Search Results for: psychedelics


A Journey into One’s Past Lives with Dena Merriam

A Personal Note From Orion The thought of having lived before can be difficult to understand. However, the concepts of reincarnation and past lives have existed for thousands of … [Read more...]


From Mindset to Masterminds, Your Secret to Success with Jay Fiset

A Personal Note from Orion You’ve probably heard of the team “being woke”, which in popular slang is used to refer to operating out of a higher state of consciousness. When we … [Read more...]


Zen-Like​ Mindset with Sam Morris

A Personal Note from Orion 2019 is going to be your year. With this episode, I am sending you a blessing that all of your dreams come true. But wait - this is not a cliche Happy … [Read more...]


From Anxiety to Nirvana with Sanjay Sabnani

A Personal Note from Orion If you are alive and you are human, chances are you have experienced pain and even trauma. But, it's possible to not only heal past pain but also to … [Read more...]

Orions Method