A Personal Note from Orion
Healthy relationships are important to our happiness, and guess what..this applies to our relationship with money too.
Many of us struggle to create the life that we want, because we feel limited by our financial means. The truth is, it’s not about how much money we have in order for us to live happy and fulfilled, it’s all about how much we serve our communities and feel a sense of purpose in our lives.
In my conversation with Laura Gisborne, we dish on how she went from a poor and difficult youth, to a multi-million dollar business owner – all through serving others in the best way possible and living with a mindset of gratitude and abundance.
In this Episode
- [01:58] – Laura launches the interview by telling us a bit about herself. She explains that her life now doesn’t reflect where she came from.
- [03:14] – What would Laura’s advice be for someone who struggles with money? In her answer, she talks about Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life.
- [06:36] – Laura talks about the first steps she took after reading the aforementioned book.
- [09:14] – We learn more about the importance of healing yourself as the first step. Overcoming the scarcity mentality is vital, she explains.
- [10:35] – How does Laura help leaders in money consciousness to heal their money wounds? She talks about the differences in views on money in other cultures, which place less emphasis on money and more on social contribution.
- [14:34] – Orion relates what Laura has been saying about money to the coaching she offers single women. Laura responds and expands on this.
- [15:26] – What are some of the tools Laura used to get over the sense of not being enough? She explains that 2.8 billion people are currently living on less than $3 per day, which offers an incredible perspective on money.
- [20:12] – Why do people who have lots of money and serve lots of people still feel like they’re not enough? Laura explains that this is what she calls “the human condition.”
- [23:07] – Laura talks about getting down to that core feeling of inadequacy, using James Ray as an example.
- [25:47] – Laura’s greatest blessing, and greatest contribution to her planet, is her children. She then talks about her legacy and her other blessings.
- [28:13] – What made Laura think about legacy and leaving her mark on the world?
- [32:12] – Laura describes the traits and habits of successful people. The most important, she explains, is how they spend their time.
- [34:04] – To get a complimentary copy of Laura’s first book Stop the Spinning: Move From Surviving to Thriving, go to laurafreebook.com. To find out about Limitless Women or other events, go to her website at LauraGisborne.com.
About Today’s Show
Hello and welcome to Stellar Life Podcast. I’m your host, Orion, CEO and Founder of Orion’s Method. My guest today is a highly successful business expert with over 20 years of experience from structuring and selling small boutique businesses to owning a multi-million dollar wine and real estate empire. Laura has owned nine businesses, her first when she was only 23 years old. She’s the author of the book Stop the Spinning: Move From Surviving to Thriving and the book Limitless Women. I have a secret to reveal to you, at the end of the show she’s going to give you one of those books so please stick till the end and learn whatever you can learn about mindset, money, success, and legacy. Now, onto the show. Hey, Laura! Welcome to Stellar Life Podcast. I’m very excited to be talking to you.
Thank you, Orion. Thank you so much for having me. I’m really glad to be with you, dear.
You’re mega-successful. You build companies. You sold companies. Why don’t you share a little bit about yourself?
Alright. It’s always such a hard question, “What do you do? Tell us about you,” because we’re all such multi-faceted people. I don’t have one tagline, but I can tell you that I have been very, very fortunate and very blessed to be a good student. Where I am today in my life with so much abundance and a beautiful relationship and healthy family is not where I came from. I’m probably like many of your listeners. When I was a kid growing up and really struggling to get by, I couldn’t even imagine that I would have the life I have today. I’ve just been really, really thankful and really blessed to meet amazing people like yourself, who really care about bringing the message of personal development, that life doesn’t have to be so hard, that there’s opportunities, and that we all can move away from struggle and move into places where life can be a flow and we can be of service to others, and the journey can be one of pleasure instead of pain. I would love to share more of that with you, as we go through our interview today. I’m really grateful for the opportunity to be with you.
Life doesn’t have to be so hard, that there’s opportunities, and that we all can move away from struggle and move into places where life can be a flow and we can be of service to others. Share on XThank you. Grateful that you’re here. For somebody who’s struggling with money, struggling with finance, struggling with fine tuning their mindset, what would be your advice to them?
I think that the place that’s super hard for those of us that grew up in scarcity, in poverty – I mean, nobody in my family had ever been to college. Every week was a struggle to get by and hope for the next week. Probably the most common thing I heard as a child growing up and I experienced as a young woman was there was never enough. What I found is that it’s not about hard work. My parents were good people. They were working hard. They were doing the best they could, but still at the end of the week, there was never enough. I think for a lot of us, we grew up with that idea. We grew up with that experience, and what it contributes to is a place where we feel like we’re not enough. This whole idea of scarcity in the environment of not enough. Where it shifted for me – many things. I would say that the first gift that I received from a friend, when I was in my early twenties. I was living with a man who was beating me on a regular basis. I was severely anorexic. It was really my normal. I’m not trying to say that one had so much to do with the other, but it really did. My normal was that no matter what, life was tough. No matter what, I wasn’t enough. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t be enough or do enough. A friend handed me Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life. That little book really started to shift my trajectory. It started shifting the way I saw the world. It started shifting what I knew to be possible, and it’s a book that I think everybody should read. If you haven’t read it, please get yourself a copy. It’s such a beautiful, beautiful message. That was the beginning. Then I started getting counseling. I started getting some help. I think that there’s a place where we’re all doing the best we can with what we know. Why this relates to money is that we don’t come out of the womb knowing how to manage money. We don’t know how to grow money. We don’t have education around money. We had education about getting by. When we start to shift the perspective of just moving from a place of getting by and surviving, and we actually start to understand that we have choices, then all of our energy around money shifts. The first work actually begins with ourselves. I’m so happy to share with you tools and techniques for building wealth because wealth is not built overnight. It’s not something that happens that most people win the lottery. It’s actually kind of boring building wealth. We get into the habit, and we get into the practices of wealth-building. Again, I’m happy to talk about that on this call, if it serves you, darling, but I think that the piece that really everybody has to understand for ourselves is that it begins with ourselves. It begins when we actually start celebrating the abundance that we have everyday, and we get more of that instead of looking at what’s not enough.
My mom introduced me to that book You Can Heal Your Life in Hebrew, when I was in Israel.
Yes, I was I think 17 years old when I first came across that book. One of the most impactful books that I’ve ever read to really believe in affirmation, manifestation, the power of your subconscious mind. When you had that book – when you received it, what happened? You started saying affirmations? What were your first steps to shift away your feeling?
It’s such a good question because now it’s 30 years later. Let’s see how good my memory is. I’d say that the first is an understanding that there is more available than what we think. As I said, we’re doing the best we can with what we know, so what’s normal for us can be very narrow minded. When we start to realize that there’s more that’s possible – you have to understand also. Thirty years ago, there wasn’t the internet. It was a different world. We didn’t have cellphones, believe it or not. We didn’t have the same connectivity – there was no social media – same connectivity that we have today. Today, I believe people have an opportunity for education and expansion through programs like yours, Orion, where you’re bringing the news of Stellar Life to people. It’s really important. What starts with that small kernel grows as we educate ourselves, and so I would say that what happened was that was the first piece. Then it was like water in the desert for me. I wanted to find more. I wanted to find more books. Catherine Ponder’s book. I’m sorry I don’t remember the title of the book, but you can find Catherine Ponder was one of the first money books that I read. It was just learning – if I don’t have to be a punching bag, if I don’t have to starve, if I don’t have to struggle financially, what’s possible? There’s an education. There’s a place of learning all the things that we don’t know that we don’t know. I’d say that I still today, at 50 years old, am constantly learning and growing. I think if I’m here and alive and breathing, God’s not done with me, so there’s more to learn. That first step of a thousand-mile journey – it starts with the first step.
Your first step was to focus on money and get as much education or information that you could put your hand on in order to get that. That is so important because many people are just complaining, “Oh, I don’t have it. I’m not good with money,” but they never take the right steps to learn more about it, to get coaching about it, etc.
I would say – just to backtrack to that – my first step was to heal myself. I think that that’s the place that I would go back to again and again. I work with people who own very successful businesses that have been around for decades, that are multiple seven figures, and yet the scarcity mentality still lives with the leaders of the company sometimes. It’s not so much about the practices of money, as more as it is that the core essence of learning that money is simply a form of energy. It comes to us and through us in direct proportion to the people we serve. Whether we hold onto money or whether we have sufficiency and overflowing abundance where we actually have more than enough, is a place that I think is more of an internal development that happens ongoingly. Even some of the great teachers about money and money consciousness often struggle in their lives with money. This is a fascinating piece.
Really? Where did you find that out?
Well, I get to hang out with some pretty cool people these days. I have intimate relationships with them, so I actually know what goes on behind the scenes. This is how I know.
How do you help the leaders in money consciousness to heal their money wounds?
That’s such a great question. Thank you for asking. I actually have a fascinating person, who has just hired me to come up to work with her company. This is a person who’s been on Oprah. It’s a big deal. What I’d say is this: where I am able to support people and where we are able to support one another, because it’s not about me, Orion, but thank you for asking the question. Where we’re able to support one another is to realize that we’re much more alike than we’re different. I so appreciate your sharing about reading Louise Hay’s book in Hebrew. When I travel the world, what I find is that people are people are people. We have the same hopes and dreams. In many cultures, people don’t give their power away to money. Money isn’t the measure of a person’s worth. A measure of a person’s worth is around their contribution and what they can bring to their community or their society. Sometimes when we’re working with indigenous tribes in third world countries, in undeveloped nations, what we find is that the people who are the most revered and the people that are the most important in those communities are the people that, again, have a contribution. In the developed world, in the conversation for where I can meet you, where we understand money as a measure, what I invite people to look at is “How many people are you serving? If you just actually look at – if you have a product or a service, how many people are you serving?” In the traditional model of going to work and having a job, my first job was at McDonald’s. I get paid $3.14 an hour, because that’s the value I provided to the employer. Does that make sense? They knew they could generate probably $30 or $300 or something from my $3 an hour. That’s the piece. We look at it that way as an employee. When we get out into the world and we’re working as self-employed people, or as entrepreneurs and business owners, what we want to look at is how many people can we serve with our widget? How many people are going to – if you were using this radio show as an example, and your revenue was generated by advertising. An advertiser, a person who would sponsor you would want to look at how many people are gonna receive the message. That would be a place where they would attach a dollar amount to the value of the advertising. Consulting with companies, we look at, again, what’s the value? What’s the return on investment that comes from it? It’s a place of having more value in the world. Until we learn to value ourselves, it’s very difficult to bring the level of value that we’re here to do for other people. It comes back to, again, valuing ourselves, remembering who we are, and not putting other people on a pedestal, understanding that we’re all doing the best we can but also calling ourselves – you and I had a conversation earlier about Tony Robbins and what a beautiful mentor and leader he has been for so many of us. What are we actually capable of? Holding ourselves to a higher standard and really looking at how do we expand. If so, what would that look like? If you were an Olympic athlete, you’d be training. Everything that you did in the course of your 24 hours – how you slept, how you ate, how you exercised, who you associated with, where you received coaching and growing opportunities – I want you to think about your life in that perspective. If you want to be a wealthy person – if that’s important to you – I would ask you to consider what would be different because, I can tell you, it’s the same game, more zeroes. You take yourself wherever you go. It’s that place. What version of you would be very different? You build your dream house. You build your dream life. You be with the people that you wanna be, but you’re still the same. You get up in the morning. You pee. If it’s a good day, you poop. You’re just a person. Looking at your life, think about training for the life you actually want to experience, and then think about the habits that you would have as that version of yourself.

Money isn’t the measure of a person’s worth. A measure of a person’s worth is around their contribution and what they can bring to their community or their society.
It reminds me of an exercise that I do when I coach single women. “What do you need to become to attract that person that you want?” It’s about be-ness. It looks like it’s almost the same with money, where if you look at money as your lover, who do you need to become to attract that type of a lover – that handsome, smart, successful person?
How do you treat your money? I think this is an important thing, in the way that you would…
How do you treat your lover?
We do this sometimes from stage and talk about: are you kind to your money? Do you open up your bank account and say, “Thank you. I’m so glad you’re here,” or do you say, “Oh my gosh. You’re not enough again.” It’s all the attraction.
Right. What are some of the tools that helped you to get over “not enough?”
Well, for me personally getting over “not enough” started with counseling when I was a young woman, lots of personal development courses, therapy, landmark education. Those are all things to help me grow personally as an individual. Then for the money perspective, I went out and got the education that I needed. One of the greatest courses – your community can look this up. There’s a course called “Money and You.”
I’ve been there.
Have you? Yes. That’s coming up again. It’s coming up March 16th through the 18th. You can find it on the website. It’s the oldest course in North America. It started in 1970s. They’ve had over a hundred thousand people go through the program. It’s just the core principles, and I think that, again, in a nutshell, there’s a lot to learn there. But the practices around financial independence require us to look at three elements. They require us to look at not only how much money are we bringing in. They require us also to look at how much are we spending, and then how are we growing what we have. There’s tools to learn in each of those arenas. I would say again that the core piece of learning to be kind to yourself and be kind to your money and be in gratitude for what you have. This is a simple thing, but it really does work. That is that we get more of what we focus on. If we focus on, “We don’t have enough,” where we focus on what’s not there, we’re gonna just create more of that. When we focus on celebrating our abundance and celebrating what we have, we start to shift the experience that we have around money, and we start to shift how money shows up around us. Then it becomes the daily practices of tracking your money, paying attention to your money, having the relationship with your money that matches what you say you want. If you say that you want a relationship with money that is healthy and thriving, you need to actually have practices that show that behavior. It can’t be a practice of constantly complaining and “you’re not enough.” It has to be a practice of celebration and love, in the same way you would teach people to have a good relationship with a lover, I want you to think about how you have a relationship with your money. Have a love affair with your money. Have it be something that you are in so much gratitude for. The piece around “not enough,” Orion, I want to bring to your attention is that you had asked about my second book, when I wrote Limitless Women. We were doing research, and we found a study from the United Nations that was published in 2013, which is a few years ago, but the numbers haven’t changed unfortunately (not too much) – that 2.8 billion people – that’s billion with a B. Almost 3 billion people were still living on less than $3 a day. If we take that number and we extrapolate it, so gosh, $1000 a year, 300 days in a year, etcetera etcetera. Let’s say less than $2000 a year. It’s important for us to get a perspective of how much is enough. Lynne Twist wrote a book called The Soul of Money. It’s all about sufficiency. These are just resources that I can share with you that have been eye-opening for me. By the time I took “Money and You” as a course, DC Cordova had become a friend of mine, and I had already received a lot of other education to get to the place that I was in my businesses, but I think at the core, was so important for people to understand, is that – I love DC’s quote, “Have your love life be exciting. Have your money life be boring.” Money and wealth is built for us one step at a time, but we find a system. Then we rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, and rinse and repeat. We don’t get ourselves in a place of deep financial burden. We choose. We choose not to invest in things that are not gonna move us closer to our goals. We actually pay attention to our money. We track our money. We are responsible, and then our integrity with our money. Most people can live on much less than they think they can. I’m not trying to say that that’s how you ought to live, but true abundance is not really related to your dollars and cents. It’s related to your health. It’s related to your purpose. It’s related to the relationships with the people you have. It’s related to your experiences. All of these things don’t cost money.
It’s beautiful. You told me that the more people you serve, the more money you will have. That’s the logic behind it. Then there are those leaders, who teach consciousness around money, who serve probably thousands and millions of people, who go on Oprah Winfrey and share their message with millions, how come they still feel like they’re not enough?
It’s what I call the human condition. As a business consultant, when a company hires my company, it’s generally around – they’re finding that something’s not working in their systems, either they don’t have smooth operations and they’re not having productivity or efficiency. For us as individual entrepreneurs, who would look like, “I don’t have enough hours in the day. I don’t have enough time. I’m always running behind or I’m not caught up.” That’s a place, where things are not showing up working. For businesses, it will show up that their finances are good. They may have great revenue streams, but they have no profit. It happens like that for us as humans. As individuals, we have maybe good money coming in. We look at the end of the year, we had $50,000 come in, but we have nothing left over. What’s underneath that is what I call the human condition. That’s the place, where it’s that “not enough” that’s driving us – that scarcity mentality. It lives in business in the same way it lives in individuals. A business, again, can generate a lot of revenue, but without the healing of the consciousness to really stay at a place of overflowing abundance and gratitude, all of this stuff is very related. I think that it’s the combination, Orion, of the practices of good stewardship of money, which means tracking money, not overspending, not carrying consumer debt. It’s one thing we invest in something that’s a vehicle to generate more revenue, which is very different than buying something because we want it. We buy something because we want it – it’s actually not an investment. I think, again, look at where your life brings excitement and pleasure to you. It’s not that if you had more money, you would have more excitement and pleasure. It’s when you actually get focused and present to what brings you joy and you have practices and experiences to have that be in your life all the time – that’s a life that’s very stellar in my life. That’s a life that’s enriched. For us, one of the dreams we had was to live at the beach. Living at the beach for me, no matter what’s happening in my life, that I can walk out of my house and go sit on the sand and listen to the waves – it soothes me in a way unlike anything else.
It’s not that if you had more money, you would have more excitement and pleasure. It’s when you actually get focused and present to what brings you joy. Share on XBeautiful.
It’s so not about that. What I want to look at for you is what are the practices around money – it’s not for me to say why are there people who are in the public eye, who are not in integrity or congruence. We could have a whole conversation about politics, if you wanted to.
It’s not about integrity. It’s about – how come a person in that position – I’m sure they went through so much training. They teach people, and still there is – how can we before we become that incredible leader heal that wound in an earlier stage? Do you have any process or anything you can share to help to get to that core feeling?
Here’s what I would answer is that it comes back to us all being human. What I would say to you on a soul level is that you’ll see people – I’m not trying to pick on anybody in particular. We’ll just use James Ray as a person because he very publicly was very high. It wasn’t a secret and was very popular, and then ended up having a devastating accident. Horrible. It was actually right around the corner from my house in Sedona. That’s where I live. It was an accident. It was a horrible thing. Nobody meant for that to happen, but something was out of congruency or out of integrity. It had all went away. There’s something that happens in the soul’s journey that’s not for me to judge, so I am not saying this about him in particular. But you’re asking about how could somebody be on Oprah and then not have it be congruent. What happens for all of us – because that’s all we can do is pay attention to our own experience and our own growth and be of service – is that we want to look for any place that we’re not congruent, any place where we’re not telling the truth as we understand it, any place that we’re not being honest with ourselves, and stay in a place of vulnerability and humility and keep showing up to serve. I promise you, everything we ever need is always provided for us. God has a much bigger plan than we ever could have fathomed, but it requires us not putting on airs and not trying to be something we’re not. I think that if we continue to be good servants – I think of some of the people that have made the greatest impact in the world have been some of the most humble people. I think about people like Martin Luther King or Gandhi or Mother Teresa. They have beautiful abundant lives in many ways and lived their legacy. You asked me before this call – what am I passionate about? I’m passionate about more people recognizing, Orion, that this is it. This is your life. This is your legacy. This is your opportunity, and the greatest opportunity we can have as human beings is to be of service to others, not someday when we get there. Look, there’s only one Oprah. You’re not gonna be her, and neither am I. She is amazing, and she’s gonna be her. But you’re amazing, and you’re gonna be you. I’m amazing, and I’m gonna be me. How can we use what we know and what we experienced to really lift up each other, to really help each other? We can’t give our power away to money. It’s not the place that matters. What matters is service and contribution. That’s what matters in the world. I promise you, if you are serving a million people, Orion, you would not be struggling financially ever.
Got it. How do you build a legacy? What is your legacy?
Thank you for asking that question. My greatest contribution to the planet, I believe, is my children. I believe that my greatest blessing as a human being was to receive the gift of being a mother, and the adults that my children are now and who they are in the world is my greatest gift – I think the greatest gift I could give to the planet. They’re beautiful people. They’re amazing people. First and foremost, I always go to that. Were I to leave the planet right now, I would hope that some of the words I’ve shared publicly have helped others, and I’m very humbled and honored when I get emails and letters from people that have received inspiration from me sharing a story in a place of vulnerability. I’m very grateful for that. But I also know that I’m just beginning a new season of my life. I know in my own leadership, working with women and being part of a community of women, that we are lifting each other up as we find our way because we’ve never had the environment that we have today as women to be leaders. We’ve had a very patriarchal society, where women didn’t have rights. I would say, looking at our mothers and our grandmothers, they never had the freedom that we have. I think we have opportunity that’s never experienced by women in developed nations, and I also think we have a responsibility to actually be good stewards of that and create structures and systems and governments and solutions to problems, when we come together to really look at how do we break cycles of poverty. If we know that there’s enough food on the planet, how do we get it to people? Women, by our nature, are givers, and we’re collaborators. When we learn to work with each other and not have any competition, what’s possible is pretty limitless. This is the core of my current work of Limitless Women – is how do we come together to see ourselves bigger? But we’ve got to have people around us that see us when we can’t see ourselves. That’s why community is so important. It’s hard sometimes for people like myself, who didn’t grow up with a lot of community, to learn to receive support, but once we do, I think everything’s available. I would say at this moment, if I’m alive and breathing, I am in the practice of trying to determine how to serve more, and I hope that that in a comprehensive way will leave a legacy that will help others.
Beautiful. What made you think about legacy and leaving your mark in the world?
Thank you for asking. It was such a hard decision to come to, and yet it wasn’t about me. I started receiving invitations to speak and lead in 2009, and I was asked to go to China. If you read my first book, and I know I’ve offered to give a copy of that to your listeners. If you read my first book…
It’s a secret. They’re gonna learn about it later.
Stuff was spinning. Moved from surviving to thriving. I share the story of where I came from. From my childhood – tremendous amount of violence and abuse and poverty, which was very difficult by American standards. Again, on the best day, for many people in the world, they don’t have a roof over their head or water or food in their bellies. When I say that about the abuse that I experienced and the poverty that I grew up with. It still is not as hard as many people still have it today in the world. When I moved from that to building a life and building businesses and learning to love and be loved and having a healthy marriage and family, I built a life as big as I could dream. We built our dream house in Sedona, Arizona. We raised our family there. I still have that home, and life was good. Then I started receiving these invitations to speak, and I wasn’t a speaker. I wasn’t an author. It wasn’t anything I was looking for. I got invited, Orion, to lead a breakout session at a women’s university in China. At first I said, “What’s a break-out session? I have no idea what you’re talking about. How can I help?” They said, “We see you. We see you as an amazing leader in your community.” It was very flattering, but it was also very humbling. Those types of invitations kept coming. It was probably about four or five different invitations like that that came in that had me really praying and asking in my prayers and my meditations, “What is this?” because I had built my life as big as I knew how to do. It was as big as I could dream, and yet there was more. What I came to understand is that I’d had this beautiful gift of moving from surviving to thriving, of raising my children, and of having a healthy home and family (which was my biggest dream), of reaching financial security and sufficiency, and now it was time, as my children were growing up, to go back into the world because there was still billions of people struggling – and that I had the tools to make sure that in the same way someone had handed me Louise Hay’s book, that I could use my experiences to help others. As I pondered this and as I prayed, I would hear, in my conversations with God, that the work was global. I knew that it was around women, and I knew it was around philanthropy and legacy, but I couldn’t find anybody doing it. I kept looking for someone in the Tony Robbin’s world. I kept looking for somebody to model. I kept looking for somebody.
Gotta model yourself.
Yes. I couldn’t find anyone. I’d been so successful with businesses because I could find a business model that I could model and put my own spin on the wheel, but I couldn’t find anybody. So it was really a place of deep soul searching and connecting with other women and allowing myself to receive support and developing this, which is what has evolved to become our company, Legacy Leaders Global. Everything that we do in our company now, we ask, “How can we use this? We have a company. We have employees. We have people we have to pay. We have families that we support. How can we use our business to make a difference?” Our live events where we do business trainings are fundraisers. Everybody comes together and makes a donation. Our consulting clients, when companies hire us, we ask them to take 20% of the consulting fee and donate that to the charity of their choice. All of our book sales – 100% of those proceeds go to charity.
That’s beautiful. Wow!
How many different ways can we do our part – and our part is a little part – but then can we inspire others to do the same with their own businesses?
Wow. Amazing. What would you say are the success traits or habits of successful people?
First and foremost, the number one thing without a doubt is how they spend their time. I think that most people waste their time. I think that they lose their lives, and they don’t realize that this is the only non-renewable resource that we have. It’s the most precious gift that God gives to us. Until somebody has a wake up call – I talk about this in the book, the Three Ds. Until somebody has a death, or a divorce, or a disease – I think you and I might have talked about this in our first call, when we first met each other. Until somebody has this disaster in their lives, they don’t realize that, “Hey! This is it.” Rather than having to go to a dark place, what I encourage people to consider is – it almost goes back full circle to the beginning of this interview – the version of you that would be a (for a measure) multi-million dollar version of you that’s really a leadership of your life and your service. What would you be spending your time on? You probably wouldn’t be sitting around surfing the web. You’d actually be looking at your purposeful work everyday. You’d be making sure you took care of your body, like an athlete. You’d be making sure you had your self-care in place. You’d make sure that you nourished yourself, where you would care about yourself. You would care about the people around you because large success (whatever the measure is for you) – but any measure of success that’s truly great and impactful is only created through teams of people. It’s only created through organizations. One individual person doesn’t do that. Oprah only makes an incredible impact, as beautiful and amazing as she is, because she’s learned to surround herself with rockstar people.

Most people waste their time. I think that they lose their lives, and they don’t realize that this is the only non-renewable resource that we have. It’s the most precious gift that God gives to us.
That’s powerful.
Yeah. We all need a team.
Yeah. Amazing. Before we leave – I wish we had more time – where can people find you? I know that you have a special, special gift for our listeners.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share. If you would like to have a complimentary copy of my first book that I’m referring to, Stop The Spinning, Move From Surviving To Thriving, it’s available for sale on Amazon but I would love to just give you a free copy. You can download an e-copy of the book. If you go to laurafreebook.com, you can download a copy of the book and it would be my pleasure to share that with you. Then to find out about our events, Limitless Women is an annual event that we host once per week, it’s coming up in April. We host a flow retreat and the path to freedom event, and those details you can find on my website at lauragisborne.com. If you’re interested in joining us at any of those, please write to me, I would love to have you with us if it makes sense for you. You can contact me directly me through the website at lauragisborne.com.
Amazing. Thank you so much, Laura.
Thank you, Orion. I so appreciate your time and your generosity.
Thank you very much. Have a great day.
You too, dear.
Your Checklist Actions to Take
✓ Get a copy of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, and read it attentively. This book can change my life.
✓ Cultivate an understanding of the fact that there’s more available than what I think. I’m not limited to what I’m accustomed to.
✓ Ask myself this question: if I didn’t have to struggle with money, what would be possible in my life?
✓ Instead of looking at how much money I’ll make, shift my focus to how many people I can serve.
✓ Think about training for the life I want to experience, and the habits I would have as that version of myself. Work toward incorporating these habits into my current life.
✓ Search for and act upon my life’s true purpose – don’t wait for a ‘wake up call’ to appreciate the beauty and fragility of life.
✓ When I start slipping into a scarcity mindset, remind myself that almost half the world lives on $3 a day or less. I have more than I may think.
✓ Find a way to be part of a community of other women. Lift each other up and support each other in becoming leaders and taking responsibility.
✓ Look closely at how I’m spending my time. It’s a truly non-renewable resource, and how I spend it shapes my life.
✓ Take Laura up on her offer of a free copy of her book Stop the Spinning: Move From Surviving to Thriving from laurafreebook.com. Read it, and heal my relationship with money.
Links and Resources:
- Laura Gisborne
- Twitter – Laura Gisborne
- LinkedIn – Laura Gisborne
- Facebook – Laura Gisborne
- Limitless Women (the group)
- Stop the Spinning: Move From Surviving to Thriving
- Limitless Women
- You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
- The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
- The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
- Tony Robbins
- Money & You
- Dame DC Cordova
- James Ray
About Laura Gisborne
Laura Gisborne is a highly successful business expert with over 20 years experience. From structuring and selling small boutique businesses to owning a multi-million dollar wine and real estate empire, Laura has owned nine businesses, her first when she was only 23 years old.
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