A Personal Note from Orion
Celebs like Steven Tyler and Stacey Kiebler can’t get enough of the JingSlingers’ delicious recipes. Stacy said that they transformed her mind, body and soul – and have taught her how to heal herself with foods and herbs.
My friends Jay and Joy raised over $40,000 on Kickstarter to publish their book, Food With Benefits, which people go crazy over! And now, their wisdom is accessible to you, in this week’s episode.
About Today’s Show
Hi, and welcome to another stellar episode! I’m your host, Orion, and I have the pleasure of having with me today, Jay Denman and Joy Coelho, The JingSlingers! Jay and Joy are culinary innovators and superfood chefs who create cleverly conscious comfort food. They’re experts at herbalism and cutting-edge technologies that optimize the human body and spirit and maximize mental focus and clarity. They work with all kinds of celebrities and I’m honored to call them my personal mentors and friends. This is their second time on our show and our last episode was extraordinary. Jay and Joy were sharing amazing nutrition hacks and brain hacks and today is going to be even more exciting because we will go deeper into longevity, life extension, and all kinds of tricks and tips that I bet some of you have never heard of. Hi, Jay and Joy! Welcome to the show! How are you doing today?
Hi, Orion! How are you, my beautiful goddess?
Hi, Orion! We’re fantastic today!
Yay! I’m doing great, I’m super excited about this episode! For the listeners who missed our first episode with you, can you, guys, just tell us a little bit of a quick bio of who you are, how magical you are, and why they should listen to you?
Well, I think it’s easy as in a nutshell if we tell you what we do: We bio-hack your favorite flavors and comfort foods with nature’s most powerful superfoods so that all of your meals, especially dessert, elevate your level of health and well-being and it all has kick-ass five-star taste. We are Jing master, alchemical, culinary artisans and we sling food that makes your body, the planet, and your longevity last.
And talking about the planet and longevity, the longest living people that I’ve heard of are the people from Okinawa. Okinawa is a small island in Japan. It kind of looks like Hawaii and people there live through their 90’s and through their 100’s and not only that, they live in perfect health so that means, a woman in her 90’s will still be climbing trees and getting the fruits. They have this saying that at 80 years old, you are merely a youth. At 90, the ancestors invite you into heaven, ask them to wait until you are 100, and then you might consider it.
Well, longevity is something that Americans don’t usually put into their everyday thought process and by switching, hacking, and elevating the food that you eat and the water in your environment, it certainly makes that possible because we all have the ability to do that.
Yeah, and Okinawans are definitely one of those blue zones in the world, where there’s pockets-it is interesting because a lot of the blue zones are actually areas where the people have been physically isolated because of the geography and so, they kept with their traditional diets and ways and haven’t really been influenced by the modern world and our modern food. So, yeah, it’s definitely interesting to look at those and not only at the diet but the lifestyle factors that are in common with all of those people.
The people have been physically isolated because of the geography and so, they kept with their traditional diets and ways and haven’t really been influenced by the modern world and our modern food. Share on XYeah, there is an interesting study and I don’t know the reference for it-if you Google it, it would probably come up though-but it’s where they compared another long-living American group, which is the Amish, to how they eat compared to how Okinawans eat. When you look at the dinner platter that comes to the table for Okinawans, it is smaller servings with lots of vegetables, some rice, and the protein is about 3.5-4 ounces of servings as when you look at the Amish, the mainstay of the plate is a big piece of some sort of meat, and even though they’re both organic and the things that are around there are potatoes, more root vegetables, corn, and that sort of thing, the Amish live, usually, until their 70’s and 80’s but Okinawans are kicking it, as you said, to the 100’s. If they’re both organic and they’re both living these particular lives then, what’s the difference? It comes down to the food. So, when you’re looking at, like you were saying before, when you’re 90 years old or 100 years old and you’re still packing your bags to go on a trip whereas, in the United States, when you’re 80 or-well, if you make it to 80-pretty much you’ve got an entourage and you’ve got an oxygen tank and a walker involved.
And so, one of those factors that Joy was kind of indirectly talking about is the number of calories so calorie-restriction is one of the keys that, in studies, has actually prolonged life, particularly in animals. It has extended life quite a bit. When you look at the blue zones, all these people have a habit of eating less than what we’re used to here in the states or just in a modern lifestyle so definitely, I think that overeating is a major factor with that. One of the things that we really like to talk about and teach people about is nutrient-density. It’s about getting the foods into your body that have the most nutrition so that you don’t have to consume a huge amount of food to get really good nutrition. It’s really about being smart with what you’re eating and being able to eat certainly enough to meet your nutritional needs but not so much that it’s an extra energy burden on your digestive system, which over days, weeks, years, and decades translates into a short life span.
That’s right! When you look at the Okinawan Diet, there are two things you may not see right off the bat but they certainly play a role in this. One of the fermented foods, which the Amish really doesn’t do so much, except for maybe cabbages and some sauerkraut if that’s what they do. It’s not just about the fermentation but they also take time, like the Amish students sit around the table and commune, so it’s about community as well, which is a nice thing.
Yeah, I lived in Japan for about three and a half years and even though, I lived in Tokyo-and Tokyo is pretty polluted compared to Okinawan and they don’t have the same level of lifestyle as the elders in Okinawa-they still have a sense of community, just the way the families treat the elders gives them a purpose of life so they work until their late 90’s and they just live in purpose and they live in a community so that helps them as well. So, let’s expand a little bit on food. What type of foods will help us in the US or in western cultures to live longer and have a healthier life?
I know that we call it the D.I.D or “devil’s in the details.” So, for example, take something as simple as a strawberry: If you have an organic strawberry versus a conventional strawberry, you’re talking about more than half a dozen of different pesticides, herbicides, fungicides that the plant has been grown with. It’s carrying with it a lot of things that hijack our hormones as opposed to when you’re eating a strawberry that’s organic and it doesn’t have all of those hitchhikers along with it. Saying that our body is complex is such an understatement. We’re speaking with Stephan, the number that we talked about was six septillion so before I finish this sentence, six septillion processes have happened in the body-that’s a 6 with 24 zeroes. You need to be able to have all these processes working and all of the bio-availability of those nutrients that you’re eating to be able to keep them all running like a top.
So, what will be a food or supplements to increase libido and more energy for example?
Energy and longevity, once you start to eat nutrient-dense foods-I’ll use Acai as an example. You can make Acai powder, which is more nutrient-dense than say, Acai frozen, and you make it into a smoothie-we made it into a JingLato actually last night at the event that we were at. It allows you to have all these different components that you don’t get in regular food so Acai is one of my top ones as far foods go. I also love when you put other additives in it because we’re herbalists-for example, Maca, when you’re talking about libido. Maca is great – that’s M-A-C-A. We like to add nice Maca because then your body gets more of it than if you’re doing a raw Maca.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, when I do my shake in the morning, I usually put Maca and I’ll put Spirulina just to get as much chlorophyll as I can and as much power from the Maca.
Yeah, it’s adaptogenic.
Yeah, and the Maca has certain amino acids in it too, which are really boosting for both circulation and libido as well. The other thing too when talking about foods, I think, it’s really important to look at what your ancestors ate. You know, in in the US, we all have such different backgrounds here so it is important because for example, talking about dairy products, a certain percentage of the population has what’s called, lactase persistence, which means that they produce lactase, which is the enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is the milk sugar, and they keep producing that into adulthood so if your ancestors have been consuming dairy products for generations, you probably have lactase persistence and you’re completely fine with digesting lactose in dairy products but it’s always better to consume them raw because raw dairy has the lactase enzyme and the probiotics in it. The way that the food is grown, the way that the food is processed, and then what your ancestors ate-because if your ancestors ate a high-carbohydrate diet, you’re probably going to be more prone to being able to eat a high-carbohydrate diet.

What your ancestors ate-because if your ancestors ate a high-carbohydrate diet, you’re probably going to be more prone to being able to eat a high-carbohydrate diet.
Right, and the last part of that, which is probably one of the most important beside where the food comes from and what the food is, is how you prepare it. We don’t microwave anything. We’re talking about eating raw or sliced. We’ll do a light, maybe, sauté, steam, or sous-vide. I think that when you’re mindful about how the food is being prepared, it brings the best elements out in whatever that food is.
Because, again, a lot of these blue zones occur in isolated areas so you don’t have food being brought in from another continent. Here, we have convenience, which is great but even the organic produce, we’re eating it where it is grown a continent away-it was grown in Chile or somewhere in South America. It’s still good but the process, the time from when it’s picked off the tree to when you put it in your mouth, there’s a loss of energy there, there’s a loss of enzymes, and it probably has been irradiated since it’s come across the US border. These blue zones where people eat fresh, local foods, they grow them in their local soil, which is also farmed in a way to keep the minerals in the soil so whenever you can garden and if you have the opportunity to grow your own food, you can really take care of the soil because the soil is really everything. If there’s not a mineral present in the soil, the plants are not going to uptake it and it’s not going to get into your system so when you’re able to grow your own food, you’re able to mineralize the soil, the plants, uptake that, and now, you have food that is super mineral-dense and nutrient-dense, and that is a far superior longevity food than anything you’re going to get at a conventional grocery store that’s been shipped.
Yeah, and again, comparing the Okinawans versus Amish, they’ve got C vegetables that the Amish don’t have to eat so there’s also a difference in nutrient densities.
For those people who live in urban environments and they’re too busy, they can’t have their own garden, or, sometimes, they can’t even get organic food-I mean, here in California, it’s pretty easy where we are but when you go to middle America, I know that when I travel, it’s really, really hard to find nutrient-dense foods-so, what type of things will you recommend for those people who cannot get enough locally-grown organic fruits and vegetables or people who are on-the-go all the time?
That’s the power of powders. There’s a number of different superfood powders-Acai, again, being one of them. There’s a blend of different powders. We love Miracle Reds from MacroLife that has 40+ plus different organic superfoods in it. With just one scoop, you’ve done alchemy in your glass. It doesn’t matter if you just put it in water or smoothie-of course, we make it into all different things like puddings, jellies, and jams-you can actually fortify yourself with these. The other thing you can do is to actually carry it with you-well, I don’t want to talk about traveling versus when you say you can’t get your hands on local produce-but be a locavore. The things that grow really well in say, Manhattan, Kansas might be purple plums and people have those trees in their backyard so you don’t have to have an entire garden. There’s also a movement that started where people who have a lot of fruit-producing trees and it’s more than their family can eat, they go online and-I think this actually started in Canada, where these people come and pick your tree clean, they’ll leave you with the percent that you say that you want and you’re going to have, and then they take the rest of towards co-op-share it to those who may not have either the trees, the ability, or the money to be able to have those things. That’s a good thing to Google.
What would you recommend for environment protection?
Actually, just one more note on the last question: the other thing you can do is to just get creative. There’s actually a man named Ron Finley and he did a TED talk a little while ago-you can look it up online on the TED Talks YouTube channel. He does guerilla gardening. He’s in South Central Los Angeles, in the middle of the city, and he started planting gardens literally in between the sidewalk in the street where there’s a little patch of dirt and that led to them actually passing a city ordinance that you can make gardens along the sidewalks in the city of Los Angeles and so, that’s grown and now, they’re doing empty abandoned lots and making whole gardens out of it. Get creative because there are always opportunities there. I mean, if people can grow their own food in South Central Los Angeles, I think you can get creative and find ways to do it anywhere.
If you’re in a one-bedroom apartment or a studio and you’ve got a little strip of windowsill, you get yourself a long, thin, windowsill-size planters, and you grow sunflower sprouts. From the time they sprout to the time they’re ready to eat, it’s a really powerful superfood. It’s inexpensive and you can have sunflowers in 10-14 days.
We have some purple sweet potatoes right now on our windowsill…
And they’re taking over the place!
They’re going nuts! We have a force now above our sink, these purple sweet potatoes in glass jars.
Right. So, when you’re talking about steaming your food and eating all clean food, I bet some of the listeners are thinking, “This is going to be so bland and boring. I’m not sure I want to commit into eating stuff they are not as tasty!” Can you please describe the reactions of your clients to your food?
Well, actually, we can do better than that. If they go to our website, JingSlingers.com, they can actually look up our taste-a-monials. We also have them on our YouTube channel-all of our video taste-a-monials. We have over a dozen, maybe, a dozen and a half video taste-a-monials of our clients’ spontaneous reactions when they’ve consumed the stuff that we make.
How do you make it taste so good?
That’s when it comes down to being kind of Wile E. Coyote about what things taste like. For example, if you love chocolate, and a lot of people do so we’ll work with chocolate: You take a raw and organic chocolate powder-again, a powder and the power of powders-and you have a little bit of coconut oil, a little bit of cacao butter, which you can also get from the same place you go online and order this from or, they carry all three of those things-actually, I have seen them in regular stores, not just the coconut oil but sometimes you can find cacao butter in stores. It may not be organic but we want you to do organic-and some avocados. You put those in a bowl and you mash them up-you don’t even have to have a blender, you could use a potato masher-and you mash the avocado with that, you stir in a little bit of either vanilla extract or vanilla stevia to sweeten it-if you’re good with sweeteners and you can use something like palm sugar but we usually make our stuff sugar-free and gluten-free so we love using birch xylitol, which is, again, a powerful powder and comes from hard woods, just to sweeten it, and now, you’ve got this amazing fudge and you can ice a cupcake with it-of course, a gluten-free cupcake-and you can use it for anything. It doesn’t matter if it’s a smoothie or just something you stir in a bowl with a spoon and a bowl, you can take some of these ingredients, and then you can build on that. If you want some libido, you put in the Maca powder because that Maca works with that. If you want some immunity, you can add a little Chaga and some Cordyceps to that. Now, we’re talking about things probably people have not heard about which is the Chaga mushroom and Cordyceps but we’ll talk about those a little later. Quite honestly, you can build and make something simple that you can carry with you. It doesn’t require refrigeration, really, for the whole day, you just munch it out of a little glass lock or out of a jar.
And we use a lot of different herbs and things like that, tonic herbs and Chinese herbs, and sometimes, things that people haven’t heard of. When we’re using all those, even if we’re using bitter herbs like Chaga or Rishi that have a bitter flavor, we always play to the flavor of what we’re using so something that’s really bitter like Rishi or Chaga, we would use that in something that already has a deep rich and earthy taste like chocolate, or cinnamoney, or something like coffee, or coffee ice cream, or hot coffee, if people drink coffee so you play towards the flavor of the herb or the drink that you’re using. Our palates are designed for the foods that come out of the earth so natural, organic foods, herbs, and spices can taste phenomenal and be highly-medicinal too. They can help your body in numerous, numerous ways.
Right, and particular to the question that you asked, “How do you make it taste better?” The answer is: good fats-the stuff that’s good for you. If you’re not vegan, or if you’re vegetarian, or you’re Paleo, you can do Ghee, which is clarified butter. That always takes it up a couple of notches and it’s so good for your body. You can also add different kinds of almond butter and nut butter, if you’re good with nuts and almonds. Anything that gives you that fatty flavor. We’re also talking about using the Stevia’s and different sweeteners and again, you have to use what resonates with you both culinarily and your body chemistry so if you’re not doing any sugar, then of course, Stevia is certainly one of our favorites. We like the liquid Stevia and we like the liquid stevia from SweetLeaf, actually.
So, really, it’s about just doing a “swap out” so instead of using refined white sugar, you’re doing either something that’s non-glycemic like Stevia or something like that, or maybe, you’re using…
Mashed banana!
Yeah, or even palm sugar or something like that, it’s at least lower glycemic. It’s going to have more minerals and more nutrition in it instead of using some kind of toxic, polyunsaturated fats like corn oil, soy oils, canola oils, and things like that. You’re using coconut oils, butter, or…
Nut butter!
You’re just making a switch-out from something that is going to be really detrimental to your body in the short-end and especially in the long term and using more of just the traditional real foods that our grandparents have eaten for generations.
Yeah! We want to regenerate, not degenerate.
Right, and just to clarify-Ghee and butter are not as harmful as dairy and they are actually really good for you? Can you expand just slightly about the difference among dairy, Ghee, and better?
Sure! Well, first, there’s just a major difference between dairy and dairy. There are so many different factors in the food that we eat and dairy is a great example of that because what the cow eats makes a huge difference. Are they fed their natural diet of grass or are they being fed grains? Are they being fed genetically-modified grains? If they are, they’re being fed an inflammatory and unnatural diet. Are they being kept in pens and being injected with hormones and antibiotics? All that is going to translate into the finished product in how your body is able to digest the milk. Another major factor is the milk, is it pasteurized or is it raw? If it’s pasteurized, it has all those live probiotics and it has enzymes for breaking it down. It’s much, much easier to digest than pasteurized milk, which has been pasteurized, really, just for convenience and shelf life essentially. Butter is different in that you’re removing the fat from the milk. A lot of people, especially if they have gut issues and digestive issues, will be reacting to either the milk sugar, which is the lactose or one of the milk proteins, which is the casein. When you remove the fat-the fat really doesn’t have either of those but they may have trace amounts-so when you have butter, it’s just the fat. Most people are okay with that, especially if you can find raw butter, which like to have out here in California.
Raw cultured butter is even better.
Yeah, raw cultured butter. Ghee goes one step further. Ghee is actually kind of an alchemical cooking process. They actually take the cream or the butter or the butter, they heat it up, they remove the milk solids and just any other impurities, and what you’re left with is, essentially, an oil of dairy so there’s no lactose, no casein, and it’s just the pure, pure oil. If you get that and it’s organic, I personally haven’t met anybody who has trouble digesting Ghee. Everybody I’ve ever met, even if they have dairy sensitivities, can digest Ghee. It’s actually the number one top food in the entire Indian Ayurvedic system. They use it for everything, not only nutritionally but topically. They use it for detox. They use for everything.
And it’s delicious! It is the best tasting butter and butter flavor because it is concentrated butter. In fact, it’s the concentration of the sunshine all the minerals from the earth, especially, obviously, we all use the grass-fed kind. The good thing about Ghee is you know how pure it is so you can a really good jar of Ghee, you can leave it on the counter indefinitely and it doesn’t go bad. Butter, however, has to go on a fridge. With those impurities and milk solids out of it, Ghee is room-stable.
And Ghee also in Ayurveda is one of the best foods for building, what they call, the Ojas, which is really the Ayurvedic term for Jing so it’s building your hormones, the fats, and cholesterols. It’s a really fortifying food.
Yeah, in fact, Time magazine, it was this time last year or sometime in the middle part of the summer into fall, where the front cover was a curl of butter and it says “Eat butter. The scientists were wrong!”
But butter is back!
Butter’s back!
It never actually went anywhere but it’s back now.
What I know from myself that when I tried your foods and I described it in the last episode that I got foodgasms. I felt amazing and I felt energetic. It was incredible. It was very textile. It was just fun. It was yummy from the inside out.
Yes, foodgasms are a known side-effect of eating our food.
Yes, we’ve got them on film!
So, I know that your types of elixirs and recipes can effect anyone. I also know that when the body is clean, it can absorb more of the nutrients. Can you expand on how we can keep our body clean in order to absorb as much nutrients as we can?
I think, it starts with knowing yourself and knowing what foods-because you can tell when you eat certain things, you wake up the next day and all the sudden perhaps, your joints are a little achy but it’s not really arthritis, you can’t sleep so very well, and maybe you start looking at what it is that you that you’ve eaten. It’s always good to just jot down or everyone has a cell phone, you’ve got that little voice message dial in there. Leave yourself a voice message about what you ate that day, listen to it, see how you feel the next day, and start to eliminate things that are suspect. You’ll start to see maybe some of the things, for example, potatoes or some of the nightshades, which are tomatoes and potatoes, even Goji is a nightshade, however, it usually doesn’t affect people in a negative way because it’s very adaptogenic and we recommend Goji. If you look at those nightshades, they affect a lot of different people so I think the first thing to do is to know where you are and know the things that give you a little bit of a challenge.
Mm-hmm, and then also the toxic build-up in the body and how well you’re eliminating-I mean, first, just start with digestion and that starts with chewing. If you’re chewing your food really well, you’re going to be breaking down your food, you’re going to be of assimilating the nutrients in that food much, much better than if you’re just grabbing on the go, you’re eating while driving, or you’re eating in the middle of a meeting and you’re thinking and stressing about a million different things. That stress reaction impairs digestion because your nervous system is running differently and instead of rest and digest, you’re in fight-or-flight stress response. But then, the other part of that is just toxic buildup so if you’re not eliminating all of your food, it’s building up in your intestinal tract. If you talk to people who’ve been doing colonics or colon hydrotherapists for a long time, they will tell you or if you’ve done colonics yourself, you’ll know that the amount of stuff that comes out of you and when doing colonics, the buildup, the old stuff, which you can really see and you can tell the difference because the colon hydrotherapist actually has a microscope and a TV screen so you can actually see everything in high definition that comes out of you. It’s really cool, actually.
Oh my God!
It’s through a glass tube, It’s all very clean.
Yeah, it’s very clean. It’s a very clean environment. Because you’re absorbing your nutrients through the intestinal tract, if you have-and actually the Ayurvedic term is, Ama, which is the toxicity-Ama buildup in your intestinal tract, you’re not going to be able to assimilate the things that you eat and that also translates going back to libido. I mean, if your liver is plugged up with all kinds of toxins from decades of not doing cleansing and eating processed foods and etcetera, your liver is not going to be able to breakdown and recycle your hormones. That’s going to affect your hormones. I mean, it’s really a total body situation.
And then you can do something that’s quite a twofer-and this where your blender or juicer comes in. If you’re going to do a juice cleanse or you’re going to be doing a lot of blended foods, it’s pre-digested in the blender because it’s been spun at high speeds. I know a lot of people say, “Well, you lose some of the nutrients,” but I know that if you’re doing blended foods, especially when you put it into your mouth, that you start absorbing some of those nutrients right through mucosa, it goes right into your blood, and so many seconds later, you’ve probably started to get some of it rather than chew it and let it go through the full digestive process. Blending foods and having fresh vegetables especially and some fruits that are juiced and/or blended is always a great idea. One, because it helps you to detoxify a little better, based on what it is that you’re juicing or blending. Also, you get more of it into your body because it doesn’t need to go through the digestive line, you’re getting it as it makes the journey through your body.
And what’s better? The blended or the juice?
It depends on what you’re talking about.
They’re different.
Yeah. Some of the things you want to have that fiber in the blender with and some things you’d rather not-it’s good to choose. You can get so many more nutrients and that’s why they do it for cleansers or people who have the challenge of different serious diseases where they’ll do mostly green leafy vegetables and high-potency vegetables in a juicer because you can get more in. And then, of course, the blending, it has to do with, again, that’s a culinary thing for me, in particular, because I want that mouth-feel for something and then you can also add other things to it a little easier than you can when it comes out of a juicer because it’s pretty much ready to go.
And then going back to the blue zones, one commonality of the blue zones is the high amount of vegetables and plant foods so all those people living in the blue zones are getting high amounts of vegetable fiber, which acts as a really nice broom in your intestinal tract and helps to detoxify you well.
The blue zone Okinawans, they live in a culture where Alzheimer’s and heart disease are not heard of so how can we mimic it here? How can we improve our brain longevity here in the western world?
Well, first of all, I know they’re not having aspartame. Aspartame is a degenerative chemical. Dr. Russell Blaylock is a neurosurgeon who has dedicated his life to educating people about what aspartame can do. Just by stopping drinking or taking food-it’s in everything, you’ll be shocked at what it’s in it, look at the label to see if it has aspartame in it, and then avoid it. That’s the first thing. It’s in some things you wouldn’t even recognize like chewing gum and toothpaste because some toothpaste have it in it. A lot of our drinks and a lot of our bottled beverages will have it. It will say, “Oh, sugar-free!” so if it says “sugar-free,” you turn it around and see what that sugar alternative has become because usually, it’s almost always aspartame. It’s neuro-degenerative so speaking about Alzheimer’s, that’s probably one of the reasons why western cultures, especially here in the United States, the people younger and younger are getting Parkinson’s-like symptoms or nervous system disorders. It’s not just because of aspartame but it’s a huge factor.
Yeah, and there are a lot of factors to go along with that. Heavy metal exposure, particularly, I would say dental fillings are one of the top. Always look at that if you have an issue with neurodegenerative diseases.
Because of mercury.
Yeah. I know in India, they were trying to figure out for a while why Indians have such a low, if not, near-zero rate of cardiovascular diseases and they came to the conclusion that it was actually the high amount of turmeric because they eat turmeric in almost all their meals. They eat them every day. It’s their main culinary spice that they use-or one of them. Dietary spices like that and just taking in this real-food nutrition and real-food herbs and just incorporating it into your food makes a really long long-term difference.
Dietary spices like turmeric and just taking in this real-food nutrition and real-food herbs and just incorporating it into your food makes a really long long-term difference. Share on XHow about coconut oil and Omega-3 fatty acids? How does that affect the brain?
Well, and you can actually get MCT oils…
We love Brain Octane Oil.
They’re getting more and more popular now and MCR oil, is, essentially, coconut oil extract. It’s a caprylic acid concentrate from coconuts.
Organic coconuts!
Yup! We used the Brain Octane oil from Bulletproof and the caprylic acid converts really, really quickly in the body into compounds called ketones. Ketones are actually the preferred fuel source of the brain, even over glucose so even in cases where maybe somebody has fatigue issues from stress and lack of sleep and they’re just run down and because of that, they have brain fog, memory issues, and things like that, MCT oil is fantastic and people can really bounce back fast from something like that.
It’s just pure nutrition for your brain.
And I love that because that’s a twofer-so we’re talking about one tablespoon of for example, brain octane oils equal to 18 tablespoons of regular organic coconut oil for the caprylic acid. And also, the twofer for that is that, when you take in MCT and in particular, we have brain octane oil or MCT oil, it also trains your body to burn fat instead of sugar so you get to eat what you love, which is why we put it in our desserts and in a lot of our drinks and our foods to burn fat.
And you can do that with regular coconut oil too, it takes more but I’ve seen many cases where people have just added in coconut oil into their everyday diet and that alone will produce future results for their brain.
Yeah. I love coconut oil! I use it on my skin. I use it in my shakes and in my food. I cook with it. It’s just wonderful. What I know about coconut oil is that some people can be sensitive when they start taking it. They’ve got to give it time to get used to it and also with Brain Octane oil, that can be the same case where when you start introducing it to your body, you want to start slow and then increase the dose as your body get used to it.
Yeah, we tell people a quarter teaspoon to start with the Brain Octane oil because it’s so concentrated and then you add it as you go in and you can tell your tolerance for it because it’s kryptonite to candida. A lot of people have candida overgrowth in the gut so they might get a little gurgly bowel situation. If they do way too much too fast then I think, well, they’d ask for what we refer to as disaster pants.
Yeah, I started with two big spoons! That was interesting but I definitely feel it when I take it and I feel it when I stop taking it. Let’s talk about sleep. Sleep is very important for longevity. What are your tips and recommendations for sleep?
First of all, don’t watch the nightly news, go outside and sun-gaze, and watch the sunset-literally, watch the sunset. I like to do the little triangle with my fingers where the ends of my thumbs are touching and the ends of my pointer fingers are touching to make a little triangle right where the sun is so, it’s really focused and you watch it set-but just watching a set is fine-and that gives the signal to your pineal gland that it is time to start creating melatonin for you to start to wind down and be able to get a really good sleep so you go into that circadian rhythm where your body is really rejuvenated while you’re sleeping. So, the first thing is free thing-it’s just to go out, watch the sunset, and not get caught up in the nightly news because you can’t do anything about the nightly news anyway. The second thing is to just try to dim the lights in the house, especially we got LED or fluorescent lights, and get yourself some blue lacquered glasses. Blue lacquered glasses, again, works with our primal makeup, which is when we that amber light, which now, when you wear the amber glasses, which is a little weird to get used to because you walk around the house in the evening and you are wearing something that looks like sunglasses but you see with your brain instead of your eyes so when your brain realized that now, you’re into that amber light then it starts to put you in a better way to sleep. The next thing is to have a little magnesium or to be luxurious, to have a magnesium bath, or just put magnesium oil on your skin, or just taking a couple of magnesium tablets, or make it into a tea.
Another thing is, I would say to make sure you’re eating dinner at least three hours, preferably four hours, at least before going to bed because you don’t want to have a full stomach. If you have a full stomach when you go to bed or even if you have maybe a big snack before going to bed then your body is actually using up a lot of energy on digestion instead of on rest and repair, which is the whole purpose of sleep. Definitely keeping dinner earlier in the evening and then also keeping in mind just the natural rhythms of the body so even if you are up late-if you’re up at midnight, or 2 A.M, or something-don’t eat during the time after 10 P.M because your body is in a natural cleansing period then and having those blue lacquered glasses will help with that but it’s actually between 11 P.M to 3 A.M…
Liver time.
Gall-bladder and then, liver. In the Chinese organ clock so during those times. If you have toxic liver, you may feel some tightness during that time of night if you’re up in the liver and gall bladder area because those systems are working during that time to detox.
And as far as things that you can do again is grounding. If you go outside, you stand barefoot on the ground-that’s free. When you come inside to go to bed and it’s time to slip in between the sheets, something as simple as having a grounding sheet or a grounding pillowcase actually puts you in the residence of the planet and allows you to fall asleep. The science behind that is really remarkable. The book called Earthing by Clinton Ober and Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a must-read and there’s also a couple of DVD’s you can pick up about it or just Google the information but that all by itself can put people so they sleep through the night without having to get up several times or have interrupted sleep.
Right. I love what you said. You said, “You see with your brain instead of your eyes.” That’s a metaphor for life as well because our eyes, they’re not only viewers, they’re broadcasting our future. I just love that saying! Anymore hacks for brain function and focus?
Brain function and focus-that’s a whole other show, my love!
I know! Something like a teaser?
Yes, yes! Oh, man! Let’s start with, for short, the brain, so for the brain octane, we actually make a little drink called BLUcidity. It starts with organic coconut milk and then we use Lion’s Mane, which is a powder of a Lion’s Mane mushroom, which has little to no flavor, and you get them in capsules. Our favorite one is from Host Defense, or Fungi Perfecti…
That’s Paul Stamets’.
Yeah, Paul Stamets. You put a couple of capsules-and maybe this is just a-spoon-in-a-bowl kind of thing so you don’t need a blender-a little bit of Brain Octane oil, and Brain On, which is AFA or Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, which is AFA blue green algae. We love the one from E3 Live. It’s got Brain On AFA. It’s got more of the phycocyanin in it and so, that turns your brain on, tunes you up, and gets you clear. It works in synergy-it’s actually a nootropic stack for your brain so you got the ketones going, you’re feeding your brain, and when you stir it with a couple of drops of vanilla Stevia-I’m talking about just drops-and it can be chocolate or vanilla Stevia but I like the vanilla, when you stir it, it actually tastes like chocolate, which is odd because you get that chocolate flavor, and if you have little achy joints, you can throw another little teaspoon or so or half-teaspoon of Blue Majik, which is also from E3 Live, and that helps quench inflammation so, now your body feels good, your brain’s working, and you’re focused.
And I would add to that the old adage, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
Always be actively doing things to engage your mind in creativity and in spontaneity. A phenomenal practice, actually, is to take an Improv Comedy class or something like that that puts you in the moment and starts training you to just be spontaneous and in the “now.” You’ll get so quick from things like that or just engaging in whatever kind of activity that you like that stimulates creative thinking. My nana is actually 93-years-old and she’s been doing crossword puzzles for decades and she is as sharp as a tack. She can do a crossword puzzle in like, no time flat. I mean, people are astonished…

Always be actively doing things to engage your mind in creativity and in spontaneity.
There is smoke coming off the page!
She does them at 93 so that’s a very, very important thing.
Actually little rampages of gratitude too, because that makes that oxytocin build in your whole body and feels good but my favorite way to do that, we play this sort of a game when we’re in the car and we have a few minutes is-and actually, I learned this from Esther Hicks-to take the first letter of the alphabet, you go all the way through Z, and you come up with as many words you can think of that that are uplifting and happy words like A is amazing and astonishing, and B is beautiful, brilliant, and bliss and so, you go through the whole alphabet and all of a sudden, all of the things you were worried about really kind of fall to the side because you’re being creative and actually building this great energetic feeling of gratitude.
I love Esther Hicks! For you, our listeners, if you haven’t heard of Esther Hicks, just go on YouTube and google her to hear what she’s got to say and all the amazing knowledge that she’s channeling so just go ahead and check it out-it’s amazing! So, I’m very “right-brain.” I’m very creative, I’m all about improving, I’m all about freedom but what I learned from working with my clients is that, what gets measured gets managed. I know there are some tests that will recommend someone to do in order to figure out their pesticides, or food sensitivity, or genetic testing, can you elaborate on that please?
Oh, this is a number of different things. You need to know where you are right this red, hot minute and then where you want to go so in order to be able to get to that destination, you have to know what you’re dealing with right now. So, if you get just a regular blood test to find out just your basic body chemistry, that’s fine and that’s what most regular doctors and practitioners would do but we like to go a little further, we’d like for you to know what your heavy metals are because those can hijack your hormones and your thought processes in your body in general. We want to know what your heavy metals are at 1800Chemist-that’s for both the website as well as the phone number. 1800Chemist is Jay Foster, a nutritional biochemist who’s been doing it at South Florida for 28+ years, probably even more than that and he turns people’s lives around. When people get to see not only what their heavy metals are but it also tells you what your vitamin levels are in your body and what you are deficient in, you don’t have to go buy all kinds of jars of things that you don’t need because it’s specific right to you. The next thing would be is gene-testing and finding out what your genotype is. My genotype, even though you and I are both females, Orion, does not allow for me to process CLA or conjugated linoleic acid so it’s harder for me-and most people would take that as a supplement to lose weight, it just does the opposite for me so there’s a lot of people, it’s a 6% of the population, and the only way to know that is if you have that test. We did through Simplified Genetics and it’s www.SimplifiedGenetics.com or just go to our website and we can hook you up. Other testing, let’s see, heavy metals, Jay?
Well, the Quicksilver Scientific specialize in heavy metal test, especially mercury testing. Dr. Chris Shade is one of the greatest experts out there as far as mercury toxicity goes.
He was an environmental mercury expert and then, switched fields into human toxicity when he himself became toxic, I think, probably from exposure. But yeah, they have a mercury tri-test to test the level of mercury in your hair, or your blood, or in your urine because the two different forms come out differently either in the urine or the hair so you know which form of which you have but then, they take it a step further and they compare it to what’s in the blood and by doing that, they’re actually able to see how well your detoxifying and by knowing that, you know how gentle or how aggressive you can be with your cleansing. That’s really important because some people have really impaired detoxification systems and they need to do a cleanse really, really gently. Other people have really, really strong systems and they can do more aggressive forms of detoxification like an IV chelation or something like that.
Yeah, it’s a very comprehensive test. Like I said, the three different types to look for the mercury. Again, I love things in a broad spectrum and not just one thing. The other thing, besides the genetic testing, it’s also known, you know, what kind of critters ya got, and to know what your bacteria is, and what kind of bacteria is it. They do it from, I think, both from your mouth and your skin, as well as what’s in your gut. When you know what you’ve got going on in there then you know what superheroes to send in to do the right thing for your body and which types of probiotics will work well for you. People, especially now, are very high-tech and low-touch, we’ll walk through the store and as we walk in, without even thinking, will grab those little hand wipes and then wipe our hands with it but the…
Thank you! The triclosan transfers into your body and wipes out your guts so that’s one of the things-those hand wipes-that you really don’t need to use. That’s why hospitals have such a problem with MRSA or Medicine-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and MRSA is one thing that you don’t want to have.
Another lab that is really fantastic is Cyrex Labs or Cyrex Laboratories. They have the most comprehensive gluten testing. They don’t just test for gluten sensitivity, they test for over 20 different types of gluten-breakdown products for sensitivity because you may not test sensitive to gluten, but you may test for one of the breakdown products. They also have really comprehensive food-sensitivity testing and they test against both raw and cooked versions of certain foods, which is important because the way that the food is prepared also makes a difference in how you react to it.
That’s incredible! You, guys, mentioned so many things today. What are your three things, simple three actions, which our listeners can do in the next ten minutes to improve their quality of life?
Cut out the toxins, get rid of the aspartame, don’t microwave your food, and go organic.
That’s all one, right?
That’s all one.
Now, Jay’s doing the second one.
Okay, I will say, mindfulness. So, mindfulness when eating your food. Mindfulness to really chew your food well because that will make a huge difference with how well you are digesting and assimilating your food.
So, that’s a few more than three so, I’ll do the number three-your sleep. Watch the sunset. Let your body kick in and do its thing come in. Play some music. Do something creative. Get yourself into a bath that has some magnesium flakes in it or some Epsom salts in it. Slide into bed and you can be grounded and get yourself a grounding sheet. You’re way good, you’re so far ahead of the game there!
Joy likes to bend the rules by mentioning five different things under an umbrella of one answer.
I’m making it nutrient-dense!
It’s one thing but you make it nutrient-dense! It’s more bang for your buck!
Well, rules are meant to be broken. I think, the greatest leaders in the world, actually, broke some rules.
So, any one of those things. Pick the one that you can do. Most of what we mentioned are actually free like the grounding and the sun-gazing. Also, change up your water. Really, honestly, number one is change up your water. Tap water is not your friend. Doing any kind of spring water in glass, not plastic, but do what you can afford.
Number one is change up your water. Tap water is not your friend. Doing any kind of spring water in glass, not plastic, but do what you can afford. Share on XYou guys are amazing! I am so happy that you’re here on the show and you’re helping thousands and probably going to touch millions of people with all your knowledge. Can you let our listeners know where they can go and find some of the recipes? Also, I know that you are coming with a new book and that’s going to be incredible because you’re going to share all your secret recipes and nutrient-dense delicious foodgasmic food with the world so, let’s just talk about that for a few seconds.
Yes, not just for celebrities anymore!
Our home base is www.Jingslingers.com. It’s like “gunslingers” only it’s “Jing.” For people listening to this, on July 15th, 2015, we’re launching our Kickstarter campaign, which is also the pre-sell campaign for our very first recipe cookbook, which has been years and years in the making. We’ve had so many requests over the years from people who are really hounding us for doing a cookbook.
It’s here with your help called, Food With Benefits.
And so, that launches on July 15th. If people are listening to this before that, they can go to Jingslingers.com/FWB and we have a little sign-up there so they can be informed on everything we’re doing along with the launch. If they’re listening to this between July 15th and it’s probably going to go about five weeks, the can go over to Kickstarter. They can find us on there. After that, they can just either find us on our website or Amazon. We’ll have the book out on Amazon on November 11th.
November 11th, yeah, so the Kickstarter is where people can get it sooner. More importantly, I want everyone to know that everyone’s welcome at our table. It doesn’t matter if you’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, paleo, or just an omnivore with a dilemma. You’ll be able to pick up our cookbook and omnivores will no longer have the dilemma. We’ll have Vivacious Vegans, Invincible Vegetarians, and Powerful Paleo people because we’ll be able to show them how to make it taste amazing and have them feel wonderful.
Wow, thank you so much! Congratulations on the new book, Food With Benefits. It’s a great name-Food With Benefits. I can’t wait to have it. I can’t wait to use it. It’s going to be incredible. Thank you for everything that you share, for your kind hearts, and for your incredible knowledge. Thank you, our listeners, for tuning in and listening. Go improve your lives, leave in gratitude, take care of your body, take care of your loved ones, and have a stellar life! I’ll see you and talk to you next time. Bye!
Links and Resources:
- JingSlingers
- Facebook – JingSlingers
- Instagram – JingSlingers
- Youtube – JingSlingers
- Liquid Assets Recipes
- BLUcidity
- Food With Benefits
- Ron Finley – TED Talk
About Joy Coelho & Jay Denman
As JingMaster Alchemical Culinary Artisans and members of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, our mission is to Educ8te, Illumin8te, and Elev8te humankind with SuperFood and SuperHerb infused Creatively Clever Comfort Foods and cutting-edge eco-green lifestyle advantages. As Tonic Herbalists and SuperFood Specialists, we have a combined 30+ years of conjuring up culinary magic. Together we customize optimum health protocols and menus for our star-studded clientele that grace the Red Carpet from the Oscars to the Grammys.
Disclaimer: The medical, fitness, psychological, mindset, lifestyle, and nutritional information provided on this website and through any materials, downloads, videos, webinars, podcasts, or emails are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical/fitness/nutritional advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek the help of your physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, certified trainer, or dietitian with any questions regarding starting any new programs or treatments or stopping any current programs or treatments. This website is for information purposes only, and the creators and editors, including Orion Talmay, accept no liability for any injury or illness arising out of the use of the material contained herein, and make no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this website and affiliated materials.
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