
How to Make a Vision Board that Works

A Step-by-Step Guide to Manifest Like Magic

Vision boards are a lot like magic. I’ve been creating and using vision boards for over a decade and I can say without any doubt that they work astonishingly well. I’ve manifested working with many amazing teachers and luminaries I admire and I attracted my husband who is the love of my life. By simply gluing pictures of my goals onto a vision board with intention and love, and then meditating on my vision often, my hopes and dreams have come into my life. You too can use vision boards to harness the Law of Attraction and the power of your subconscious mind to manifest your dreams.

There are lots of pre-made kits available to help you make a vision board. You could also use a computer to make a digital version. But I think the best way is to create something that is uniquely yours using scissors, glue and your imagination. When you work with your handscutting, pasting and creating your very own sacred piece of artyou infuse it with meaning and intention that deepens its power. Think of the whole creative process as a ceremony to your dreams; take your time and make it your own.

How To Create Your Own Vision Board

1. The first step to vision boarding is to visualize what you want in your life. Spend some time meditating on your heart’s desires and purpose or do some journaling and breathing exercises. The clearer your vision, the better.

2. Next, find pictorial representations of what you want to manifest. You might use magazines or books to cut out words and pictures that align with your vision and the feeling you want to create in your life. Be selective and specific, this is for your eyes only.

3. Now it’s time to assemble your board. There are no right or wrong ways to make art. You can make it a simple collage or you can add in other elements such as paint, fabric, wood or whatever inspires you. Just grab your glue and get pasting.

4. Once your artwork is complete, put your vision board in a place you can see it daily. You might make an altar or design a special area in your home to use as you meditate on your vision.

5. The most important part of vision boarding is to look at, meditate on and connect with your vision everyday. The more you allow yourself to spend time in the vibratory space of your dreams internally, the more you’ll be able to attract these dreams into your life externally.

Using a vision board to activate the creative power of your subconscious mind is a life-changer. It’s so simple, yet so profound. You really can call in all that you want in your life with this easy technique. Remember, the universe vibrates at YOUR frequency and you have the power to dream, manifest and create your most stellar life!

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