Episode 255 | July 13, 2021

Choosing Happiness with Brendon Watt

A Personal Note From Orion

Accepting who we are can be an uncomfortable and challenging life journey. But it usually begins when we stop trying to become who society wants us to be and start choosing our happiness. 

I’m joined by Brendon Watt on today’s episode. He shares how he transformed his life 11 years ago. From actively choosing happiness in all of our decisions to giving ourselves allowances, he walks us through how we can truly accept who we are.

As a lead facilitator at Access Consciousness®, he has encouraged others to step out of judgment and freely express their authentic self for a fulfilling life. He’s shared how choosing happiness significantly transforms your life for the better. 

He’s a global speaker, entrepreneur, and business and life-mentor. He’s also the co-author of the best-selling book, Relationship: Are You Sure You Want One? Listen in as he shares how being your authentic self turns your life around.


In this Episode

  • [00:51] – Orion introduces Brendon Watt, a global speaker, entrepreneur, business and life-mentor, lead class and workshop facilitator at Access Consciousness, and the co-author of the best-selling book, Relationship: Are You Sure You Want One?
  • [05:56] – Orion and Brendon talk about how trying hard to fit in never works and how many people are unhappy because of this. 
  • [10:41] – Brendon shares how he found Access Consciousness while reading the newspaper during a low point in his life. 
  • [15:29] – What the victim mentality is and how people can break through it. 
  • [21:32] – What allowances are, their significance, and how people can create and benefit from them.
  • [28:30] – The most significant step of choosing happiness is looking at your choices and being honest with yourself about them.
  • [33:21] – Brendon shares the tools he uses in Access Consciousness
  • [38:41] – Brendon shares how he realized he’s still in the journey of finding his unique self after being asked by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, founders of Access Consciousness, to facilitate Choice of Possibilities, an advanced class.
  • [42:54] – How judgment and comparing ourselves to others are what destroys us.
  • [46:58] – Visit Brendon Watt’s website and check out Access Consciousness if you want to change your life but don’t know where to start.

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About Today’s Show

Hey, Brendon, and welcome to the Stellar Life podcast. Thank you for being here. 

Thank you for having me.

Thank you so much. Before we begin, can you share a little bit about your passion, your mission in life, and how you found it?

Growing up, I always knew I was different.

Growing up, I always knew I was different. I knew that there had to be more than what people were talking about. People were talking about, oh, you get a job, you get a relationship, you have kids, you settle down, and then you pay tax. Basically, they would just give me this thing. I thought, yeah, but what else? What else is beyond that? 

I did all that. I did the life that I’d been given, the identity to live by. I did all that. As the years went on, I was so unhappy 11 years ago. I found Access Consciousness. That’s when my life really started to turn around. I started realizing that there’s a whole lot more to this world, but there’s also a whole lot more to me and I’ve been exploring that since. 

It’s been a journey. It’s definitely not been a comfortable one. I’ve got to find out things about myself. It’s not just the good things. There are also these other things that we hide from within ourselves. I’m so honored that I get to facilitate other people in that. That would definitely be one of my greatest joys is to facilitate a class and see somebody walk in on day one as this person that they think they are while also hating themselves for that person, and watching them three days later walk out and just be, you know what, I have so much of a sense in me. That to me is just the greatest gift.

It’s beautiful. What do you think about your childhood that made you want to fit in?

I remember when I was six and I just started school. I guess when I started getting around kids like that, I didn’t have any friends and I realized I was really different. I just saw the world differently. I realized one day that I didn’t have any friends. Nobody would come and hang out with me, play with me, or anything. I realized that in order to have friends and to fit in, I needed to be somebody normal, be somebody else. I basically started creating the image of myself from then on.

Relationship by Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt

I can relate. I had a very interesting childhood myself. At 15, I became this rebel and adopted this rock star personality and a hippie personality. It served me and it was cool. I always did things my way. I had just a few hundred dollars. I went to Japan for 3 weeks and ended up staying there for 3 1/2 years. 

When I was in Japan, I adopted the Japanese culture of more of a Harajuku style where you just wear whatever, like lots of interesting things. I wasn’t completely Harajuku, but I was in a very trendy Japanese style where it’s crazy fashion, it’s colors, and it’s out there. It’s really fun. 

Then, I came to the U.S. and I studied acting. I wanted to fit in because my accent was really heavy. I could not speak English well and even reading was very difficult. That was already an obstacle. I’m different.

Where are you from?


Oh, nice.

I’m very different. I speak differently and I look different. I have all these really fun belts. I wanted to fit in. My experience being there was very uncomfortable because it was very cliquey. It was like being in high school. 

I’ve never experienced something like that in high school, but there were the popular kids and the non-popular kids, and I was not a popular kid. I really wanted to fit in. I started losing all the colorful attire and started wearing just black and gray and just T-shirts, just putting everything that was a part of me aside in order to fit in. It never works.

That’s the big thing is that it never works. This is why with the world the way it is now, there are so many people that are unhappy. There are so many people that think that having them is like, let me fit in. We think that that’s it. I know it for me too. 

I’m not sure if it was the same for you, but it’s like you don’t cognitively see another option. It’s like, either be an outsider or fit in is basically a two-choice universe. Like you said, all of the beautiful things about you get put aside so that you can create yourself as this personality. You basically create the box of your reality the same as everybody else’s and then you wonder why you’re miserable. It’s because you’ve lost the essence of who you are.

It’s because you’ve lost the essence of who you are.

I tried so much to dim my light that I forgot how to ignite it again. It was a journey to find it and to find self-expression as me.

It definitely is a journey. But like you said, we dim our light but we don’t lose it which is the thing that gets me excited because you’ve basically put the fire out but there is still a flame. Anything that we have been, anything that we are, anything that’s true for us, we still are. We just cover it up really well with all of the other things that we are not, that we choose instead. That’s what I love seeing with people, okay, how do we bring you out again? Where did you go? I know you’re in there hiding somewhere. How do we expose you to you again?

How do you do that?

From a question, to begin with, and looking at your life and going, is this truly the life that I desire to create? Is this what’s bringing me joy? For me, it wasn’t. Eleven years ago, when I found Access Consciousness, I was basically at a point where I’d lost hope.

What does losing hope look like to you?

Basically, total unhappiness, not seeing possibilities at all. Being in a hole that you can’t seem to find the way out of. I was like, there’s no way out of this hole. I might as well just cover myself in it and just leave the world behind. But as soon as I started realizing that the question was the beginning, what is true for me—even starting with that—and what would I like to create my life as?

As soon as I started going from the answer, nothing ever works out. “I’m hopeless, I’m pathetic, I’m no good, nobody likes me”—all of these different things that run through our heads and basically create our lives and keep them recurring the way that they do. I wonder what else is possible? Even in that question, doorways started opening for me. 

I came from nothing.

I came from nothing. I didn’t have money. I grew up poor. I grew up with a lot of abuse. I grew up with all of these different things that would validate that, which a lot of people do as well and I get that.

I can relate. I come from a similar upbringing.

What I was doing was that was my story. It’s like, I am this because of this. It was this reaction to the past that I was creating my future. I was doing victim, basically. Well, because I had abuse, because I had all of these different things growing up—I was bullied a lot, and all these countless things—I now have a reason and justification for why my life sucks. Now I have the story, now I don’t have to change basically. 

It was one of my first seminars that I took with Access Consciousness.

How did you find them by the way?

Like I said, I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I was so unhappy. I just left a long relationship with a girl that I had a child with. We had him one week on and one week off at a time. He was four at the time. 

I was sharing this tiny, little bedroom with him at my mother’s house, waking up every morning miserable. This kid would wake up next to me and go, “Dad, what are we doing today?” He’d just be this ball of joy and I couldn’t even receive that. It’s interesting to look back on it now. I made a demand one day. I just went, you know what, this needs to change. My life needs to change now. I’ve had enough of this. I don’t want to live like this anymore. It was just a demand in me.

Possibilities are infinite. We can create, receive, and exist in ways that not many people talk about. Share on X

The next day, I was reading the newspaper and I found this tiny, little thing in there that said, “All of life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory. Call Mel,” and it had a phone number. That was it. Tiny, little two-lined ad in this paper. 

I called this girl. I was like, “What do you do?” She said, “I do something called the Access Bars. At worst, it will be like you had a great massage. At best, your whole life will change.” My whole life quite literally did that day.

What kind of massage is that?

It’s a hands-on body process. It still to this day is my favorite thing in the whole world, but when lightly touched, it’s basically like clearing the crap out of your life. If anyone wants to find it, you can find it at accessconsciousness.com.

Is it only in Australia or is it global?

No. Actually, I’m in the U.S. right now. I live in the U.S.

Oh, where do you live?

I live in Houston, Texas.

Cool. I’m in Florida right now.

Oh, nice. I was in Florida a month ago or something.

Come visit us.

This was the beginning for me.

Okay, good. I will. Access Consciousness now is in 176 countries around the world. It is everywhere. It’s massive. We’ve got thousands of certified facilitators. We’ve got tens of thousands of Bar’s facilitators. Just so many different things. 

This was the beginning for me. As soon as I found this, it’s not like, oh my God, now my life is just amazing. It changed the energy. It’s like my tiny, little flame of a fire that I had left called me and got some fuel added to it. Basically, I’ve been on the journey of finding more of that since.

Wow. I like what you said about being in the journey because it just seems like we have infinite potential and we are ever-expanding. We keep learning about our abilities and everything that we can do and manifest in this world. It’s never-ending.

Exactly. It is never-ending and possibilities are infinite. We have the capacity to create, receive, and be in ways that not many people talk about. My life has changed so much the more that I’ve been willing to be me because the more I’ve been willing to be and start showing up as me, the more I actually start receiving. 

We have a whole universe that desires to contribute to us, but we’ve been taught such rigid ways of how to live—this equals this. If you do that, then you get this. We basically spend our lives trying to be right, trying to get this world right, and this reality right rather than exploring what else is actually possible and what’s beyond it.

Anything that we have been, anything that we are, anything that’s true for us, we still are. So we just cover it up with all of the other things that we are not, that we choose instead.

When we’re in that state, there is a lot of goodness and manifestation that can come into our lives, but when we are in the victim mentality, it just blocks everything. I know I had that victim mentality more than once in my life. Every once in a while, I find myself doing that. Oh, poor me, why did that happen to me?

Because of the work that I did on myself, I can catch myself, I can turn it around, see the gift in it, move forward, or not stay in it for too long. I also know a lot of people that describe other people as having a victim mentality, but they themselves live in that victim mentality and everything is done to them. How can one recognize that he or she is in the victim mentality? What can they do to breakthrough?

The victim mentality I guess is anywhere that you are trying to validate why you are and who you are. Like, I’m unhappy because or I have no money because. If you get that, everything in life is a choice, that we actually choose to be victims, we’re not just made them.

I get it with all the abuse and stuff like that. That’s why I enjoy speaking about it. It is because I didn’t come from a rosy background. I get when people go into, “Yeah, but you don’t get it, I was abused and stuff like that.” I’m like, “Yeah, I actually do get it,” but one of the things that set me free of it was recognizing that I still have a choice. 

Victim mentality is anywhere that you are trying to validate why you are and who you are.

That’s really the big thing that a lot of us have given up. We’ve gone from infinite choice and we’ve basically compressed it into a menu of what’s right and wrong, which is the thing that gets us stuck. When I first realized—it was in one of my seminars early on—that everything that was showing up in my life was because of every single choice that I’ve ever made. When I heard that, I went, wow. So if I’m this unhappy and if I think I’m this much of a piece of crap from all the choices I’ve made, then I wonder what it would be like if I started making different choices.

My life really started turning around because I realized that I was the creator of it. I’d created everything in my life based on the choices that I was making. It takes you out of reaction and into action. Being proactive with recognizing that there’s always something else possible, always.

I would see myself as a good example of this because I’ve had situations in my life where I’ve thought, oh my God, I just completely destroyed something. But also, knowing this, what else is possible? I wonder what else is possible beyond this? Then it gets me into that proactive state of recognizing that the choices that we make are what creates our lives and not only our present but our future.

What were the different choices that you made?

One of them was I started recognizing that I was choosing unhappiness.

Taking responsibility.

Taking action, definitely.

Owning who you are and where you are.

Take a look at your life and ask the question, 'Is this truly the life that I desire to create? Is this what's bringing me joy?' Share on X

Definitely. That takes a lot of vulnerability and a lot of courage to actually go, you know what, I hate my life right now but I’ve chosen it. As long as I know I’ve chosen it, I’m going to start choosing something different. I recognized that I was choosing unhappiness. I was choosing no money. I was choosing to share that bedroom at my mother’s house with my four-year-old son. I was choosing to be miserable. 

When I recognized I was choosing that, I went, you know what, I’m going to start choosing something different. That was with every choice that I started making. Because the other thing that we do with choices is we think that once we’ve chosen, we’re now bound by that choice. But we’re not. We just keep choosing it as a way to try and get what we’ve chosen right so that we can justify why we’ve chosen it. 

When I realized that each choice we have is good for 10 seconds and you can make another one 10 seconds later, I was like, okay, cool. I’d still choose unhappiness, but I’m recognizing that moment that I was choosing it and go, what if I made another choice? What if I just went, for the next 10 seconds, I’m going to choose happiness and start getting really present with every single thing that was showing up in my life and recognizing that I had a different choice?

What if you are near someone that really triggers you? In my case, my mom. I want to make the choice to be the great Mother Teresa daughter, but, man, she knows how to dance all over my buttons over and over and over again. I love her. She’s a wonderful woman, but I get triggered. How can I make different choices when I’m around her? The emotions interfere with a logical level. Okay, now I’m going to make a choice not to try to scream.

We spend our lives trying to change what we cannot, rather than allowing for them.

One of the things is in order to be something for somebody else, what a lot of us do is rather than just go, this person needs to see me as this, this is the image that they want to see me as, most of us become it. We’ll go, okay, my mom wants to see me as Mother Teresa, that image of the perfect child, the saint, the angel, oh my goodness, my daughter’s the best thing—whatever that is. What we’ll do is we’ll try to become that image rather than act it. In becoming it, that’s when we have to give up all these parts and pieces of us. That is one of the biggest triggers.

When we give up on us, when we give up on the elements of being, what being us is and what being true to us is, that’s when we get triggered so easily because we’ve lost our ability to have allowance for others also. Then, we start taking everything personally. Someone will say something and you’re just like, oh my God. Everything becomes a personal attack.

The way out of it is allowance and “allowance is everything” is just an interesting point of view. Everything and everybody is what they are because they’re choosing to be it. It’s allowing everything, but it is not having a projection or an expectation that it should be something different. When you have that, you get to be all of you in the presence of anything and you don’t have to eliminate any part of you because you have that allowance for yourself also. 

In getting into that, because you’re like, oh my god, that sounds amazing, but how do I get there? Good question.

You don’t have to eliminate any part of you.

That was my next question. Thank you so much for reading my mind. I’m like, wow, that sounds amazing on paper.

Exactly. Allowances, that space of allowing everything to be what it is where everything is just an interesting point of view. Anywhere that you’ve got a fixed point of view, these are the things that stick. Say it in your head, interesting point of view, I have the point of view that my mother needs me to be this. Interesting point of view, I have the point of view that I need to give myself up for my mother. 

You keep going with all of those fixed points of view that keep showing up for you and they start dissipating. Beyond that, you start saying, oh, wait a minute, I actually still have a choice. I had this experience once where in my previous relationship that I was in, we had to go out to lunch with her mother. Her mother is, let’s just say, not a nice woman, not somebody that I would really like to spend too much time with—just unkind. 

We had to go out to lunch and I really didn’t want to do it. I made it just, well, it’s a necessity. I just have to go. I didn’t realize at the time that I was choosing it. I was so frustrated. I was like, why do I have to do this? With no allowance at all, I had a fixed point of view that I was being made to do it. I was like, what is this? I went, “Oh, I’ve given up choice.” 

What would it be like if I actually went, “You know what, I’m choosing to go to lunch”? I might not want to, but I’m also willing to choose it because it’s going to create more for everyone. I knew that it was going to make my partner’s (at the time) life easier and it was going to create more for everybody in a way. I’m going to do it from a different energy. I’m going to do it from the space of choice. 

As soon as I made that different choice and got to that allowance of the situation, the whole thing changed because it’s the energy that we are. We’re all energetic beings. When you shrink yourself in and you’re just like, oh, I have to do this, you resist and react to everything. That which you’re resisting and reacting to keeps coming at you. You’re like a deer in the headlights with it because anything that you resist keeps showing up. If you look at anything in your life that you’re resisting and you’re going, why does that keep showing up? That’s because you have no allowance for it.

My life started turning around because I realized that I was the creator of it. Share on X

Interesting. As you were talking, I was thinking to myself, wow, I have a lot of “shoulds” and “I have to.” I have to be a good daughter. I have to make her feel comfortable. I have to make her happy. I have to do this, this, and this. Even like giving up myself in order to please, in order to do what I should do. Like you said, it creates resentment. 

I do it by the book. I do everything I need to do, but then inside there is an ugh, I don’t want to do this. I want my freedom. It’s a conflict of interest. Then, she says something and I get triggered. It happens. 

Especially because we moved to Florida and now she’s living with us so it’s more intense. It’s not like I visit her once a week. She’s with me. She doesn’t speak English, so I need to take care of everything.

With that, for example, if you looked at it and went, okay, I’ve chosen this.

I have, yes. I want her here. She’s wonderful. It’s wonderful for my son. It’s great having her here. And there is my internal self-work that I need to do with this.

That’s the allowance part. It’s such a freeing thing to know that anything like that can show up in your life when you’re willing to be present with it and be vulnerable with yourself. Even though I chose this, it’s pissing me off, I’m resenting it, and we do it. We choose things in our lives and then suffer because we don’t see another choice beyond it. But my question with that would be, what would make it more fun for you? What would make it workable for you?

There is no destination and finish line to being you. It’s an ever-expanding universe.

Are you asking me?

I’m asking in general but with you and with what you brought up because in you bringing that up—and thank you for bringing it up—it’s something that people could take your mother out, for example, and add in their child, add in their work, or add in their relationship. Basically, you’ve given an outline for the way that people function when we don’t have an allowance and when we say that we have to give ourselves up in order to live in this place of no choice. 

What is the next step?

We’ve got that getting to allowance but then being in question and going, I’ve created this the way it is. My mom lives here with us in Florida. I’ve got to basically take care of everything. Look at what you’ve created, acknowledge it, and go, okay, I’ve created this. Now, what else is possible beyond it? 

Because that’s the other thing we do. We sit in the mud thinking that we’ll figure out why we’re in the mud and once we figure out why we’re stuck in the mud, we’ll get out of the mud. Sounds familiar? I get it because it’s very familiar to me too. But I’ve started getting smarter and recognizing that figuring it out and trying to find the why only keeps us going in circles. 

It’s not figuring out why we chose something, why something’s not working, or being frustrated with it. It’s knowing that there’s more beyond it and going, I get that I’ve created that, I acknowledge that, awesome. How cool am I? Now, what else would I like to create beyond this? What’s the gift in this?

It’s knowing that there’s more beyond it.

I see the gift in it. In between the triggers, I’m full of gratitude. I see the gift in it, I tell people how to see the gift in it and all that, but still. 

The next step is this. Trust me, you’re speaking to someone with experience on this one. The next thing is when you can actually see the gift in it, you can see the beauty in it, and then you still just want to kick it, you’re just like, I see all the good stuff, but I still want to kick it. When you see that, there’s a couple of things. First of all, what do I love about this upset?

It serves me, of course.

Thank you once again for the vulnerability.

I can be a victim.

Exactly. You can be a victim.

Not only a victim. I can brag about how good I am for being like that. I get something out of it, some egotistic pleasure out of it, I guess.

Can I just thank you for the vulnerability that it takes to even look at something like that?

You can thank me all day long, yes. 

I’m grateful because I worked with a lot of people. That right there is the biggest step. It’s looking at what you’re choosing and being honest with it. Not sugarcoating it to yourself, but going, you know what, I actually love it because it makes me feel normal. It makes me look less than so I know that other people will take care of me.

We spend our lives trying to get this world right rather than exploring what's beyond it. Share on X

In some ways, it makes me a hero. 

What would it be like if you actually were a hero for you? 


Once you have that, it’s going, this is awesome. This has served me. This victim stuff, this has served me wonderfully for what? It’s got me basically to the point I am right now and I’m a little tired of it. Now, what’s next? 

When you’re willing to look at your life like that, then you can actually see the brilliance in it too. From this reality’s idea of it, most people look at that as something bad or wrong, so let me not even look at it, rather than look at it and go, I see the gift here. It actually allowed me to be a hero. It’s given me value with different things. It’s been a really good source of entertainment and now I’m bored. What else is possible and what would I like to add to my life? The other thing that people do is they would have a problem with a person.

It’s not about the other person. It’s never about the other person. 

Never. That’s another gift with allowance. You start saying, wait a minute, I’m just out of allowance here. I’m expecting this to be the way that I want it because I want it the way that I want it, so everybody should give me everything the way I want it because I want it. Which means you’re not in allowance. 

And I really like to control everything, too. It’s just a beautiful combination. 

I think you’re speaking to a lot of the population with that, which is great. I’m really grateful for this conversation because the brutal honesty that you have is a gift.

We choose things in our lives and then suffer because we don't see another choice beyond it. Share on X

It’s a gift and sometimes it’s not a gift.

It may not look like a gift sometimes, but it is actually a gift always because once you see something for what it is, then you don’t have to change it. You can choose something else. For a lot of us, we basically spend our lives doing it because we’re spending them rather than living them. We spend our lives trying to change the things that we cannot change rather than being an allowance for them.

It reminds me of the principle in quantum physics. As you look at the object, it can appear, disappear, or change. It’s the energy of you looking at it. When we look at what we really need to look at, already, just by having that connection, awareness, knowledge, it will shift.

It’s that but it’s also the request. The universe works on request and most people are demanding of it. The universe doesn’t work by “universe, give me all of this, I demand it.” It never shows up. Universe, I would really like to have this in my life. What do I need to be or do in order to create this? 

We’ve lost this connection or the communion with ask and you shall receive. It was written in the Bible, but nobody paid attention to it. Our willingness to ask and our willingness to request with the allowance to it is what allows anything to change, but our fixed points of view are the things that get in the way. They actually solidify everything in our life that will not change. If there’s anything right now in your life that’s not changing, you have some fixed point of view about it.

It’s all about empowering people to know what they know.

We have so many tools with all of these different things because it’s all about empowering people to know what they know, also start seeing the gift that they are, and recognizing that with this thing of we are the creators of our lives, we are the inventors of all the needs, of all the problems, of all the upsets. We’re the ones creating them, yet we’re the ones resisting, reacting, and thinking that we’re the victims to them.

The power and the potency that lives in choice in that acknowledgment of, “Oh, I had a bad day today.” I recognize it. I was inventing it because I wanted to have a bad day today. Okay, good. The power in that recognition and that acknowledgment is the knowing that you can go beyond it with a different choice.

What are some of the tools that you are using in Access Consciousness?

I would say a big one. One of the biggest is the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement, which is “Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.” There’s an extremely long explanation of that, which I’m not going to go into right now.

I’ll give you an example of how it works in a second. If anyone wants to know, there’s this awesome video that Dr. Dain Heer, one of the co-founders of Access Consciousness, did. It’s 20 minutes long of him doing this. You can find it at theclearingstatement.com, which is really cool. 

Basically, it’s about changing the energy of anything. It’s about going to the point of creation of where you’ve created something, undoing that, and then also undoing the places where you’re using that energy to create destruction, where you’re destroying yourself basically with it. 

If you’ve got something in your life right now that you’re working on, you’re looking at it from all these different angles—this is one I use a lot with something that just doesn’t seem to be changing—take it, get the energy of it, actually be present with it. 

If it’s something with your family, with business, with your body, with whatever it is, we’ve all got at least one thing that’s just that sore thumb in our life or basically our sore toe that we keep kicking all the time. Go everything that allows this to exist, I now destroy and uncreate it, right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all nine, shorts, boys, and beyond. Be with it and do it again. Be with it and do it again. 

The energy of it will change because you’re undoing all of the limitations that you put in place that allow it to exist. Notice the things that you have in your life that seem so solid, there’s no way of changing it. It’s basically like a brick wall in front of you. 

One of the things that science even says with a brick wall, for example, a wall in front of you, is it’s not actually solid. The molecular structure that makes up that wall is moving so slowly that it appears to be solid. When you get that, it’s the same with our limitations. They’re not actually solid, they’re being held together with our points of view.

In undoing that, we actually change the energy and we allow everything to move again. This is where we start opening our lives up because whether we want to see it or not—like I said, I was normal (as normal can be) 11 years ago. When I first got that first Bars session that I talked about before where I found the ad in the paper. 

This is a sweet girl that did this body process on me. She said, “Do you mind if I ask you some questions and say these crazy words to you while I’m doing this session?” I went, “I don’t care what you say, I don’t care what you do. Just help me. I’m miserable, help me.”

It was an hour-and-a-half session. She started asking me different questions on what was going on in my life. She’d be like, “Okay, would you like to change that?” I’ll be like, “Yes, please. I really would. I’ve had enough of being like this.” She’d be like, “Okay, everything that allows that to exist”—and then she would use this clearing statement. 

I was changing the energy of all of these walls that I put up in my life.

Not only was I getting the Bars, but I was also changing the energy of all of these walls that I put up in my life, walls that I couldn’t see beyond because they appeared solid to me, all of these limitations.

It sounds like magic.

It is magic. It’s basically a magic wand right there. I did not understand one single word she was saying and I could not even remember. I couldn’t even tell you a question she asked me.

Even now when you say the statement, I’m like, huh? He said what? I don’t get it.

I get it because one of the other things with the clearing statement is it’s not a linear construct, but neither are our lives. If we could figure out our lives in our heads and we’re thinking, then wouldn’t we all be more successful because we all know how to think? But it’s not the thinking, it’s the energy that we’re willing to be, that is what’s creating our lives. 

This one tool alone, if anyone listening was willing to just be open to it and use that one tool alone with the clearing statement, your whole life would change.

Right. When you look at your life and you see the guy that was back then, the person that you were, and now the new version of yourself, beyond the extremely awesome wardrobe that I loved (looking at your website), what else changed?

I do like my clothes.

Yeah. They’re really cool. What else changed? Who are you now and how did you find your unique self?

Like we’ve talked about, it’s a journey and I still haven’t found it. There is no destination to being you. There is no finish line. It’s an ever-expanding universe. To be honest with you, my life has changed more in the last month than it has in the last 11 years.

Oh, do tell.

I got to a point where I’d still be creating this image. I got asked by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, the founders of Access Consciousness, the co-creators. Four years ago to facilitate this advanced class in Access Consciousness called Choice of Possibilities. There are only four people on the planet that facilitate this class—them being two of them, myself, and Simone who did the interview. She’s the other one.

She’s wonderful, yes.

I was extremely honored, but also at the same time thinking, how am I going to get this right? I started creating an image of, well, this is what consciousness looks like and this is how I have to show up in the world. 

Once again, like we’ve talked about, the amount of you that you have to cut off in order to maintain an image is a recipe for misery. I’d been doing that going, now I have to show up as this. Now everybody thinks I’m brilliant so I have to act brilliantly. It was all this image stuff that was getting me so stuck. 

It wasn’t until a few months ago that I started going, I know I came into this world to be something different. I know for a lot of us, somewhere in there, you know it. If I ask you, did you come here to be something different in this world, what would you say?


It was all this image stuff that was getting me so stuck.

Yes, I guess. We have that, but we’re trying to be normal. We’re trying to be like everybody else when it’s the difference between us that’s the beauty in this world. We have eight billion plus people on this planet right now trying to be the same as everybody else. What about us? What about being you? 

When I started recognizing that I was just basically pushing around this image of myself, I got to work. It’s been the hardest and the most uncomfortable few months of my life, but also the most rewarding hands down, without a doubt. It’s the courage and the willingness to go, I’d like that too.

If you can hear me talking about this right now and that sparks anything in you, then it really isn’t figuring out how to get there. It’s going, I’m having that too. Universe and consciousness, will you please help? Will you please contribute to me having more of me? That’s what I started asking. 

Wow, powerful.

That’s the thing that I was saying before, we’ve really given up on ask and receive. We’re not asking big enough. We’re asking to get through week to week. We make the things that we’ve decided are little things and valueless when they’re actually some of the greatest things like joy, for example. What would it take for me to be more joyful today than I was yesterday? Be in allowance. What would it take for me to have more allowance? 

One of the things that I basically buried was when I was a kid, I was so soft, like a marshmallow, basically. I was just this wonderful, sweet being. To be normal, I just pushed that aside. That’s valueless because nobody sees value in kindness, joy, vulnerability, allowance, and gratitude. Nobody values that. They want to see this image so I created that image.

One of the things that made me really want to talk to you was watching your video. You were talking about your childhood and you’re in tears. I saw you and I was like, wow, what a sweet soul. I want to have a conversation with that person.

Thank you and thank you for receiving that. The other thing with that too is if you see that in me, the only way that you can see that in me is if you are that also.

Thank you.

You’re welcome. This is the other thing that we do with judgment in this reality, right and wrong, and all of these other piles of dog poop that we call us. We would see the greatness in somebody else and then we would go to compare. I’ll never be that or I wish I could be that great but I couldn’t because I’m pathetic or whatever. 

We go into this comparison as in one’s right and one’s wrong. As soon as we go into judgment, we’ve gone into destruction of us. What I’d like to see is when people come out of that and actually start looking at what it is for what it is, not for it’s right and not for it’s wrong because that’s what we’re doing to feed the destruction of our futures.

We have judgment there which is polarity. It’s either/or, right and wrong, good or bad. That’s what’s there. Then, we have the possibilities that exist beyond it, but the possibilities don’t exist in the judgment. You cannot judge yourself in the possibilities, which is what a lot of people do.

I’ve used this example a lot in my classes that I facilitate only because it is so bluntly obvious that it doesn’t work like this. Have you ever looked in the mirror and judged yourself for having a fat ass and your ass got smaller?


Why? Because judgment doesn’t work but we keep trying. We’re going, well, I’m terrible with money, so if I just judge myself more and more, my money situation’s going to be better. No, stop judging yourself and go to a question of, what’s possible beyond this? 

The other thing that we’re doing is using money as an example for one thing is what I realized. Years and years ago, I was struggling financially and it wasn’t changing. I was using any tool that I could find and it just wasn’t changing. The energy wasn’t changing. 

One day I looked at it and I got really present with it. I asked myself, what do I hate about money? I was present with that, I asked it again, and then I got conflict. I went, wow, where did that come from? What I realized was I remembered that my whole time growing up—pre-childhood, adolescence, and all of that—whenever money was brought up as a topic or talked about at any venue at all, there was always conflict. 

My family would fight about it. There would always be arguments about money, so I went, well, I don’t like conflict so I don’t like money. I had the two of those lumped together. I didn’t want conflict, which meant I didn’t want the money. When I realized that, I went, oh, that’s not even my reality. I actually really like money. It’s fun. It gives me different possibilities and I like using it to contribute to other people. I like all these different things, but what I realized was that it wasn’t even my reality. 

For a lot of us, this thing of getting present with that is recognizing that right now, is this truly me I’m being right now, or am I being someone else? Which is what a lot of us have done. 

I realized early on with parenting—I have a 16-year-old son now—in the early years, things would come out of my mouth and I’d sound exactly like my father. Then, I’d go, who am I being right now? My dad. Stop that. I’m going to be me with this kid. It’s getting present with it. That’s the thing with unhiding you and going beyond this image. It’s being in that question of what is true for you. Would you choose this if you are truly being you?

Amazing. I can talk with you for hours. We’re out of time. I would love to have you back and have more of this or a different conversation with you here.

Of course. I’d love to.

Before we say goodbye for now, where can people find you, study with you, learn from you, and follow you?

They can follow me at brendonwatt.com. Also, check out accessconsciousness.com. You’ll see me all over it as well. It’s amazing. If you want to change your life, I would say that is a very good place to start.

Beautiful. Thank you so much for everything you shared. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for teaching and sharing all your wisdom with our listeners. 

Remember, listeners, be honest with yourself. Let your light shine. Remember, you always have a choice to have more joy and more abundance. Always do what is true for you and have a stellar life. This is Orion, until next time.

Your Checklist of Actions to Take

{✓} Express your authentic self. Many people are unhappy because they force themselves to fit in. Don’t lose the essence of who you are just to be accepted. 
{✓} Discover what makes you happy. You become more comfortable with who you are when you actively choose the things that bring you joy. 
{✓} Show up as yourself. The more willing you are to be yourself, the more you’re open and ready to receive the opportunities life gives you. 
{✓} Explore beyond the norm. There’s more to life than just living by how society tells you to. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and discover your true potential. 
{✓} Recognize you have a choice. You are the creator of your life and have the power to change it through your decisions. Be proactive and make the right ones. 
{✓} Give yourself allowances. You don’t need to live up to other people’s expectations just because they ask you to. Instead, create spaces where you can be yourself while understanding who people want you to be. 
{✓} Always think about the next step. Once you see and understand the beauty of any situation, you are ready to move forward. There’s no point dwelling when you are excited about what’s ahead of you. 
{✓} Let go of the limitations you set on yourself. Once you release the restraints you’ve placed on yourself, you start opening up your life and changing the energy within you. 
{✓} Stop judging yourself. Comparing yourself to others only leads to self-destruction. Instead, start asking yourself what you can do to improve and become a better person. 
{✓} Visit Brendon’s website and check out Access Consciousness for more information on where and how you can transform your life for the better.

Links and Resources

About Brendon Watt

Drawing upon his transformation from a struggling tradesman and single dad to a global speaker, Brendon Watt facilitates workshops all over the world empowering others to know that anything is possible and that they are only one choice away from change. As well as being a speaker, entrepreneur, and business and life mentor, Brendon is a lead facilitator with Access Consciousness®, facilitating classes and workshops worldwide, encouraging others to step out of judgment and into a more authentic, fulfilling life. He is the co-author of the best-selling book, Relationship: Are You Sure You Want One? Find out more at www.brendonwatt.com

Disclaimer: The medical, fitness, psychological, mindset, lifestyle, and nutritional information provided on this website and through any materials, downloads, videos, webinars, podcasts, or emails are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/fitness/nutritional advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek the help of your physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, certified trainer, or dietitian with any questions regarding starting any new programs or treatments or stopping any current programs or treatments. This website is for information purposes only, and the creators and editors, including Orion Talmay, accept no liability for any injury or illness arising out of the use of the material contained herein, and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this website and affiliated materials.

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