About Today’s Show
Hello and welcome to another stellar episode. I’m your host Orion and today I’m super excited to have with me the extraordinary Tiffany Han. Tiffany is a business and branding coach for highly creative women. She is the host of the popular podcast Raise Your Hand. Say Yes. Her podcast explores the creative lives and successes of extraordinary people. What I love the most about her is that she encourages her listeners to reach for their dreams. Hi Tiffany and welcome to the show.
Hi, thanks so much for having me, I’m excited to be here.
Yeah, how are you doing today?
Good, I’m really good.
Cool. So let’s start by telling our listeners a little bit about yourself.
In a nutshell, as you said before, I’m a business and branding coach and I worked with highly-creative women, who either want to start a business or really take their businesses to the next level and make it work for them. I think a lot of creative entrepreneurs have businesses, where they work all the time and run themselves into the ground and aren’t necessarily getting paid by their business both financially and energetically, and I want to change that for people. I also I’m on a greater mission to encourage people whether they have a business or not, to take creative risks and get really comfortable with discomfort and step outside of their comfort zones and that’s more what I talk about on my podcasts. I live in the Bay area; I have 16-month old twins. I like to dance in my kitchen and go sailing and go hiking. Although I don’t do much of… I mean, I do kitchen dancing but I don’t do much outside the house these days with the kids and work and everything. That’s a little quick notes version.
Take creative risks and get really comfortable with discomfort and step outside of your comfort zones. Share on XThat’s wonderful, I love to dance in my kitchen as well, we have that in common. I love dancing. It’s just the way to express life, like for women, we release and express so much through movement, unlike men. Men are more linear but women. We need to move. When we don’t move we feel like we are locked in our bodies.
Yeah, and I think a lot of us who sit at a desk all day, it’s easy to forget to move sometimes. I work on a computer, right, like most people and often I’ll I get up and I’ll be like, “Oh God, like my body gets so stiff.” I encourage movement.
I have a standing desk and that works really well, I got it in Ikea and it’s so super cool. It’s really good, it’s actually healthier too. Tell me a little bit about your podcast, Raise Your Hand. Say yes. This is a very popular podcast. You have reached over 50,000 listeners, I don’t know how many listeners you have by now, but it really exploded and people love your message, and they love what you do. How did you start it and what made it a success.
Thank you for calling it a success. I mean I hope so, I really love doing it, so it’s nice that people listen and keep tuning in every week to hear what I have to say, I really appreciate that. I started the podcast last year in September. I was coming back from maternity leave, from having my twins and I just needed something new. I was feeling being an entrepreneur and motherhood and parenthood, it can be really lonely and isolating, and I think that’s a side of both of those that people don’t talk about very often. That you spend a lot of time by yourself, or with babies who aren’t necessarily interacting with you and it’s easy to get caught up in your head. At the same time, I kept having … I have a lot of really creative friends who maybe have their businesses or are working on creative projects, and we would have these conversations about creativity, and risk-taking and about making things happen and I always said, “Oh wish that I can record these conversations and play them for my coaching clients” because there is so much good stuff in here, and it’s my contention that we are all the same, whether someone is successful or not. At the end of the day we’re all people and we all have insecurities and we all have self-doubt, we all have fears that come out especially with creative endeavors. A lot of times, people think that there is this method, a prolific artist, that they wake up in the morning and they just feel super inspired to do the work. Then the make every day as another masterpiece. There’s a lot more struggle that happens behind the scenes, that I didn’t necessarily need to highlight the struggle but my goal for this show is for people who are listening to hear from really successful people who have accomplished a lot, and walk away from the conversation saying, “I feel that too and now I know I’m not alone.” If she can do it, I can go after my own creative dreams. The title comes from a class that I had taken a few years ago with Erin Loechner. She’s a blogger who blogs Design for Mankind, and she is … she was on my show, one of the earlier episodes, and she is maybe the nicest person I’ve ever met in my life, and she taught a class where the beginning part of her classes, like if you want to make things happen for yourself, you have to be willing to raise your hand and say yes. Then trust that you’ll figure it out later. That’s where the title came from, because I want my audiences, and primarily women, and I want women to know that, we often-we’ll try and wait and until we’re ready, and you’re never going to feel ready. That as women we’re really good at figuring things out, we’re really good at handling things. It might feel really risky and you might feel like a crazy person, and think, “Oh my God, what I’m I doing, I don’t know how to do this. Probably for you guys listening, you’ve had those thoughts before and you have figured it out. I’d really like to encourage people to raise their hands and say yes before there is certainty. Before they know exactly what’s going to happen, and exactly how to do it, and trust that they’ll figure it out.
I totally agree, it reminds me of something Tony Robbins said, is “jump in and it will appear. If we don’t jump, we will never learn how to fly.” I love Tim Ferriss, he is the author of Four Hour Body, Four Hour Work Week, and people they have this illusion that if they’re an entrepreneur, and they’re working from home, they’ll delegate everything into the Philippines and they’ll work four hours and everything is going to be really, really easy. And I love it. I love how real you are when you are like yeah, you’ve got to work, and there is going to be some struggle and you’ve got to have days when you’re going to get up and you’re not going to feel that motivated. When you have those days, what do you do?
Sometimes you just have to power through. I think it depends on a lot of different things. For me, if I have a lot of those days, like if I have a lot of days in a row where I’m just not it and I’m burnt out, that’s when I’ll take a step back and reevaluate what I’m doing, and make sure that the things I’m doing really fit in with my big vision for what I want, and that I’m doing things because I want to be doing them. Often, if I’m feeling super burnt out, it’s because I’m … I like to say like following the “shoulds” I’m doing all these things that I should “Be doing” because somebody else told me to, or because I read an article about it, or because that’s the way to be a successful creative entrepreneur, is to be on Twitter four times a day and to make sure you re-tweet and you have this perfect ratio of posts and all that. That is the kind of thing that burns me out. Doing work that I feel really connected to for me is the antidote to that. Sometimes there is work that you just have to do right, and especially in the beginning. We hear a lot of different messages and especially for people who are just starting out and they’ll say, oh well … and something I do is I always say like, you have to say no a lot. You have to be willing to say no for the sake of your bigger yes. Sometimes people who are just starting out will be like, ”I’m saying no because I have boundaries” and all that which is great, but when you’re just starting out, you might have to say yes a whole lot. You might have to do a whole lot of yes, you might have to do some things that maybe you’re not sure how they’re going to turn out. Just to broaden your horizons and get to know a bigger audience and things like that. I think sometimes you have to hustle. A lot of people say, “Oh I don’t want to hustle and there are a lot of business coaches out there who are teaching people how to not hustle, and I honestly think a little bit of hustle can be really useful. That kind of scrappy resilience of, all right I’m going to work my butt off for this year and see where this goes. I think there’s a myth of being an entrepreneur that involves sitting on a beach, with your laptop typing email and drinking a Corona by the ocean. I have never done that, and I have been in business for five years. The people that are selling that vision and the vision of the four-hour workweek, I don’t know Tim Ferriss, but I’m willing to bet that he spends more than 4 hours a week working. I would say that knowing what I know about him, he’s probably one of the hardest workers out there, but I would guess that the work he’s doing doesn’t feel like work, because it really resonates with him. He probably is not spending more than four hours doing busywork that he doesn’t enjoy. I think that’s a really important distinction to make.

You have to be willing to say no for the sake of your bigger yes.
Right, I definitely agree, it’s like when the secret came up, everybody was thinking about the Law of Attraction, and then if I’ll sit and do nothing and just think about manifesting mountains of money, it will show up at my door. That can happen but there are other universal laws, the Law of Action, is actually when you take the action, when you send that message to the universe, I’m heading in this direction. Then things manifest because you need to work with the forces physically and energetically. I know all those, ”shoulds” of the Twitter and I got to have the best Linked-In, and I got to have Twitter and Instagram and all those social media, and my friend he’s a super coach and he has people on a waiting list to pay $100,000 per year for his coaching and he doesn’t have a website and it’s all referrals.
Let’s put an asterisk on that, that’s not typical. Right, and he has worked really hard offline to build that business to where it is. Yeah, there is a lot of success stories of people out there who aren’t on social media, maybe they are only on one or two platforms, and social media is only as useful to you as you make it. If you are on Twitter but you hate it, then get off Twitter then don’t be on it, and instead take that energy and put it towards something you love. Start a podcast, if you’re really intrigued by podcasting and you hate Twitter, start a podcast, because if you are in love with what you are doing, it will resonate with your audience, and people will start to notice.
I totally agree, and another option is to hire a Twitter person. Just hire people to do your social media. That’s an option too.
I mean maybe, right, but when you’re just starting out, if you don’t have any money it can be expensive and I would say, especially if you guys listening have more, what I like to call personality-driven business, where … for me I’m a business coach and I do branding, but people who hire me, hire me because of me, because of who I am, because there are a lot of business coaches out there. There are a lot of people doing what I do. If you have a personality-driven business, I would say be aware of hiring some … you firming out your social media, make sure if that it’s somebody, if you’re doing that, it can be done well. Make sure that it’s someone who understands your voice because you don’t just want to hire that out, and then sound like every business coach. Again your money is probably better spent on something else.
I like the way you think. You definitely think outside of the box, you’re very creative. What’s with the dinosaur cover for the podcast, I love it but what …?
Yeah, we have the dinosaur on the podcast cover. My graphic designer who I’ve worked with really closely for about three years came up with that. I knew that I wanted a slightly different cover art for the show. I didn’t just want my picture with some words … because that’s been done. I wanted it to be a little bit different, and so Erin did a, she did a photoshoot. She’s was like, “Yeah, let me play around with it, and see what I can come up with. She did the dinosaur, she had a few other ideas, I don’t know if the dinosaur, it just looked … it was fun and funny, and just a random thing, but I love it and I think it’s really kind of silly and goofy and my whole thing is I don’t take myself too seriously, I don’t take my work too seriously. I blog and I’m like, ”It’s just a blog, it’s just a podcast.” For me, that’s what I have to tell myself because if I start to put pressure on things and I start to take it all too seriously, it stops being fun so fast, and so for my podcast, I know that … I hope that listeners can tell that I’m having fun with it and that I really enjoy what I do. As soon as it stops being fun for me, and it starts to be an obligation, I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s up to me to keep it fun. It’s up to me to keep it fresh and exciting. The dinosaur is a reminder to chill out. You don’t have to hold everything’s so tightly, it can just be fun.
Right, you had an episode where you were talking about the, I think it was the ten secrets to success that you learned from all the people you interviewed and touched on in a way on taking yourself less seriously and just relaxing into it. Can you share with us, some of those secrets for success?
I don’t have the list right in front of me. I won’t get all of them exactly right that’s on the list. It’s things like … it’s the ten success secrets of the highly-creative. It’s things like they start and they just make a decision and commit to something and do the work. If you want to be a painter and you spend all your time looking at other people’s paintings on the internet, researching the best kind of paint and reading painting books and stressing out about what medium you should use, watercolor or oil paints, and you are spending all your time in that zone, you’re never going to be a painter. The way that you become a painter is by putting paint on canvass or on a piece of paper, or on a chair, or on something. Starting is one of the most powerful things you can do. They evolve, so they let things shift, like I talked about in my podcast, as soon as it stops being fun, it’s going to fail, it’s just not going to do well. For me, I have to evolve the podcasts, and even if I’ve been doing it for almost a year, I still I’m making changes. I’m still trying to say like, how can I make this exciting for myself, what can I add in there that’s going to make it feel fun and fresh and new? That’s where like holding things a little bit more loosely comes into play that I’m not just saying, “Oh it has to be done this way” I’m letting it grow and shift and change. I think that’s really important. Another success secret is people share their work. I’m a big fan of sharing your work in a public medium, whether it’s through a blog or a podcast or even just on Instagram. Putting your work out there is so important because it not only does it help people see it, the work still has its merits whether or not someone likes it. I think that’s a really important point to make but it brings it to a different level, when other people are going to see it. You start taking it more seriously, and that’s when it becomes part of you I think. I’m also a big fan of putting your work out in the public space, and sometimes people say, “Oh I don’t want my boss to know what I’m doing” You can do it anonymously. That’s a really creative way to do things. Just create an Instagram account and have it be anonymous. That’s totally okay. You don’t have to tell people that you are doing it. You mentioned manifesting] and things like that. That’s a way to tell the universe what you want and if you want to call yourself an artist and you start creating art and sharing it publicly, you are an artist and the universe will respond to that.
Are you going to write a book about this?
Yeah, I hope so one day. I have like ten book ideas in my brain. They’re constantly fighting with each other, but yes and I do, I have a daily writing practice, and I do write a lot. I’m just not quite sure how it’s all going to come together but yeah, I want to write many books at some point.
I love it. You said you had a daily practice for writing, do you have any other rituals that put you in the right state?
Not really, and I’m never in the right state. For me, it’s more about doing it anyway. I write in the morning, and most of the time I try to write two pages before I even get up out of bed. I bring my laptop into the bedroom when I go to bed, and I wake up and I grab it and I open it up, open a blank document, and just start writing. I’m not a morning person, I don’t wake up feeling chipper and ready to take and super inspired and creative, I think I let go of being in the right mind and I just do it. I just do the work and I sit there and I say, “All right here I am, let me write my two pages.” It’s never convenient. I have my two kids, there’s never a good time to do anything. I always say I do it anyway. I think that yeah, a ritual can be great if there’s something that someone can do to get into a zone, that’s awesome. For me, I just feel like I don’t have time for that. I just do it. People are like, “I light a candle and I meditate for ten minutes and then I visualize.” It’s like, I bet you don’t have kids which is fine. That’s just not realistic for me. I think a lot of people … if you’re listening to this, there’s a lot of pressure out there around creative work and it’s painted to be this very beautiful experience, and for me most of the time, it doesn’t feel beautiful at all, it doesn’t feel inspired or creative when I’m in it. Usually, I’m like, “This is garbage.” I’m writing and I’m like, I don’t know what I’m talking about, this is crazy, no one is ever going to read this. That’s why … and I just keep typing, I’m like okay, “just keep typing.” I embrace a messy first draft or the ugly painting or whatever. Then I come back and read it later. When I write, I don’t edit while I’m writing. My two pages it’s just like get it out of my head. I don’t worry about punctuation or … I mean I punctuate … if something’s not capitalized or misspelled, I just keep my hands moving on the keyboard. For some people who like to do this, freehand, I just find it faster to type and you know I don’t have any time, so that’s why I type it. It never feels beautiful when I’m doing it. But often I come back to it later and I open the document and I’m like, “This was a piece of garbage” and I read it and I am like, “Oh that’s pretty good.” I may not keep all of it, but there might be like one sentence or one paragraph or sometimes it’s the entire thing, and I’m like,” Hey that’s a blog post, I just need to make some slight edits and it’s ready to go.” Give yourself some credit, you don’t have to love it at first, you probably won’t but there’s usually at least some bit of genius in there somewhere.
Give yourself some credit, you don’t have to love it at first, you probably won’t but there’s usually at least some bit of genius in there somewhere. Share on XYeah, I really like how real you are, you’re saying it as it is because we’re not the avatar, we create on Facebook or sometimes we have videos, at the end of the day, we’re all human. We all have our fears and struggles, and all that. I really like that you touched that, and that you shared that. I know that I personally, I had to take a leap of faith, especially with this podcast, because English is my second language and I always had the fear of, “No, I’m probably going to say some words wrong and I’m probably going to stumble on my words, or maybe people won’t like it”, but as long you have the passion to share your message with the world and you know that, I know that this podcast might touch someone’s heart. Something that you said right now will get and maybe it’s you, listener, will get something off their butt doing something, creating something, just expanding their view of their world and taking action and saying yes to what they want. That’s more important plus like anyways 93% of our communication is non-verbal anyway. It takes guts to go after your dreams.
Yeah, it takes guts and it takes … like I said scrappy resilience. You got to get a little bit like … I call it, I have another podcast episode called Crazy Faith, where I talk about the crazy faith is what really drives you. What I call the crazy faith is the idea that like, “Oh my God, what I’m I doing?” You have this in your head and you’re like, ”Oh my God, I can’t even believe I’m doing this, what I’m I doing, I must be crazy but I’m going to do it anyway.” You have that faith that this is going to lead to something, and I know that everybody has had that moment in their life where they’re like, this looks crazy on paper, this seems like the worst idea ever. It does not make any sense, and maybe even it doesn’t make sense to the people in your life. The people at your day job or your family, or your partner, or people you went to high school with who know you in this one specific way, and they’re like, “What are you doing?” You’re like, “I don’t know, but I feel like I have to.” Right, you’re like, “I’m possessed by some creative demon, and I don’t understand.” When I started my Podcast, people were like, “You’re starting a podcast? You just are coming back from maternity leave.” I was launching a huge year-long coaching program at the same time that I wrote this 120-page workbook for, that I was having printed, like nothing made sense to my life. I was like I just have to do it, I don’t know, I don’t know why but something is telling me to do it, and I’m going to follow that. Find your crazy faith and I would say like what you’re doing doesn’t have to make sense, especially not to the outside world. Most likely if you’re innovating, and doing something new, it’s not going to make sense, because nobody … because it’s up to you to prove it. I think that Henry Ford was credited as saying, “If I had given the people what they want, I would have figured out a way to make the horses faster.” Instead, he invented the car. When you’re innovating, being creative, it’s not necessarily going to make sense, and that’s okay, and you might feel crazy, and that’s okay, do it anyway, is my hope, I just keep ongoing. You’re fine, everything’s going to be fine.
Sometimes the people that think that you’re crazy are the people that are closest to you, and they don’t do it because they don’t want you to succeed, they do it because they want to protect you. Some will be afraid of your success because if you’re going to be successful at something, you might not want to hang out with them anymore.
Yeah and it’s hard, it’s really … like I want to point out too. That part of it is hard. It’s not all … again it’s not all like rainbows and unicorns here. Creativity can feel really lonely and isolating and there can be a lot of struggle.
Yeah, that’s why it’s really important to surround yourself with other people that are great thinkers, and influencers because you want to be surrounded by the people you want to be like. Something from them, some perspective, someway they see the world will stick to you and will help you grow as well.
We said that there is a struggle, and you have a product called, 100 Rejection Letters or something similar? What are your tips on rejection?
100 Rejection Letters is a project that I started last Fall. That’s a personal project of trying to get 100 rejection letters but also it’s a coaching program. There’s a whole community of creative entrepreneurs who are also trying to get 100 rejection letters. The whole premise is what if you took fear out of the equation for going after your dreams? Then what if everybody will say when I’m like, “Oh why don’t you ask, why don’t you go for that? Why didn’t you try?” They’ll say, “Oh well, what if they say no?” What I’m doing through the rejection letters program, is we celebrate the, “No.” You actually want to get rejected. That everybody has a chat with a gold star and you get a star every time you get a “No” and it becomes the rejection, and in itself becomes something to celebrate. If you’re going for it, you’re going to get some, “Nos.” Not everything is going to … so it can be a yes and that’s okay. That’s my goal for that, is to really encourage people to ask anyway. What’s the worst thing that can happen? Someone says no, okay … in the grand scheme of things, that’s not bad, and really most of the time people say. “Yes.”
You’re either on the winning team or the learning team. Every learning experience brings you closer to where you need to be. I personally, from my life, some of my darkest moments, the way I describe them, is like a gift with a bow on the bottom. Where I didn’t know what happened, I didn’t know why it happened, but a few years later down the road looking back, I was able to open that gift and know why I had to experience that pain, or why I had to experience that rejection. Do you have moments like that that you look back and you’re like wow, if I didn’t have that moment, I couldn’t have done what I’ve done or be who I am?
Yeah, I mean all the time. Even in day to day if I … I send a lot of pictures out for my podcast and I get a lot of “Nos”. If someone tells me no, then I look at it like, “Okay why did they say no, what’s going on? What’s the reason, what’s the learning?” That stings, but then I give myself the gold star and say like, “Okay, that’s kind of great, because I’m having a hard time getting into 100, so fantastic.” I think the key in those kinds of situations is to … as hard as it might be is to step back, and say, “Okay, what can I learn about this, what is the learning that I need to take away?” I know for me some of the hardest decisions that I’ve had to make in my life have been really great turning points. If you look back at your life and look back at those moments, right that make up, that has shaped how you have gotten to where you are today, they probably didn’t involve sitting on the couch watching TV, looking at Facebook on your phone. They probably were about doing something uncomfortable or saying something out loud, that you were really nervous about saying, or taking a stand for something. That’s where the magic is, and it’s hard. The world never comes out and says it’s time for you to say this really uncomfortable thing and I promise it won’t be uncomfortable at all. That’s how it works, and I think we’re often waiting for someone to hand us a permission slip and you have to write your own.
Especially women, in some way we’re conditioned to ask for permission. I just saw this video with this little girl, and she’s really mad at the toy store because all the girls get the pink princesses and all the guys get the superheroes, and why the girls don’t get superheroes and they get the pink princesses because she likes superheroes. We’re not that conditioned to become superheroes, no it seems like there are … I see more sisterhoods on the rise, and more women empowering women and joining together instead of being against each other. What’s your take on that?
I think the internet can be a great thing to help people find their communities. One of the great things about the internet, is it might take a little work but you can find other people who think the same way that you do. That is really, really great and really exciting. I think that women are starting to support each other more. Just in general, and we don’t have to see each other as competition. Even some of my closest friends are other business coaches, and other coaches and you know we aren’t competitors to each other, we support each other, we share each other’s work. We work on things together. We collaborate and together we can all grow, it doesn’t have to be a … there are enough abundance and success in this world for all of us. It’s not if you do well, then I don’t, that we can rise together … I mean it sounds so hokey.

There are enough abundance and success in this world for all of us. It’s not if you do well, then I don’t, that we can rise together.
No, it’s not, it beautiful, it’s genuinely true. I think women should come together more and join together more because our power is infinite. Just by being who we are because a lot of women, we try to be more like men, but just joining together and being with other women is very, very powerful, even more powerful, because we’re true to our essence and who we are.
Yeah, and women are beautiful, and soft and funny and sensitive and emotional, and caring. We don’t need to harden ourselves … that’s society’s problem. That is a problem, I will say but it’s not necessarily our problem. That’s more of a social problem. At the same time, I do think though that women can … I just want more women to speak up for themselves and to see themselves as leaders, and you can do that by being … and remain sensitive and emotional and caring, but we are so much stronger than we realize. We are all so much more capable, and that’s where like, “The Raise Your Hands, Say Yes” comes from really. Is that I want women in general to give themselves more credit and to be willing to speak up. Even if nobody has put a microphone in front of them, that they’re going to speak anyway, and you might be speaking to nobody. There is really a lot of power in saying things out loud, and going after things that I want more women to embrace.
What has been the most surprising thing about your journey with your podcast?
Gosh, I mean the people listening. I was like I just want to have a podcast and talk to people because my work is kind of boring …. Not boring, it’s not boring but it’s … I sit by myself in my office, and I talk to my clients and I’m on the computer and it is kind of isolating and I just wanted to do it and freshen things up, and I’ve gotten such a great response from people who listen and are telling me that it’s making a difference, which is really all I want. That’s been really fun. I think surprising in that, it’s funny because a lot of people will say, “Oh I thought about starting a podcast, but it just seems like a lot of work” and it is, it requires a heart. There are things you have to, and it does take a lot of time but to me it’s surprising, I think that it’s still … I still see it just as really fun, I don’t see it … I’m not at the point yet where I see it as a lot of work. I’m not resentful about it at all, so that feels great and it’s very pleasantly surprising.
One of the things that gets me more, the most inspired to get up in the morning and do what I do is the result I get from coaching people and sharing my message and just the way people shift and find their light, and change their life, and take care of their bodies better, and getting better relationship and all that good stuff. It brings tears to my eyes, seriously. It makes me really overflowing with joy. Other things that inspire me are my partner and my family, and my cat. What inspires you every day?
I just want to say, I don’t want to sound like a big downer but like a lot of days, I don’t necessarily feel like connected with my inspiration. I’m not like, “Oh I feel so inspired today.” For me, it’s really my daughters. I have two daughters and I am on a mission really for them, it’s selfish but I want them to grow up in a world where they feel comfortable speaking up for themselves, and they feel comfortable calling themselves creative and identifying as that, and using creativity to solve problems, and they don’t quiet their voices, and they don’t defer to men, because that’s what you and they do. They stand up for themselves, they stand up for what they believe in, and what they care for. I know that for me, I can’t just tell them that that’s important, I have to show them with how I live my life, and how I treat people, and how I show up and do my work, and how I commit to things, and how I treat myself, how I treat my body, how I talk about my body. How I have a relationship with my husband and how I talk to him, and how I talk about him. I mean all of that is inspiring and like really no pressure. Like it’s a … it feels like a really big burden and yet … I mean that’s really what keeps me going when I feel like stopping, is I think what message would that send to them. What would that be telling them and how do I want them to show up, and so I’ve really tasked myself with showing up that way. I mean I also my clients are amazing, I work with such like fun, funny, energized committed, brilliant talented women which is so fun to talk to them, and see what they’re doing, and see what they’re creating and working on. I love the podcast, like I love my podcast, I love getting to talk to people, and ask them questions that I would not be allowed to ask at a dinner party. Like I feel like I get to ask some personal questions and some questions that are slightly probing. That’s really fun, I get to ask those questions and they answer them. I’ve never heard anyone say, “I’m not going to answer that.” I like to write, I like to write but I also like … I think the feeling I like better than writing is when I go back, and sometimes I’ll look through my blog archives or my newsletter archives and be like wow, did I write that, that’s really good. Yeah, it’s always been a surprise for stuff like that.
This is one of the most beautiful and unselfish things I’ve heard recently. The way you do what you do, and help so many other people, just because you want to show your babies how to be in the world, that’s just beautiful.
Yeah and my babies and the next generation of women. It’s not just my daughters …
They’re all your babies.
I know, yeah like the world and I think that’s why I’m so and I’m on people to do it too, is like together I think that women can be really powerful. I think that the more women who raise their hand and say yes, we can be an unstoppable force. I think its coming, I think the time is coming, I think it’s here.
Where can people find you?
You can find me at TiffanyHan.com, that’s H-A-N. TiffanyHan.com. I’m also on social media. I’m at the Tiffany Han pretty much everywhere. I mean, well, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. I’m not on Snap Chat, I don’t how that works. Then you can find me on iTunes. The podcast is, “You Can Start Either Raise Your Hands, Say Yes or Tiffany Han.”
Just before we say goodbye, what are your three top tips for our listeners to have a stellar life
Number one, start before your ready. Number two say it out loud. I think a lot of us are really good at having secret plans, and I think you have to say things out loud. Tell someone, find someone to tell whether it’s a trusted friend, or a Facebook group or you say it out loud in your car, or your shower. Number three you know, I think this idea like we bring it back around, but then you have like back dancing in your kitchen. I think our bodies were meant to move, so find movement that feels good to you. Don’t go run a marathon if you hate running. It might just be that you … I dance all the time. I like to think that I’m a brilliant dancer, I’m not. I kind of let my body take over and when you’re … I find when I’m in that moment, nothing else matters. I’m not overthinking, I’m not feeling anxious, or I’m not struggling. I’m just feeling the music and having fun and it’s very joyful for me. Even if kitchen dancing isn’t your thing, find that thing that takes you out of your head that feels really joyful, and do more of it.
Number one, start before your ready. Number two say it out loud. Share on XWhen you dance with joy, you probably don’t know how beautiful you really look, because every movement you do out of joy will be beautiful. Thank you so, so much, it was such a pleasure. It was so much fun, thank you for being here, for sharing from the heart, and thank you so much, listeners, go take action before you’re ready and have a stellar life.
Links and Resources:
- Tiffany Han
- Instagram – Tiffany Han
- Pinterest – Tiffany Han
- 100 Rejection Letters
- Raise your Hand. Say Yes.
- Design for Mankind
About Tiffany Han
The host of the Raise Your Hand Say Yes podcast, Tiffany Han is a life coach who teaches smart, driven women how to become the most remarkable versions of themselves and learn to raise their hands and say yes to all the things they want to do, be, and say without compromising their standards—or their sanity.
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