A Personal Note From Orion
Welcome to another heart-opening episode that feels especially meaningful to share with you. I’m doing something a bit different – my husband Stephan is interviewing me, and we’re diving deep into topics that truly matter: transformation, manifestation, and accessing your inner wisdom.
In this intimate conversation, I’m sharing personal stories about overcoming challenges, including my journey through a difficult pregnancy where doctors gave me only a 5% chance of success. You’ll learn how I transformed those odds through unwavering faith and the power of visualization. We explore the delicate balance between sharing our dreams and protecting our energy and why sometimes keeping our manifestations private can be a powerful choice.
Whether you’re facing obstacles in relationships, seeking to strengthen your intuition, or looking to create lasting positive change in your life, this episode is filled with practical tools and spiritual wisdom to help you shine brighter. We discuss everything from body-mind connection practices to the importance of having fun while pursuing your spiritual growth.
I’m especially excited to share insights about raising your vibration, the power of gratitude in difficult times, and why focusing on ‘being’ before ‘doing’ can transform your manifestation practice. Plus, you’ll discover why sometimes the most challenging situations can be your greatest blessings in disguise.
Thank you for being part of this beautiful journey. Remember, you are infinitely powerful, and everything is always working for your highest good. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the show!
In This Episode
- [00:42] – Stephan Spencer introduces himself as Orion’s husband and mentions he will be interviewing her.
- [05:28] – Stephan invites Orion to reflect on moments of adversity that turned out to be blessings in disguise.
- [09:54] – Stephan and Orion delve into the idea of hidden blessings and emphasize the value of energetic boundaries.
- [13:01] – Orion explores the balance between modesty and sharing dreams with the right people.
- [18:52] – Orion highlights the importance of connecting with your body and sensations to enhance intuition. She outlines an exercise involving simple questions and body responses to practice this skill.
- [23:57] – Orion recounts a story about handling a noisy neighbor and underscores the power of sending love and blessings.
- [30:06] – Orion narrates a success story of overcoming social anxiety and insomnia through hypnotherapy.
- [34:34] – Orion offers advice on creating lasting changes, emphasizing the need to understand your core motivation.
- [37:46] – Orion explains the role of vision boards in visualizing goals with clarity.
- [44:28] – Orion concludes with three actionable tips for living a stellar life.
About Today’s Show
Hello and welcome to Stellar Life Podcast. I’m not your host, but I will be again for this episode. Yes, this is Orion Talmay’s podcast, but I’m her husband, Stephan Spencer, and I will be interviewing Orion for this episode. Orion is a hypnotherapist, transformational coach, host of the Stellar Life Podcast, and an amazing soul who has transformed lots of people, a beautiful soulmate to me, and a beautiful and amazing mother to our son. So, I would love to make this a free-form conversation. I’m not sure what we’re going to go into, but it’s going to all be perfect, and we’re just going to let it flow.
Yeah, let it flow. Thank you for the beautiful introduction. I really appreciate it. I would like to introduce you to my amazing husband. He is a three-time author. He wrote The Art of SEO, a textbook about search engine optimization taught in universities, and Google Power Search and Social eCommerce. He’s also very spiritual, very connected, and very kind. I’m just super glad you’re my husband. I love you very much.
I love you, too, so much.
It was a long journey for me to find this one—to attract it, not find it. It was all like a miracle from God.
And it was destiny, too. How does that work? How do you end up with something that seems to defy all odds, is miraculous and extraordinary, and is destiny or fate?
The quote that comes to mind is Tony Robbins’, “Jump, and the net will appear throughout your life.” I did that against all odds. I just went places and did things that were not logical, driven by intuition, inspiration, and faith—faith that everything was going to work out.
Yeah. Because everything is always for our highest good, for the best.
Rabbi Ish Gamzu said, “This, too, is for the good.” He lived hundreds and hundreds of years ago and went through real trials and tribulations, and yet he saw everything as good.
Sometimes, things that look good are not what you really need, and sometimes, things that look really bad are exactly what you need.
It’s also the idea that sometimes things that look good are not what you really need. And sometimes things that look really bad are exactly what you need. But it takes you time to look back and see, “Oh, wow, that was a gift, and this was for my best.” Ish Gamzu says, “This, too, is for the best.” Everything’s for the best. If something bad happens, it’s for the best. If something good happens, it’s for the best. You never know.
If you go off the rails, go off-road and do something with your free will that was really against God’s plan, you’re allowed to do that. But everything course-corrects at that point to allow you to experience everything for the best from that point forward.
Oh, it’s like this intricate machine with all the different levers, dials, and settings reconfigured, so you will get the most out of every experience. And you will get every experience to be the best experience you could possibly get. Even though you did something that you’re not proud of.
But at any point, we have the freedom of choice. We can choose life or the lesser things, but we are responsible for our choices and are given that choice. And when we make a wrong choice, we should own it. You don’t have to own it, but if you don’t own it, you’re in the place of a victim, and then you can’t move forward in your life, and everything is done to you. But the moment you own your mistake or everything happening to you, you say, “Okay, that’s my life right now. Take full ownership.” From that point on, you can move and build something more beautiful and stronger.
So what happens when you don’t take ownership?
Then you’re a victim. You go and tell everybody why your life sucks, and you connect to “life sucks” frequency and “life sucks” frequency brings more “life sucks frequency,” and your life sucks. That’s it.
We can choose life or the lesser things, but we are responsible for our choices.
Yeah, you get what you focus on.
Another quote I heard from Tony Robbins is, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”
Let’s talk about adversity as a gift, as a blessing. Maybe you could share some moments of adversity that you went through and how they were blessings after the fact they might have been revealed to you. Maybe they still haven’t been revealed to you as blessings, but maybe share some lessons or insights that you might have gotten from some of your biggest challenges.
One of my challenges was having our baby. The doctors gave me a 5% chance to conceive. From that experience, I learned a lot about manifestation. One thing is not to listen to your environment or your naysayers. I mean, doctors will be doctors. They will say what they say based on science, what they are taught, or their desire not to disappoint you or make false claims.
Your brain is the strongest pharmaceutical. Also, your connection with God is the most important thing because if God made you, you can change everything in your life. So, I have nothing against doctors. Doctors helped me a lot in this process of conceiving my baby. And yet, I didn’t listen to the 5% statistics in my mind. It was 95%. I switched the picture in my mind because nothing would have happened if I had focused on the 5%.
What's hidden from the eye has more blessing. Share on XIt wasn’t just that you had a 5% chance, and according to the doctor, the chances were, from a pure 3D perspective, looked pretty grim. You also had a great deal of adversity as you were going through that. You had your brain hijacked by hormones that were being pumped.
It was difficult. We did IVF, and so all these hormones that I was injected with were super overwhelming. It drove me nuts. And more than that, being very, very hormonal and also being really, really sick most of my pregnancy and being so afraid to not make it through that I didn’t tell anyone. So, I had a very lonely pregnancy. I only told people when I was nine months pregnant because I was so afraid that if I told anybody or heard people doubting me or looking like I didn’t know, people’s energies would affect me, and I wouldn’t be able to make it.
Only a few people knew about it, and only those who saw me with a big belly knew about it. I was like, “Surprise!” But I was dealing with a lot of loneliness and sickness. Throughout all that, I still had faith and belief and was just grateful that I could conceive and for everything that was going on. I did have maybe a couple of months of grace when I really loved being pregnant. I felt really beautiful and sexy, and it felt great. But most of the pregnancy was very tough.
Yeah, you were sick a lot. You had to rest a lot.
The fact that you manifest something doesn’t mean it’s not going to be hard. Sometimes, things are hard.
Even the birth story, which I didn’t want to get into, was very difficult. After that, I don’t want to get into that. The fact that you manifest something doesn’t mean it’s not going to be hard. Sometimes, things are hard. But everything I went through, I’ll do it again in a heartbeat. Because the gift that I got, our son, is the most beautiful gift of all. And I’m very grateful.
I’m not saying that women who didn’t conceive didn’t manifest correctly. They may have a different plan from the Creator. But in many cases, if you don’t give up, you’ll be able to get it. And that means holding a strong mental image in your mind and just believing in that. And if somebody’s saying 5%, you say 95%. If somebody’s saying you’re too old, you say, my body is young and vibrant. Somebody saying, you can do it, you say, I can.
I have this rebellious streak. When people tell me I can’t do something, I usually manage to do it. So, if you want to inspire me, tell me I can do something.
Another reason you didn’t share the pregnancy with people until the last minute was that quote from Judaism that I love so much about blessings hidden from the eye. How does that go again?
It’s not everyone’s belief, but in my culture, some of us tend to believe that what’s hidden has more blessings. You still see lots of celebrities, like, “I’m three weeks pregnant. Let me tell the world.” It was so special for me, and I cherished it so much. It was so vulnerable and felt like I was holding on to a little thread that I didn’t want to share with everybody from that aspect, too, that I didn’t want to have people’s energy going into the field or the baby’s field or people thinking about us or even like, envy. Envy energy is not good for anyone. So, I wanted to keep it hidden.
Let’s talk a little bit more about that. Let’s expound on what envy or jealousy energy is and why it’s dangerous.

Your brain is the strongest pharmaceutical, and your connection with God is the most important thing.
We are energetic beings, and we receive energy. If energy is negative and we don’t have energetic boundaries, it can affect our field and health. Even a loved one who doesn’t mean to harm you but has some kind of envious energy toward you can affect you in a bad way. It seems like there are two schools of thought. There is somebody saying, “Oh, shout your dreams. Scream your dreams. Share it with the world, and then everybody’s gonna help you.”
And somebody says, “What’s hidden from the eye has a blessing.” Maybe there is a middle ground where you can share, but you can share with the right people. It’s very important to share your dreams with the right people. So, there were a few people in my life. I didn’t live in isolation. A few people in my life and close family members knew exactly what was going on with me and what I was going through.
But I didn’t shout it out of the rooftops. If I go back, I might look for a little more support because pregnancy is hard. But I would still conceal it. I would not reveal it even with a new endeavor. I would not really share a new endeavor until maybe 70% is in motion. But that’s just me. It doesn’t mean this is the truth. Some people claim that the moment you have an idea, you have to shout it out so people can come and help you on your way and be there for you. Maybe that’s the right thing. I don’t know. You choose for yourself. I’m just sharing my feelings.
I think there’s something to that. What is hidden from the eye retains more blessing. You conceal that. You’ve got some amazing things cooking that God has gifted you with. And so you’re not premature in revealing it and not attracting that attention. Negative attention is in the form of jealousy or envy, which some refer to as an evil eye. You don’t need that. That spiky energy of people wishing that they had what you have.
I was going to get this from people. No matter where you are, you’re always better than somebody else. So there’s plenty of this energy. And it doesn’t mean it can hurt or affect you badly. It can if you really put a lot of focus on it. And yet, for me, with new projects and things that are in the making, I only share it with the right people.
And you rely on your intuition to guide you on who it’s right for and who it’s not right for.
Right. I used to be more of an open book, but I knew a lot about a lot. But now I’m sharing things. It might look like I’m an open book, but there are a lot of things I’m not sharing. I choose what information to share because in everything we share, there’s always an agenda. But I think in the past, it was just like, “Oh, let me be genuine.” So, being genuine meant sharing my life and every aspect of it. But you can be genuine and yet keep the things that you need to keep for yourself private. Privacy is important.
That’s another aspect of modesty, I think. Is it because if you’re oversharing all your blessings, then people are envious of that? Some are. And then that negative energy flows to you. So if you’re modest and unassuming and humble and not trying to outshine everybody, but know that we’re all sparks of God, we’re all equally important, then you see, let’s say, a homeless person in the same light as a celebrity that you’ve been wanting to meet for decades. They’re all just sparks of God, aspects of God, cells of source.
I choose what information to share because in everything we share, there’s always an agenda.
Yes. And if I see Gal Gadot or a homeless person, I would be more excited to see Gal Gadot. But I understand what you’re saying, and I’ve always been like that, that no matter who I’m dealing with, whatever they’re doing, if somebody is homeless on the street, I always see people as people, I always smile at them, and I always look at their souls. Most of the time, I try not to judge. Sometimes it’s hard. But I think I’m doing a pretty good job with it. It’s something I learned to do: to really see people as people and respect them for who they are.
And something, too, that I really appreciate and admire in you is that there are people who look really rough on the surface, whether it’s a homeless person or somebody just seeming to be in a lower class. You can see through the surface levels and the veneer, see their soul, and treat them with loving kindness, even though they might look really rough around the edges. And there are certain people you would have me stop and give money to that were homeless or just walking down the street, seemingly not well off, and give them money because you just had a feeling, a sense of them.
And it doesn’t mean that you have to give money to everyone you see in the street. You have to put judgment on it. Discernment. If you feel like something’s wrong here, or this person might be dangerous to you, don’t open the window of the car. There were many times when I did not open the car window.
Intuition’s really important to follow that and not dismiss that gut feeling or that sixth sense you have.
See people as people and respect them for who they are.
I want to get back to modesty. Sometimes modesty can be a disguise for spiritual bypassing or playing small. How so? Like, “Oh, I’m so modest. I’m not doing those things. Or I’m not advancing in life because I don’t want to be out there. “ Or “I’m so spiritual that I’m not going to even share what happened to me because I’m so modest.” I know modesty can be tricky. I understand. You have to be modest.
You always have to find the golden way. You don’t want to be over-arrogant. You don’t want to be overly modest. There are pros and cons for both. You just find what works for you and what feels genuine to you.
Yeah, I think there’s a difference between modesty and hiding. If somebody’s hiding because they don’t want to face potential rejection or being disliked or having haters or naysayers out there, that’s different than modesty. That’s not modesty. That’s hiding.
What’s modesty?
Modesty, for me, is just not over-showing your blessings because that’s for you and the Creator to know about, and selective few. The world doesn’t need to know about your $26 million home or whatever if you ever had one. Why rub it in people’s faces? But that’s separate from hiding because you’re afraid of getting polarized or people being unkind to you.

When you change, the world around you changes.
So what would be a good formula for our listener or viewer to use to tap more into that intuition, that inner knowing, that sixth sense? And Judaism is referred to as Ruach HaKodesh or the Holy Spirit. When you get that inspiration and give the homeless person money out of the blue, and it was completely out of your way to do so, but you just feel guided. How does somebody get more of those insights and that guidance?
I think the first step is to learn how to connect to your body and your sensations. If you’re very heady and you don’t have a connection to your body, try exercising that connection. Meaning, “What am I feeling right now? Where’s the feeling in my body? What is this situation causing me?” The body never lies. Somebody approaches you, and somehow, you walk back, but you feel like you need to talk to them.
If your body goes back, then it knows there is a subconscious understanding that something about that person’s energy field is not good for you. So look for the little signs. I even have an exercise you can practice: You ask questions, and you either sway right to left or back and forward. For me, a yes is forward, and a no is backward.
The more you practice connecting to your intuition, the more you will hear the right answers.
Some people do right and left. And you just practice throughout the day little questions like, “Should I eat this thing right now?” And then the body goes, yes or no, Your mind is craving it. But maybe your body’s like, “Not for you, not for now.” So if you practice those little practices throughout the day and even physically stretch and connect to your body, “What are the sensations in my hips and ankles? What’s going on?” And the more you are connected to your body, the more you’re going to be connected to your intuition. The more you practice connecting to your intuition, the more you will hear the right answers.
Also, when you are, let’s say, craving something, your body or mind is craving it, whatever. But you know, it’s not healthy. It’s not something that your body needs. It’s like sugar or whatever. How do you get behind the scenes of what is really happening? How do you know what the lack or the uncomfortable feeling is? The emotion that’s driving you to want the sugar?
You can go with what’s going on, and you’re just going to eat that sugary thing that you want. Or you can stop, and it’s intentional. If you want to live an intentional life and say, “Okay, now I want to not take sugar anymore,” then you practice. Every time you want to eat sugar, you’re like, “What is this feeling? What is this void?” And you’ll get the answers. The more you do it, the more you practice, the more you connect with yourself, the more you’re gonna get the answers. And even if you got the answer, it’s still a choice. You still have free will. It’s intention plus choice.
And when you get that information, that guidance, what do you do with it? Do you write it down in a journal? Do you just try and remember?
It depends on where I am and what I feel like doing.
The moment you own your mistake and take full ownership, you can move forward and build something more beautiful. Share on XDo you journal a lot?
Yeah, I journal, not every day, but especially when something really significant happened or something difficult happened. Sometimes, I have to put everything in writing in order for me to process it. If I just struggle with my ongoing thoughts, in and out, I won’t gain clarity. But if I take the time to write it down. It’s easier for me to process it and to understand more. And through the writing, answers come as well.
You can then see the blessing in it. However, maybe you didn’t realize this while you were experiencing that situation.
Maybe not. Maybe later. Sometimes, I know the blessings, and sometimes, I don’t. And it’s totally fine. I don’t need to know everything, but I do need to process my emotions.
Do you refer back to your journal entries after they’ve been written or once they’ve been published on paper or on a reMarkable tablet? Is that it? Or do you never need to look at them again?
If I feel called to, I go back to this. One day, I just felt like going through my notes and sitting for an hour. I have this note app on my computer and my phone. They’re synced together. And it just felt like going through all my notes years back. And it was amazing. I found a lot of great information. It’s always good to have something to refer back to.
And there again, you’re using your intuition to guide you on what to do next. And then you’re following it. Because if you ignore that intuition, then you get less of it. But if you pay attention and take action based on the intuition you’re receiving, you get more of it. What is a process or some exercise for someone who’s having family conflicts or conflicts at work or just conflicts with people? They could be strangers, but things that they’re not really processing well or handling well. What would be some frameworks or exercises for them to utilize?
So many. I think the first thing is to really put things down—pen and paper is really good. It really helps you release stuff. It’s like talking to a psychologist. Sometimes, you talk to a psychologist, and they just nod. So instead of somebody nodding, you have the pen and paper. You just let go like everything’s on the page without even stopping and keep writing, writing, writing.
Whatever comes up, comes up. Many times, you’ll find that within this writing, there are clues, information, and answers you were not expecting to get. It is also a place of surrendering, where if there’s an unsolved situation, just ask God, the universe, that intelligence running your life. Ask for help, and say, “Hey, I can’t do it on my own. Please help,” and then you hand the load to a higher power, your higher self or God to help you solve it. Things will unfold and get more clarity around it.
You can be grateful for what’s difficult and know that everything’s happening for you, and then this is for your highest good, even if you cannot understand why it’s happening. When you say, “Thank you for what’s good, but also thank you for this experience, I know this is for my highest good. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” This also opens like an energetic gate to things being unfolded in the right way and a great manifestation with a great outcome to happen. You can also send love and blessings to the person who hurts you.
Many times, you’ll find that within writing, there are clues, information, and answers you were not expecting to get.
I remember that we had a neighbor. Oh, my goodness. We recorded our podcasts. I was back in Santa Monica. There was a neighbor upstairs who was blasting heavy metal music and then, like, pounding on the floor, which is our ceiling, while we were recording the podcast. It was very difficult, and he was kind of scary. I remember lying down in bed and just sending him a lot of light and love, seeing him as a young child, and kind of connecting to his soul and surrounding him with love.
And the next day, it stopped. You also had some kind of guidance to do the same afterward, where you were talking to the Kabbalah teacher, who told you to do what I did, to send him light.
Yes. And pray for him. I did. And then the next day of the blue, I see him in the elevator. I’d never seen him in the elevator for however long we’d been there. Then, the next day, I saw him in the elevator. I would have gotten out normally, but because I had prayed for him, I stayed in and invited him in.
After you pray for somebody and send them love, you can look them in the eye, and they will feel your energy field and take off their guard. And then he told you that he was a veteran, and he’s got PTSD, right?
Yeah. He told me in the elevator that he survived an attempted murder, and that surprised me.
That’s why he put that very loud noise.
Yeah, that was a coping mechanism.
After you pray for somebody and send them love, you can look them in the eye, and they will feel your energy field and take off their guard.
Eventually, he stopped putting that noise. One day, I ordered a quite heavy box with a divider, and this guy, without me asking him, just carried it from the mail area and put it in front of my home. It was very sweet. So it’s amazing how things happen if you keep yourself in judgment and see people within their own box, within you. I could put somebody in a box. “This is the crazy person, the crazy neighbor.”
This is never going to change. I’m just going to keep thinking evil thoughts about them. But people have infinite potential and can change or somehow miraculously drop off your life, or things can happen. You shift into a completely different reality. Because when you change, the world around you changes. You might not change the person. This was a good story. But that person could have been a salty your path.
But if we had done that, it could have disappeared from our lives, or we might have moved, or something would have changed, so we wouldn’t have to deal with this situation the moment we stopped giving it a lot of energy and negative attention.
Because we have infinite potential, everyone is. And when you have a predisposition or prejudice towards somebody, you collapse that field of possibility into the version that you most expect.
You expect them to be.
You’re going to create them in your reality exactly that way. It’s difficult to get out of that trap, though, especially if someone is close to you. It’s hard. You have to keep reminding yourself, listen to this podcast, read something, or write something in your mirror to remind yourself that you can change your reality and everybody who plays a part in this reality. You might not change them, but you change your relationship with them and your feelings toward them.
Being is more important than doing. Become the person you want to be first. Share on XWhat would be an example of something you’ve written on your mirror?
I haven’t written on my mirror for a long time. I used to write affirmations like, “I love myself. I’m successful. I’m getting better and better,” and that was good. It helped.
That’s one modality—a very simple one. But there are more in-depth ways to reprogram your consciousness, too, like hypnotherapy.
Tell us more about some hypnotherapy-type interventions or modalities.
One intervention I did for my friend—she is mega successful. She works with big people like Deepak Chopra and many leaders and luminaries. But she had social anxiety, and she would have social anxiety. I gave her a hypnotherapy session, and she cured her social anxiety, which was amazing because we went into her subconscious mind. I regressed her into times in her life where a belief was formed, and then we reframed that belief with a stronger, more powerful one. And she just dropped her social anxiety.

Practice keeping promises to yourself as faithfully as you keep them to others.
But there was a side effect to that. She cured her insomnia. I didn’t know she had insomnia, but just randomly. I called her a few months later, and she said, “Oh, by the way, my fiance and I listen to your recording every night before we go to sleep. I’m like, “Really? Wow. Amazing.” And she’s like, “Yeah. And I didn’t tell you, but I used to have insomnia, and it’s gone.”
That’s amazing.
I know. It’s amazing. After a hypnotherapy session, I give my clients a recording they can listen to for at least 21 days to anchor the change. It’s like the neurons connect, but you have to keep strengthening it until it becomes a firm new belief.
You’ve planted seedlings, and you need to water them.
Fertilize them. That’s awesome. Let’s say someone faces a fear or phobia and may be uncomfortable with flying or being in the water, on the beach, or in the ocean. This is a way they can release that. They can cure that. By the way, I love that you said she cured her social anxiety. I don’t know if you caught that, but you said she cured it. You didn’t say I cured it because you let them be the captain of their own ship. You did not take credit for it.
Every time I have a session, it’s just me opening up to source energy to come through me.
Absolutely. It would be silly to think I’m creating the change. Every time I have a session, it’s just me opening up to source energy to come through me. Yes, there is the format of what I do, the methods, and the systems, but nothing will work unless I am a channel, for it is like divine energy to come and help me be the container for them to heal. But they’re healing themselves.
Everybody who comes and wants to have an intervention, I always ask them, “How much do you want it from 1 to 10?” I’m not working with them if they’re not an 8, 9, or 10. You have to have a strong desire and trust that you can change. At that moment, I’m just a secondary character in their life to give them that redirect that is boosted by infinite intelligence. But it’s not my doing. It’s them and God.
It’s really important what kind of healer you are. Regardless of whether you are a healer, coach, transformation expert, or practitioner of any sort, it’s important to transfer the credit that this is God working through us, not us.
I’m just a drop in the bucket of infinite intelligence. And what I know is a drop within that drop. I can bring about change and be that power line by connecting to this vast ocean of infinite intelligence. I’m just a power line. I’m not the electricity, and I’m not the light bulb from the power line. That’s a cool metaphor. I just thought about it.
I like it. The new year is coming very quickly—not the Jewish New Year, which we had several months ago—January 1st. Many people plan for a lot of changes, improvements, and resolutions to be better. And then, two weeks into it, they drop them. How do you make changes that stick?
Do a hypnotherapy session with me.
You cannot manifest anything from a low frequency. You've got to be in your beingness first and elevate yourself. Share on XThat would be good.
But what you can do is first understand your biggest why. Why do you have this desire? And write down a whole list of why you want it. And then you can write down a whole list of how you’re going to feel or what’s going to happen if you’re not going to have it. And that will polarize that sensation. It will make it more extreme in your eyes, so you already have more drive to do it. Then, the main work is not about ‘doing.’ The main work is about the ‘being.’
What can you do to be more full of juice and liveliness and sexiness and joy and fun? That’s the real work. From that, when you are at this higher frequency, and you go, even if you feel low, then you just go up. It’s better to be bored but not depressed. It’s better to be interested but not bored. It’s better to be joyful than interested. Just go up that scale of emotion.
If you try to feel a little better every day, at the end of a month or a year, you’re going to be in such a place of self, love, and joy, and it’s going to move you forward.
If you try to feel a little better every day, at the end of a month or a year, you’re going to be in such a different place and from that place of self, love and joy, it’s going to move you forward. You’re going to create the inertia to keep moving forward. And then you have to keep promises to yourself. Again, it comes down to a choice. Do you keep promises to yourself? You keep promises to other people; why not to yourself? Keep your promises.
One thing we learned from Kabbalah classes was that there’s something that precedes the desire, which is the manifestation, which is profound because people think that the manifestation, the result, comes after you have the desire for the thing. But the desire wouldn’t exist in you if you hadn’t already received the fulfillment of that desire.
So in the upper worlds and the heavens and the unseen world, you have already received the thing, whatever it is. If you want to learn to play a musical instrument, you already desire that. You have achieved it. You have fulfilled that desire. Because if you hadn’t fulfilled that desire in the unseen world, you wouldn’t have the desire for it in the first place.
Okay. Beautiful.
I love that. It helps me feel a sense of awe, surrender, and relaxation about some huge goal, dream, or desire I might have. Like, “Oh, well, it’s already happened. It’s already occurred.” It’s just a question of whether it’s manifesting itself into this timeline or reality. It’s not a foregone conclusion that it will manifest here, but it’s already manifested up in the heavens. Now, I just need to maintain my level of faith. Want to share anything further about desire and manifestation or desire and fulfillment?
I know some people talk down on vision boards. I don’t disagree with them. What helps you see a clear picture in your mind? You can go to orionsmethod.com. I have an article about vision boards and my TV appearance about vision boards, where you can see a pretend vision board I made. It’s really pretty. It’s very simple.
You just put pictures of the thing you desire on a vision board and have a lot of excitement and happiness when you do it. Look at it every once in a while, or just keep it in your drawer, and you’ll see that a lot of themes have been manifested. It helps you see a very clear picture in your mind.
The higher your vibration, the better you will manifest whatever you’re creating in that vision board. So, my understanding is that if you are depressed and low-vibrational and you’re trying to create a vision board from that low vibration, you’ll have a hard time. However, if you work on developing that sense of awe and connection with the Creator, you should do some meditation and maybe guided visualization before you do the vision board exercise.
To increase your frequency. Sometimes what I do, I go on YouTube, and I find high-frequency music to tune my mind into a higher frequency. Today, the music that is being broadcast is of low frequency. I don’t know why they changed the frequency of the music. It’s not as elevated as it used to be. It’s not as helpful as it used to be. So you can put frequency music and listen to it, or there are some frequencies you can just sleep with. You cannot manifest anything from a low frequency. That is amazing. You gotta be in your beingness first and elevate yourself.
What sort of frequencies do you find on YouTube? What number do you look for?
I don’t know. I’m just saying high-frequency music. I follow my intuition about what sounds good and might resonate. I don’t remember if it’s 432 or 440. There are so many. They’re all for different things.
You can also raise your vibration using the quantum block from Leela Quantum Tech. We have one just 10 meters away that helps flood this whole place with quantum energy.
It’s great. It supports your energy field and your environment, but your environment does not determine whether or not you will succeed in your manifestation. It’s always a choice. It’s about you putting that mental picture in your mind and trusting it that it’s manifesting and trusting God that God will flow through you and not taking no for an answer. Even if somebody’s doubting that, don’t put doubt into that picture.
When you bring doubts, which is normal, you will, but make sure that trust is more than the doubt because that will bring the manifestation to happen. You can carry a small note in your pocket and read it a few times a day. You can also read affirmations morning and night, look at your vision board near your mirror, or do whatever helps you focus on that outcome.
Another thing is to feel abundant. It’s important to let the energy of prosperity flow through you and not try to hold on to it tightly like a crimped-up garden hose. Let the energy flow so that it means giving charity, or in Hebrew, Sadaqah. And the more that you.
It’s good to give charity in the new year. But it’s also really good for the flow. If you give and you get, you’ll be in the flow. If you just hold on to your money, even when you don’t have money, you’ll be in the flow. I always give, even when I don’t have money. Like times when I was so broke, I always give money to charity. Even if it’s a dollar for a homeless person, always give money. Always give.
There is always somebody else who’s struggling more than you. Open your heart, open your hand.
There is always somebody else who’s struggling more than you. Open your heart, open your hand. Give when you give. Believe me, you will receive it. You will receive so much—you might receive an incredible relationship, and you might receive incredible abundance. You’ll receive blessings when you give. When you let go, you will definitely receive.
Yeah. The formula for Judaism is 10%. How do you like to perform or give to that charity? Do you like to do it where you save it to the end of the year and do it all at once for the whole year, or do you like to look forward to what you believe you can make with God’s assistance, then you take 10% of that and so that you can pledge that going forward?
No, I don’t pledge that forward. I give 10% of what I make, ideally every month. You break it up over the years.
Now we’ve got to do a lot at once at the end of the year.
But for me, it’s not what I think I’m going to get. Also, in Judaism, it’s from what you make. I think you’re not allowed to give more than 20%. That’s a sin. You give 10% or 20%, but no more than that. Most people give 10%.
But there’s an inspiring video from Berel Solomon, who explains that God invites us to test him in the Bible, pledge a large amount of money, and see that God will provide for that.
I believe it can happen. I believe it’s true. I’ve done it in different forms in my life, and it takes a lot of courage. And if somebody struggles with 10%, give 2%, give 1%, or give something. Just be in the giving mode.
If our listener or viewer wants to take some simple positive steps based on what we discussed already or something new, what are three tips at the end of the episode for them to have a stellar life, make a big impact, and live their best life?
Yes. From what we talked about today, it’s about connecting to your body and your intuition. There are many ways to do this, and there are many episodes on this podcast that discuss intuition and how to connect. There are also episodes about connecting to your body. The knowledge is there; it’s for you to seek. So, connect your body to your intuition.
Do you have a particular episode that pops into your mind?
So many. Number two is that ‘being’ is more important than ‘doing.’ The first step is ‘being,’ increasing your frequency, becoming the person you want to be and seeing yourself as the person you want to be from that place. Manifestation is much easier guided and is being attracted to you instead of you chasing and working really, really hard? Yes, you need to work in the physical realm for what you want, and your beingness is more important. The way you are will bring about. What you focus on will manifest.
Number three is to have fun. When we talk about heavy stuff—and I’m so serious—talking about all this manifestation sounds really heavy. But honestly, I think the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy your life. Enjoy every moment, and be grateful for what you have. Smile, laugh, dance, do silly things, watch stupid movies, and enjoy your life. Because this is the only life you have, so you might as well have some fun.
Good stuff.
Yes. And happy New Year for you.
How does our listener continue to learn from you, work with you, and all that? Where do you want to send them?
To orionsmethod.com and orion.talmay on social media. I invite you to connect with me, write, review, and subscribe. Your support will help me share knowledge tremendously. Thank you for listening, and I love you very much.
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
{✓}Engage in daily body-mind connection exercises to deepen your intuition. Begin by tuning into your bodily sensations throughout the day.
{✓}Reflect on challenging situations by writing them down to gain insight and process emotions. Allow your thoughts to flow freely onto the page, and identify patterns or hidden messages within your writing.
{✓}Offer love and light to difficult people to transform relationships. Imagine them surrounded by healing light and positivity.
{✓}Keep your manifestations confidential until they are 70% complete to safeguard your energy from potential negativity.
{✓}Cultivate gratitude for both challenges and blessings, recognizing that everything unfolds for your highest good.
{✓}Journal regularly, particularly during significant life moments. Use this practice to document your growth and transformation.
{✓}Harness visualization techniques and create vision boards infused with high-frequency energy. Stay positive while designing and engaging with these tools.
{✓}Contribute consistently, even when resources seem scarce. Share what you can and give with a mindset of abundance.
{✓}Prioritize “being” over “doing” in your personal transformation journey. Focus on elevating your vibration and aligning your energy with your desired outcomes.
{✓}Incorporate joy and fun into your pursuit of goals. Balance spiritual practices with playful and lighthearted activities.
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About Stephan Spencer
Stephan Spencer is an internationally recognized SEO expert, internet entrepreneur, consultant, and professional speaker. He has keynoted and spoken at hundreds of conferences including American Marketing Association (AMA), Shop.org, Internet Retailer, IRCE, and PubCon. He contributes to a number of marketing journals and blogs, including Search Engine Land, CNET, and more. He currently hosts the Marketing Speak and Get Yourself Optimized podcasts, both of which have appeared in the iTunes New and Noteworthy.
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