A Personal Note From Orion
Welcome, Stellar Life listeners! Have you ever felt that undeniable “knowing” but dismissed it as coincidence or imagination? I’m thrilled to welcome the remarkable Echo Bodine to Stellar Life! At 76, Echo brings over 50 years of experience as a professional psychic, healer, and spiritual teacher. Her journey began at 17 with an extraordinary family experience involving her brother’s encounter with a spirit that would change the course of her life—despite her initial resistance to her gifts.
In this captivating episode, Echo reveals the crucial difference between intuition and psychic abilities, sharing practical techniques to develop both. She explains why intuition always speaks with calm certainty (even when delivering difficult news), how to discern between fear and genuine guidance, and offers surprising protection methods for empaths.
This conversation deeply resonated with me as I’ve struggled to distinguish between my ego’s desires and my intuition’s wisdom. Echo’s simple test—noticing when you “just know” versus when you “think you should”—has already helped me make clearer decisions in my business and relationships.
Whether skeptical about psychic phenomena or already developing your gifts, Echo’s down-to-earth approach makes these concepts accessible and immediately applicable. You’ll walk away understanding how to check in with your intuition before making decisions, protect your energy in overwhelming environments, and recognize the subtle language of your inner wisdom.
Listen now, and then try Echo’s stomach check-in technique with your next decision. I’d love to hear what insights emerge for you. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the show!
In This Episode
- [03:51] – Echo Bodine recounts her journey, beginning with a family experience where a spirit played music on her brother’s drums.
- [08:18] – Echo reflects on her initial resistance to embracing her psychic abilities, yearning for a normal life before ultimately accepting them professionally.
- [12:58] – Echo reveals her purpose: guiding people to recognize and cultivate their psychic gifts.
- [14:04] – Echo clarifies the distinction between intuition and psychic abilities, explaining how to harness each effectively in daily life.
- [16:20] – Echo underscores her mission of teaching others about their spiritual gifts while dispelling fear around psychic phenomena.
- [21:03] – Echo breaks down the four psychic abilities: clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (sensing), and clairgustance (the psychic nose).
- [33:38] – Echo stresses the importance of tuning into intuition regularly to make empowered decisions.
- [36:34] – Echo conducts a mini reading for Orion, showcasing her psychic gifts and connection with her guides.
- [43:45] – Echo conducts a mini reading for Orion, showcasing her psychic gifts and connection with her guides.
- [46:49] – Echo inspires listeners to build a relationship with their intuition, treating it as a trusted ally.
- [47:09] – Echo shares her top three tips for living a stellar life: embrace intuition, simplify, and love wholeheartedly.
About Today’s Show
Hi Echo, welcome to the Stellar Life podcast. Thank you so much for being here.
Oh, honey, this is a real honor. This is just cool.
You’re amazing. We had a little conversation before we began, and I’m already in love with you. I’m sure listeners will, too. Before we begin, maybe you can share a bit about your personal journey of becoming the person you are. What’s your purpose?
Oh, honey, my journey started when I was 17, and I’m 76 right now. That was a long time ago. We had a very unusual experience in my family. One of my brothers saw a spirit. I’m kind of condensing the story because I could talk for an hour about that experience. This spirit freaked him out so much and freaked all of us in the family that he had the spirit just float through the door and across the room.
My brother was playing his drums, and this spirit put its hands on top of my brother’s hands and played music. It was really nice music. Then, after just about 30 seconds, the spirit moved back across the room and through the door. My brother, obviously, was so freaked out, and he came running upstairs and told my parents and all of us. We were all finishing at the dinner table. Everybody’s like, “What? A spirit?!”
He said, “Yes, it floated through the door, across the room, put its hands on my hands, and played the music.” My brother said, “I couldn’t drop my sticks. I couldn’t move. This thing was just playing the music, and then it stopped, and it went across the room and through the door.” At the time, my mom was in a prayer group, and one of the women had told her she had been to a psychic. This was in 1965, honey. You had to know somebody who knew a psychic.
It wasn’t like it is today. So, Mom called her friend and said, “I need the number of that psychic. We just had a really weird experience.” She calls the psychic, and the psychic says, “Yes, Mrs. Bodine, I’ve been expecting your phone call.”
Yeah, I know.
Oh, my goodness, chills.
She says, “This happened for a very important reason. I need to see you and your oldest daughter for a psychic reading.”
I’m getting goosebumps all over as you’re telling me the story.
She told my mom that the spirit that played the drums was my brother’s guardian angel and that he would teach my brother many things. My mom was pretty freaked out, so she told the psychic, “Okay, I’ll call you back.” We were so curious. Why does she want to see us? I’m a senior in high school. I’ve already been accepted to the University of Minnesota. My plan is to be a social worker.

Intuition isn’t emotional. It is steady, calm, and clear.
We couldn’t imagine why she wanted to see us. We called back, and we made an appointment. We went that night, about a week later. She told my mom that she would be a well-known psychic someday, that my baby brother Michael would be a professional psychic, that my sister Nikki would come into her gifts in her middle 40s, and that I would be a well-known psychic. Then, it was my turn to go in and get a reading, and she told me I have all four psychic abilities and that I was born with the gift of healing.
She said I was going to be a well-known psychic. People around the world would know my name. I would write many books, be on radio and TV, and travel the world. I looked at this woman and said, “Okay, two things. I don’t have any of this stuff, and I don’t want any of this stuff. I don’t want to be a psychic. I’m going to go to college and I’m going to be a social worker. I just want a nice, normal life.”
She said, “You can have a nice, normal life in your next life, but not in this life.” Then she said a psychic would be calling us sometime in the next few weeks, and she would teach us how to develop our abilities. She said, “As far as the gift of healing, there are two things I have to tell you. One, don’t ever forget it’s God that heals people. And two, always use white hankies underneath your hands when you’re channeling energy.”
Trust your intuition, keep life simple, and love as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. Share on XAnd she said to me, “Your father is at home with a migraine headache,” which he was. And she said, “Go home. Put some hankies on top of his head and channel healing. You’ll have to learn the rest on your own.” Come on. You should have heard Mom and I on the way home, “Why us? Why do we have to do this stuff?” But when I got home, I asked my dad, “Can I use some of your hankies?”
I put my hands on his head, and my hands started to heat up like little heating pads. I thought, “You got to be kidding me. What is this?” I kept them there, and they started to tremble. My mom was standing right next to me, and I said, “They’re trembling, and they’re really hot.” After 20 seconds, I took my hands off because they cooled off all by themselves. My dad said, “Well, I’ll be darned if my headache isn’t gone.”
I was like, “What?!” So, cut through to the next phone call with a lady here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who introduced herself. She was a spiritualist minister. She said her spirit guides gave her mom’s name and my name, along with some other people, and she was supposed to teach us how to develop our psychic abilities. Well, Orion, honey, I was so freaked out. I did not want to have this stuff.
Many people think intuition is the same as psychic abilities, but they’re not.
But my mom said, “Well, honey, let’s just go once and see what it’s like.” So we did, and oh my god, honey, when she explained what clairvoyance was—the gift of seeing, getting visions in your mind that come true. I remember saying, “Well, yeah, I do that, but doesn’t everybody do that?” The teacher said, “No, that’s a psychic ability.” I thought, “What? Ever since I was little, I have had visions that have come true.” I figured it was something everybody did.
Then, when she said clairaudience, thoughts come into your mind, which are conversations that come from your spirit guides, which are guidance. I said, “Yeah, I do that. But doesn’t everybody do that?” So, honey, when she explained what they were, “Oh, that is psychic abilities.” I realized, “Oh my gosh, I’ve had these things forever.” And my mom, too, was like, “But I thought everybody had that.”
So everything that the psychic said turned out. I’ve written 12 books, and I’m working on number 13 right now. I’ve been a professional psychic, honey, for at least 50 of those years. You know what, though, I was a little defiant in that I thought, “Well, just because this psychic says this doesn’t mean I want to do this.” So, I went on to college for two years. My psychic abilities continued to grow. My hands continued to get hot when I was around sick people.
And then, finally, it was just time. It’s like, “Okay, it’s time to come out of the closet. It’s time to tell people what you can do.” And so, I started doing it professionally when I was 28 and I’ve been doing it ever since, honey. And your question, what is my purpose? Why am I here? There are so many different reasons, but like tonight, I have a show on Tuesday nights on Bold Brave TV called Enough IS Enough.
The idea behind the show is that religion and many people have put the “New Age” in a very negative light. And my attitude is, “Enough is enough.” I want to help people recognize their psychic abilities. I want them to understand that there’s a difference between intuition and psychic abilities. I want to teach people these things so they can use their gifts in everyday life and get that inner guidance.
So many people don’t know what intuition is. They don’t understand it. Many people think intuition is the same as psychic abilities, but they’re not. They are different. It’s important for me to shed light on our spiritual gifts instead of trying to keep them in the darkness like there’s something wrong with them. I can’t tell you how many students I’ve met over the years who cry because their pastor or priest told them, “Don’t take psychic development classes. Those are evil.” Why do they do that?
Why do you think they do that?
It’s important for me to shed light on our spiritual gifts instead of trying to keep them in the darkness like there’s something wrong with them.
I think they’re afraid of psychic abilities, honey. Because they don’t understand them, they don’t know how to teach about them, so they just put them in the category of being bad. I think that’s why. I could be wrong, but I can’t think of any reason other than the fact that many priests tell people the only way to God is through them, which is wrong to teach what they do. I want to free people up from this old way of thinking. Enough is enough. That’s my attitude.
There were so many prophets in the Bible, in ancient cultures, and all over the world. It’s not in you. It’s just made to be bad. Because if you let people connect on their own and have the freedom to expand their psychic abilities, they might not need you anymore. They might not need a structured religion and just go on their own, and then they won’t have followers. I think it’s definitely fear-based.
Yeah, it is fear-based. It’s ridiculous. That’s how I see my role now. I took a break from psychic work for a few years because I concentrated on teaching. In the last two months, I have just gone back to doing readings. But my main thing is that I teach classes on Zoom at night. That’s what I want to do—just keep teaching people about their spiritual gifts and take this fear away, teach people about the gift of healing.
I probably will do that until the day that I die, honey. People ask me if I were to retire. It’s like, “Retire? What would I even do?”
I love that.
This is what I do.
Of course, the obvious question is, what’s the difference between psychic abilities and intuition?
I just want to keep teaching people about their spiritual gifts and remove their fear.
Oh, honey, I’m glad you asked me that. When I was seven, I asked my mom. I said, “Mom, you seem to know everything. You know what Dad is up to and what us kids are up to. How do you always know stuff? She said, “Oh, it’s my intuition.” I said, “Well, what is that?” She pointed to my stomach and said, “Honey, it’s in there.” “What’s in there?” “My intuition, it’s in there.” And she always points to my stomach. I was like, “Well, I want to be like you. I want to know what you know.” So she said, “Okay, I’ll teach you.”
So, honey, every time I had a decision I had to make, she would point to my stomach and say, “Okay, does it say yes, or does it say no?” It took me forever to figure it out because I’m such an analytical Virgo.
My goodness, like my son.
I would analyze anything and everything. Feel or think. She just kept it up forever. She would just point to my stomach and say, “What does it say in there?” I go, “Mom, it doesn’t say anything.” Then, you know what, sweetheart, I started to actually feel something in there. “I think it said yes,” or “Oh, I think it said no.” I started reading books and just trying to figure this whole thing out. “What is it?”
And, you know, honey, it wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I realized that intuition is the voice of God within all of us, that every one of us has this light inside, and it never lies to us. Intuition is not emotional, which was a really good thing for me to read. I read that in the book Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain. That was so important for me to read because the other problem is a lot of our emotions are in here, too. We can feel emotional about something and then interpret that as intuition.
I had a student, and one night she called me and said, “Oh my God, my intuition is freaking out. It’s telling me that my daughter’s gonna get killed on the way home from school.” So, I said to her, “Wait a minute. Intuition doesn’t have emotion, so the fact that this is emotional tells me this is your fear.” She said, “Yes, but it’s so strong.” I said, “No, no, wait a minute, intuition is a calm voice. Even when it’s giving us bad news, there’s a calmness to it. So I said, I am almost 100% sure that is not your intuition telling you that. That is your own fear.”
She called me a couple of hours later and said her daughter had just walked in the front door, everything was fine, and she had no problems. That was a good experience for both of us because I had read that it was not emotional. But this was a good experience for the student and me because then, she knew.
I once had this experience when I was on my way to the doctor. While driving the car, I asked my intuition, “Will you please help me remember everything I wanted to talk to the doctor about?” I heard the word “no.” Then, I heard the word “accident.” It was just a calm word, “accident,” “Accident? No, I’m not gonna have an accident.” I was analyzing everything in front of me, “No, I’m not gonna have an accident.” Boom! I didn’t look at the guy behind me. Then, I rear-ended the person in front of me.
So, I did not end up at the doctor that day because I was in a car accident, but that was a really good experience for me, too, because it just said the word accident. There was no emotion to it. That’s always helped me a lot. If I’m feeling really anxious, “Okay, that’s not my intuition.” I have learned that when intuition says yes, it comes with a positive feeling; when it says no, it feels empty, like there’s nothing there.
When I was developing my psychic abilities, I realized up in the head that we all have a third eye. I get visions with that third eye—that’s clairvoyance, the gift of seeing. Then, there’s clairaudience, which is the gift of hearing. When our spirit guides, or even God, communicate, they think to us. Our spirit guides don’t have a voice box, so they send us thoughts when they communicate with us. That’s what clairaudience is; we receive their thoughts.
Intuition is a calm voice. Even when it’s giving us bad news, there’s a calmness to it.
Now, the challenge for somebody with clairaudience is that they have to learn how to discern the difference between their thoughts and those coming in from their guides. Once you recognize your thoughts after that, you recognize, “Oh, that’s what they sound like.” There is a very subtle difference between their thoughts coming in and our own thoughts.
Clairsentience is the gift of sense. So, people that have psychic abilities, I gotta say, 98% of them have clairsentience. Think about when you go to a new place for the first time. So you get there and you walk in, and we use our bodies as a sensor. “Does it feel safe here?” “Yeah, it feels safe.” Or we walk in and immediately, “Whoa, this does not feel safe,” so we back out and maybe leave.
Think about children who have clairsentience. They go by their own radar, and when they go into a room with their parents, their parents seem really happy, but they feel, “Uh oh, something’s not right here.” So what they’ll do is go hyper-vigilant. They don’t trust anybody.
Maybe they also sense things we cannot sense because children are so open. They can see more than adults are numb to, I guess, entities or stuff from different dimensions. They’re out there; they’re not completely here. They’re still closer to the soul.
Yes, honey, I totally agree with you. They can sense what we don’t sense. We’re there. We’re talking to people. We’re not using our clairsentence. Now, we might be. People who are super, ultra-clairsentient can’t go anywhere; they don’t go to sporting events, and they don’t go to public places.
The challenge for somebody with clairaudience is that they have to learn how to discern the difference between their thoughts and those coming in from their guides.
They can sense too much.
Yeah, it’s too much. So, what’s cool is that my teacher taught us—this will sound just goofy—but she told all the women in our class to get mirrors, put them inside our bra, and have them face out. Doesn’t that sound very uncomfortable? But she said, “What they do is keep negative energy away from you.”
For real?
That’s what she said.
I’m very empathic. Sometimes, I can sense people. I can read people really well. I can sense people really well. I am affected by people. Sometimes, I get thoughts that are not my own. It’s like a match with their field. I do the imagery of a mirror facing out in a bubble. But I never thought about actually putting a mirror here.
Mom and I didn’t do it because it sounded really uncomfortable. But about 20 years after that, I walked into a shop here in Minnesota, and this lady had a necklace. It was a beautiful necklace with a mirror on it. I bought it right away, and I started wearing it all the time. It made a huge difference. I have a teaching center here in Minneapolis. There’s a young woman who has a shop. She does all kinds of jewelry, and she makes mirror necklaces. She sells a ton of them.
All my students can order them from her, and she ships them out all over the world. The name of her website is holisticarts.net. She makes all kinds of necklaces now and puts mirrors on them. She even makes mirror earrings for people. Women always come into the teaching center and say, “Oh my God, my life has changed. Ever since I got this necklace, I can go anywhere.” I even had students buy one for the front and back of them.
You can wear them underneath your shirt so people don’t even know. And then for guys, most guys have a pocket someplace, and our teacher said guys can put the mirrors in their pocket, just facing out. It works, honey. It is so fascinating that this little mirror can actually keep negative energy away. Sometimes, I wonder, “Okay, is it a combination of believing they can?” Because then you go someplace, and you have this sense of feeling protected.
Right. That affects your field. It’s like that placebo.

Clairsentience is the gift of sensing energy. About 98% of people with psychic abilities have it.
It sure does, honey. That’s clairsentience. Any student of mine that has clairsentience gets a mirror necklace and says it changed everything for them. The last psychic ability is called—a strange one—clairgustance, which is the psychic nose. I can teach people how to develop clairaudience and clairvoyance and to identify clairsentience, but I can’t teach anybody how to have a psychic nose. You’ve either got it or you don’t.
When I was pregnant, I had a psychic nose. I could smell anything.
Could you?
No, I was joking. It was a joke. My sense of smell was heightened.
Oh, honey, yes, it is. For people with clairgustance, it is handy if a deceased loved one is visiting us and we can smell them, like their cologne. One of my client’s aunt came to visit, and she gave me a picture of baking bread. All I could smell from the whole reading was freshly baked bread. That was what she was known for. She was always baking homemade bread for people. That’s what a psychic nose does. Or let’s say you’re on your way to work one morning, and you get the smell of your curling iron, “Oh, maybe I left it on.” It comes in handy that way, honey.
Our emotions can be all over the place, and sometimes, we mistake fear or excitement for intuition. But real intuition is that quiet knowing deep inside. Share on XHow do we connect to our intuition? First of all, I thought everyone has psychic abilities, but you think maybe not. And the second question is, how do we connect to that small voice inside?
Does everyone have psychic ability? I look at it this way: everybody has the potential to play the piano, but not everybody wants to play the piano this lifetime. Maybe they’ve played the piano in other lifetimes, so it’s not an important thing to them. How do we connect to intuition? First of all, I wrote a book called A Still, Small Voice.
It was actually very meaningful for my husband. I think that really helped him connect to his intuition. He raves about this book.
I’m glad to hear that because men struggle with listening to intuition because they’re raised differently than we are. We hear about this thing that women have: women’s intuition. We have permission to explore that part of ourselves, whereas men are supposed to just think. I’m glad that he got a lot from the book. I’m very glad to hear that.
I can teach people how to develop clairaudience and clairvoyance and to identify clairsentience, but I can’t teach anybody how to have a psychic nose.
He absolutely adores you. You guys had an interview on his podcast, Get Yourself Optimized.
Good. Thank you, honey. You know what, sweetheart, I tell everybody, just pretend that your mom is standing next to you every time you have a decision, and she’s pointing to your stomach because that’s what she did for me. And like I said, she just stayed on me, honey, every decision I had to make. I remember even trying to find a dress for prom, and I saw two or three I really liked. I said, “Mom, what do you think?” She goes, “Well, what does your intuition say?”
I’m like, “Mom, can you just make a decision for me?” And she said, “No, honey, you have to ask your intuition.” And so I did, and that’s how I picked out my prom dress. As I got older and older now, that’s the first place I go. I don’t even know if this is where I go first, and I ask my intuition, “Well, do you think I should do this?” People might call me and say, “Hey, do you want to get together Friday night?”
I tell people, “Let me give it some thought, and I’ll get back to you.” So, when I hang up the phone, I’ll tell my intuition, “What do you think about Friday night? Would it be fun to go hang out with those people?” My intuition might say no, but I have found that every time it says no, it’s because when that day gets here, I’m really tired. I just want to be done with work, put my pajamas on and zone out.
Or my intuition might say yes, and that day comes, and “Oh my gosh, I’m just full of energy. I can’t wait to see my friends.” Even with something like an invitation to someplace, I always check because there have been times when I didn’t check and I said yes right away, “Oh yeah, that sounds great. Let’s do it,” and then I end up regretting it because I don’t want to cancel in the last minute, but I’m tired, and I don’t want to go.
Men struggle with listening to intuition because they’re raised differently than we are. In contrast, women have women’s intuition. We have permission to explore that part of ourselves.
After you do it, just keep checking in. It becomes so natural that you don’t even think about it anymore. You just go here first, and then if you get a yes, you can take that yes up to this magnificent brain of yours and say, “Okay, would you help me put this idea together?” That’s how they work together. That’s really cool.
But how do you know if it’s your intuition or your ego? I’m struggling with it sometimes.
Okay, I can tell you, and it’s really simple. You need to listen to yourself talk. If you say, “Well, I think this is what we should do, ego. Oh, this is what we should do, intuition.” Intuition is knowing. My students always say to me, “Well, I don’t know if it’s my intuition.” So, I say to them, “Okay, well, talk to me about it. How do you think about this thing? How does it feel to you?” “Well, you know, I really think I should do that.” “Oh, you think you should do that? Okay. How does it feel when you think about it?” “Oh, you mean down here?” “Yeah, how does it feel?”
And a lot of times, they say, “I don’t know how it feels.” But when they say, “This doesn’t make any sense, Echo, but I just know I have to do this.” That is intuition. The word “knowing” is the clue.
Yes. So, I just signed up for a program where I get something about abundance. They have guides. She calls them angels. There are females and males. I really wanted to get a female because it resonates. It got delayed somehow, even though I signed up for the high-level program. I was kind of late, but I still didn’t get one. I finally got one today, and it was a male.
I’m thinking, “Is this my ego resisting it? Is it actually really good for me, and should I not say something and just go with the flow? Or should I go and be like, “Hey, but I really want a female,” which sounds a little childish. It’s not a big decision. It’s not a big deal, but it still drives me crazy. It’s hard for me to listen. Maybe you can help me. It’s a tiny thing.
When your intuition says yes, it feels warm, clear, and right. When it says no, there is emptiness—no push, pull, just nothing. That stillness is your answer. Share on XSo, honey, did they say you have a male angel?
Yes. She does it through numerology. She matches the birthdays and decides, “Oh, this guy’s perfect for her.” I’m just like, “I won’t resonate.” I don’t know.
Oh, interesting. If I were you, I would ask your intuition throughout the day. Does this feel right to you? Because you want it to feel right. And the fact that you want a female, I don’t know if that’s your ego so much, honey. This will be good for you to work on throughout the day. Just say the guide’s name and if it resonates with you. Because it should resonate with you, it should.
It’s almost like a visceral reaction, like, “I don’t want that.” It’s interesting. But again, I don’t know if it’s my ego or intuition.
Okay, please give me the angel’s name. Let’s see.

Everyone has the potential for psychic abilities, just like anyone can learn to play an instrument. But not everyone is meant to develop it in this lifetime.
His name is Tamir Ashbal. It can be the perfect one for me. Who knows?
Oh God, I’m getting the chills big time here. He’s very strong. You know what, sweetheart, he’s gonna take you up a few notches.
So, it was my ego.
Okay, so now, when I feel your energy, I can feel why you would like a female. Here’s your husband, here’s little David, and here’s you. There’s a lot of male energy here. It makes sense that you want female energy to balance you out. But, they’re saying to me that this guy, you can call an angel guy, is quite spiritual.
I just heard him say, “I don’t really identify myself as male or female. I am a very balanced being, and I plan on bringing that balance to her. I am not what she would think a typical male guide would be. So, erase your picture of what you think I would be and allow me to show you a balanced being. I will present in a male way, but I will also present in a female way because this is who I am.”
Wow, that’s amazing.
Yeah, and he says, “I am considered to be a loving force in your life. I will bring much creativity and gentleness to your life, and the day will come when you and I will walk together, and you will be strong for me, and I will be strong for you, and that is going to be our friendship. You can call me whatever you want, but this is my official name.” Oh, he just said, “And I want you to know I have a sense of humor.”
Because I love a sense of humor.
He said, “We will have many laughs together. And now, she needs to get used to my voice. That’s what we will be working on for the next seven days.” That’s what he just said, so you can identify his thoughts as they come in. He says, “They will feel male, but don’t let that fool you. That will help you discern my thoughts from your thoughts.” Then he just said, “Oh, we are going to have fun.”
Alright. Okay, amazing.
He just bowed.
I was not expecting that. Thank you so much.
Think of your intuition as something that loves to talk to you. It is always there, always ready to guide you. You just have to listen. Share on XHoney, he’s very strong. Talk about an angel. Holy smokes. He’s got a lot of energy.
That’s amazing. You know, sometimes I do those things. Sometimes, I’m really spot-on with people. But when it comes to something I desire or get my ego in the way, I judge things on the surface, like I don’t see what you see. What do I do when I’m in that spot? How do I connect inside? You just ask, and then things come?
Yep, just ask, honey. You must think of your intuition as it just loves talking to you. It loves to communicate. It wants to communicate with you. People sometimes look at it as if it were some foreign object, but it is not. It’s been in you since the day your soul was created. You just have to get used to talking to it. I go through my life talking to my stomach. It’s just a constant throughout the day. Just make friends with it.
People sometimes look at intuition as if it were some foreign object, but it is not. It’s been in you since the day your soul was created.
One day, I was on the treadmill. I closed my eyes, held on to the bars, and said, “God, are you really in there?” You should have seen it. All of a sudden, I swallowed a flood light. This light came out of me, which freaked me so much that I just stood there on the treadmill. It’s an interesting time to experience that on the treadmill. I just wanted to run upstairs and forget that I even asked. The light was so bright.
Then, the next day, I came back, got on the treadmill, and said, “God, are you still in there?” This light comes out but turns into a sword and looks like an Excalibur. It was gorgeous. So, I said, “Okay, why are you like a sword?” The words came, “Because I am your protector.”
Oh, how beautiful.
After that, every day when I went on the treadmill, I would talk to God, and I would just have these great conversations and get answers. That’s all you have to do, honey. Just talk.
That’s amazing. Sometimes, I do the sway test. I know some people sway forward and backward. I do it right and left, and I get right or left, but it seems like I need to be in some kind of a higher vibration to get the right answer. I feel like when I’m not in a good place, it’s not a good time to ask. Is that correct?
Yes, honey. Sometimes, when we’re not in a good spot and we’re trying to get some answer, you could sway all day, and nothing really happens. Just keep talking, sweetheart. When we hang up today, tell your intuition, “I really want to be friends with you. I want to connect. I want to feel that oneness with you. I want to know you’re there. So please help me.”
I can speak with you for hours. You are an incredible soul and a lovely, lovely human being. I want to be respectful of your time. So, before we say goodbye for now, what are your three top tips for living a stellar life? And where can people find you?
Okay, people can find me at echobodine.com, which is my website. I’m on Facebook under Echo Lee Bodine, Echo Bodine, or Echo Bodine’s Center for Intuitive Living. Those are three Facebook pages.
Words to look at: find your intuition, keep it simple, and love like it’s easy.
Oh, I like that so much. Thank you.
You’re welcome, honey, you’re welcome. This has been great. Honey, I feel so honored. I can’t even tell you,
Yeah, that was an intuitive move, for sure. So, thank you so so much. I appreciate you so much. Thank you, listeners. Remember to find your intuition, keep it simple, love like it’s easy, and have a stellar life. This is Orion till next time.
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
{✓ } Recognize the difference between intuition and emotion. When you feel extremely emotional about a prediction, it’s likely fear rather than intuition.
{✓ } Practice daily intuition check-ins. Before making decisions, pause and ask yourself if it feels like a “yes” or “no” and notice the subtle sensations – a positive feeling usually indicates yes, while an empty feeling suggests no.
{✓ } Use the “knowing” test to distinguish intuition from ego. Pay attention to your language – when you say, “I think I should do this,” it’s likely your ego, whereas when you feel, “I just know I need to do this,” despite it not making logical sense, that’s intuition speaking.
{✓ } Create a mirror shield for protection. If you’re highly sensitive to others’ energies, wear or carry a small mirror facing outward (like a necklace or in a pocket). This helps deflect negative energy and navigate public spaces more comfortably.
{✓ } Develop your clairsentience by using your body as a sensor. Practice noticing how your body responds when entering new environments or meeting new people.
{✓ } Learn to discern between your thoughts and guidance from spirit. When developing clairaudience (psychic hearing), recognize the subtle differences between your thoughts and those coming from guides.
{✓ } Connect with your intuition through direct conversation. Speak to your intuition as if it were a trusted friend – ask questions and express your desire to strengthen the connection.
{✓ } Pay attention to words that spontaneously arise in your mind. When intuitive messages come through, they often appear as simple, calm words without emotional charge.
{✓ } Begin with simple yes/no questions to build intuitive confidence. Start with low-stakes decisions to practice trusting your intuition.
{✓ } Connect with Echo Bodine for deeper intuitive development. Visit echobodine.com or find her on Facebook (Echo Lee Bodine, Echo Bodine, or Echo Bodine’s Center for Intuitive Living).
Links and Resources
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About Echo Bodine
Echo Bodine is known internationally for her work as a spiritual healer and writer. Echo has appeared on numerous national television shows, including Sally Jesse Raphael and NBC’s Later Today. She is the author of several books, including Hands That Heal, Echoes of the Soul, Relax, Little Book of Ghost Stories, and A Still, Small Voice.
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