheila is spreading awareness that it shouldn’t be taboo. Whether it’s pole dancing, hip hop, salsa, or rhumba, dance naturally makes a woman feel closer to her feminine side, making her feel ultra sexy.
  • Learn something new. The feeling of accomplishment after trying out something new can instantly make anyone feel good. Whenever you feel empowered, appreciated, and beautiful in your own way, you feel sexy.
  • Change things up. Add some spice into your day. Move your furniture around your home or try out a different lipstick shade you usually don’t wear. Creating some sort of cognitive dissonance may alter you and your partner’s mood for the better.
  • Flirt with your lover. Sometimes we forget to flirt a little bit, especially if we’re in a long-term relationship. Banter a bit with your man or send a few titillating text messages and see how he reacts.
  • Pamper yourself. Draw yourself a lovely, warm bath, get a massage, head to the nail salon, and treat yourself. Let your senses feel calm and relaxed so you can focus on loving your body.
  • Have sex. Last but not least, nothing beats out of this world sex! There’s simply a lot of benefits when having sex. You beat stress, your health and appearance improve- the list goes on.

So there you have it. Whatever helps you feel more confident, sexier, and more alive, keep doing it! You are the queen of your body, and you always have the final say on what you want and don’t want to do with it. As long as you feel great and you share the light with others, keep your head up high, you sexy goddess!


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