A Personal Note from Orion
When you feel good, you can do more good in the world.
I just got back from a week long retreat that included daily meditation, functional nutrition, biofeedback and literally no internet, cell phones or email. And honestly, although it was challenging at first, I feel healthier and more vibrant than I’ve felt in a very long time. Just one week of mindfulness about what I put around and in my body has me vibing on a whole new level and I want to share how I did so you can get in on this good vibe too!
It all begins with taking care of your body. Your physical body is the vessel that contains your mind, spirit and soul. In order to live an inspired and stellar life, you’ve got to take really good care of this vessel, and fortunately there are tons of simple things you can do to create harmony and improve functionality within your body. It’s called biohacking!
On this week’s episode my guest is life stylist and biohacking expert Luke Storey. He’s a wealth of information on the latest research and technology that you can use right now to transform your health in body, mind and spirit. You don’t want to miss these amazing hacks!
In this Episode
- [07:13] – Luke shares a bit about himself and talks about his life story. He explains that he has had a classic hero’s journey, and even dealt with drug addiction from a shockingly early age.
- [11:00] – We hear about what Luke did with the trauma he experienced as a kid, and how easily he got addicted to various substances. He also discusses the reasons that he didn’t follow through with his suicidal ideas.
- [14:09] – On the positive side, things became so dark and painful by Luke’s mid-20s that he was able to explore his shadow self in depth early in his life. This thoroughly prepared him to study spirituality when he was 26.
- [16:36] – Luke talks about his next steps professionally, as he began working as a stylist. He then discusses his complete career shift two years ago, when he reinvented himself as a life stylist.
- [19:46] – Orion feels and understands Luke’s passion, and has a similar passion for her work.
- [21:06] – Luke discusses the fear behind his transition, as well as the result of the transition.
- [25:18] – After 17 years as a stylist, it became clear to Luke that fashion wasn’t his true passion and he wasn’t fulfilled by it. Instead, the thing that puts him in the best mood is helping other people. He talks about how he discovered this.
- [27:46] – Orion points out that when people pay, they pay attention.
- [29:52] – Luke shifts into talking about biohacking by discussing how difficult it is to achieve success in personal refinement and development when your biology is suffering.
- [33:24] – What is Luke’s definition of biohacking?
- [36:15] – Luke talks about what has and hasn’t worked in getting our species to where we are. As our technology advances, he points out, we get further and further away from our natural environment.
- [39:20] – Last night, Orion put her TrueDark glasses on before she went to bed. This morning, she soaked up the sunlight on the beach.
- [40:26] – One of Luke’s biggest sleep hacks is to get at least 20 minutes of natural daylight as early in the day as you can. He then raves about the experience of collecting your own spring water.
- [42:50] – Luke has created a document talking about his water priorities. He explains the best kind of water to drink, and why commercially available water has nothing beneficial alive in it.
- [50:31] – Luke has only found one company that he believes has done filtration right: PristineHydro. Their filter mimics what a spring would do to water. He then offers a code that will save you 20% on your first order there.
- [54:18] – What is Luke’s morning routine for nourishing his mind and body? He details this process, which he says is identical from day to day.
- [57:20] – Dr. David R. Hawkins is one of Luke’s favorite people to listen to in the morning. He lists some of his other favorites as well.
- [60:06] – After listening to a podcast in the morning, Luke makes an herbal elixir. He lists many of the ingredients that he often includes. He then describes the next steps in his morning routine.
- [68:01] – Luke ends his morning routine with some spiritual reading on his porch in the sun, then does a few minutes on his Bellicon trampoline.
- [69:49] – What are Luke’s three top tips for living a stellar life?
- Develop a relationship with whatever energy or power created the planet and everything on it.
- Monitor your own thinking and thoughts, and guard yourself from thoughts based in negative energy.
- Address the physical level by optimizing the outer environment to be as natural as possible.
- [73:23] – Where can people find Luke?
About Today’s Show
Hello. Welcome to Stellar Life podcast. How are you doing? Do you know what biohacking means? Have you heard of it before? Because it’s kind of a new term. I think Dave Asprey probably coined that term. I don’t know. Maybe 10 years ago, maybe more. I don’t know. I was only exposed to biohacking in the last few years and man, I love it. What it means is basically using science and using technology, and using research to hack your biology, and to hack your brain, and to make sure that you are highly functioning and that your state of mind is optimal. I just came back from 40 Years of Zen because I like doing all those biohacking things. My husband and I went to Seattle and did the 40 Years of Zen Mastermind. We spent a week there connected to electrodes and having our brain waves measured and listening to neurofeedback. They put earphones on us and we were listening to sounds to help us get into alpha brain waves, and delta brain waves, and gamma brainwaves. Then they control our state and control our brain waves while we were experiencing really deep, meditative processes. Basically clearing past trauma and past pain. But also being handled by the most amazing team of people that were holding us and really taking care of us throughout the whole process from gluten-free, bulletproof style diet, to crazy supplements, to really on the human level, really kind and attentive to us. It was a powerful experience and we were disconnected from our phones, we were disconnected from our computers for a whole week. Basically coming back to real life tis week was a bit overwhelming to me. I remember when I came back that day, I wanted to go grocery shopping, and I love shopping, and I was in Whole Foods, and it was quite overwhelming. I have to tell you. Since I came back I’m meditating everyday. I’m really taking care of myself. I really understand how important it is to take care of my mind in relation to technology because you know, they even measure that every time a person goes and check their notification on their phone, they get a hit of the stress hormone cortisol. Even if on the surface you look at your notification and you don’t feel anything, if you are hooked to a machine that measures your hormones levels, you would see that your cortisol level spiked. Also, all social media, everything is gamified. Everything is being engineered by the same engineers that engineered the casinos to make it very addictive. Doing our neurofeedback, our minds reward was a gong or a sound because our minds craves those rewards. If you go and you see on Facebook, or social media, or your notification, everything has got a sound to it. In Facebook, when you click, and you see all the hearts or all the likes, it’s all made to get us addicted to that small hit of dopamine or serotonin which are the good feel hormones so we will get addicted to those social networks. I am completely shifting. I am turning a new leaf where I don’t get up in the morning and not, well, sometimes I get up and I do do some kind of a morning ritual but this time, I’m different. This time, it’s an hour long, and it includes meditation and I just feel like it prepares me better to be a nicer person and a better leader in my life, and a better partner, and even a better cat owner, I have to tell you. I am nicer after I clear my mind in the morning and also before I go to bed, I take the time about two hours where I’m like no freaking technology. I’m disconnected. I don’t care that I have more work to do. The work will be there. Now, I’m taking the time for myself so I can sleep and rejuvenate. Actually, simple thing like sleep is the best mind hack that you can use because you use all the brain supplements in the world, but if your mind is tired, forget about it. Sleeping well, saying good things to yourself, nourishing your body, are some of the best biohacks out there. I can talk about it on and on and one but I want Luke to tell you more about his story which is brilliant about how he uses his biohacking in his life. Stay tuned until the end because, actually, towards the end, he just dropped so many knowledge bombs and resources that you really have to stay tuned until the end. Because it’s awesome. He’s also a pretty cool guy. He’s fun to listen to. Now, without further ado, onto the show.
Hello, Luke, and welcome to Stellar Life podcast.
Thank you so much. I’m happy to be here. This is exciting.
Yeah. I’m so happy that you’re here and we’re gonna talk about a lot of very interesting and groundbreaking technologies, and all all kinds of biohacking tips. But before we start, even though I introduced you, I would love you to share a bit about yourself with the audience and also, talk a bit about your life story.
Sure, absolutely. Happy to do that. I think I have a very, I wanna say stereotypical, because it has its unique aspects, let’s say not stereotypical, classic, that’s a better word. I’ve a very classic hero’s journey having been someone like many of us that have struggled a lot, a lot in early life, and have sought out with almost obsession, if not a dedication at least to just working on myself. Before we started recording you referred to yourself as a seminar junkie. I’ve been, I guess you could say, I was actually a real junkie, in the truest sense, for a period in my life. Then turned these negative habits, and obsessions, and interest, and all that into just really continually working on myself. But how all that got started, I’ll bring up to speed to what I’m about now at 47 years of age in 2018.
You look very young.
Oh, thank you so much. It’s funny I hear that. The lifestyle, all the biohacking, and really sometimes health stuff I’m into, I don’t ever really do it so that I look young, I just wanna feel young. But I get feedback all the time where I tell someone, “Oh I just turned 47.” Like, “What? Oh my god. I thought you were in your late 30s.” I’m like, “You probably flatter me a little maybe you thought early 40s.” But, I forget sometimes that there is that net effect of–I know when I realize it is when I look at a lot of guys that are my age. They look like old dudes. I wonder to myself, do I look like that? I look in the mirror, I go, “I don’t think I look like that.” They look like how my dad looked a few years ago or something, really old. That’s a fringe benefit. But anyway, I digress, jumping back to the beginning.
Before that. What kind of junkie were you? Can I ask that?
Well, yeah. I was terribly afflicted with drug addiction from the early age. I started experimenting with drugs when I was probably I was, I’ve been on so many podcast, I probably give a different number every time. But I think the first time I was exposed to drugs I was around six.
My god.
Started doing various drugs definitely in an addictive, on-going basis from 11, 12 years old. But I was doing a lot of experimenting I think even 8, 9 10. Really, really early. In fact, when I look at kids that age now, to think about definitely when I was 12 and 13 I was doing cocaine, crystal meth, alcohol, marijuana, any kind of prescription pills that I could get ahold of. When I look at a kid that’s 12 now, they look like a baby. That is a little kid. That was the environment I was in when I was young in Northern California primarily and sometimes Colorado. It was just the way things were in my culture, and in my family, and socio-economically, that was the culture in the neighborhood that I lived in. It wasn’t just the culture because there were of course kids around my environment. It’s not like I lived in the projects in the ghetto or something. We didn’t have a lot of money and I was just around low-energy people for whatever reason. But a lot of people were also exposed and they never became a drug addict after being sober almost 21 years now. Sober is the judge, not like occasionally having a drink, like nothing at all. I look at a lot of people and we share our past and they experience the same trauma or even higher degrees of trauma than I did and they never turned to drugs and alcohol as a sense of self-medicating or relief from that. But what I did with the trauma I experienced as a kid which was sometimes broad and sometimes more acute, just divorced parents and all the usual stuff. But then there was some peak instances of sexual abuse, and verbal abuse, and stuff like that. Some people have it worst. I always say, I quote Bob Marley, every man’s burden is the heaviest. What I went through might not have been a big deal to some people. I know a lot of people have had worst. The things that happened to me when I tell some people they are horrified and can’t imagine that. I think we all deal with trauma differently. My blessing and my curse in life, and I say so intentionally, is that I had such a natural affinity for my indulgence in substances, and I have always been pretty much immediately addicted to anything I ever touched. I’ve tried to quit smoking for years, and years, for example. I’m so prone to nicotine addiction that I would quit smoking cigarettes after 25 years of smoking a pack a day whatever, and then be off for a year, and then someone would give me a hit off of cigar, “Hey, you wanna try this Cuban cigar?” “Sure. What harm could come?” One little taste of nicotine I got it, I’m literally walking through alleys and see a half-smoked cigarette, I’m like pick it up and start smoking it. My girlfriend at the time wasn’t too impressed by the sanitation of that habit. But point being is that when I say it’s my blessing and my curse, it was my blessing that I found drug so early because I really think that’s how I survived childhood. I didn’t get the proper psychological care that I probably needed, that my parents probably needed, the people that were ‘raising me’. Luckily, I found drugs and that was, I think that’s why I didn’t commit suicide because I was able to self-medicate. Unfortunately, there were a lot of side effects and consequences inherent to that coping mechanism such as getting kicked out of school all the time, and getting arrested, and having to become a drug dealer to support my habit because when you’re addicted to drugs like me, you become unemployable. There’s a cascade of just devastation to the addict or the alcoholic’s life.
Every man’s burden is the heaviest. - Bob Marley Share on XI’m getting goosebumps here.
Yeah. It is. It’s a heroine tale for any of us that have survived it. That’s kind of the blessing part is that, “Wow, thank god I had something to get me through.” The shame of being abused and not having any support system with which to process abuse, and trauma, and things like that. Thank God I did that instead of really hurting myself. Although I had suicidal ideation a lot, I never went out and bought a gun, the razor blades, or whatever to go through with it but I did spend a lot of time thinking about it. I always think, “Man, if I was 12 years old and I didn’t have a bunch of cocaine to numb me then I might have actually followed through with some of those ideas.” You could say that, in a sense, drug saved my life. Also, on the positive side of that process was that things became so dark and so painful by the end in my mid 20s which at the time I felt like, “Oh my life’s over. If I quit doing drugs now, I’m a has-been, I’ll never have fun again.” That’s what I used to think like I was actually having fun living on the brink of suicide all the time.
It was the devil in you.
Yeah. The blessing was that I got so much of that toxic, neurotic behavior out. In other words, I was able to explore the dark side, you could say, of my nature. The shadow self. I was able to explore that at such depths so early in life that by the time I was 26 and I began to pursue spirituality, I was so ready and so right, the soil had been tilled by the pain and self-destruction to the point where when I finally turned that interest in the desire for some sort of release or salvation from that bondages that I was living in, I sought that out with such dedication that brings me to where we are today as someone who not in a pious or inauthentic way at all, but I lived a deeply, and truly spiritual life today. Which is the most fulfilling experience I could ever imagine but that’s borne out of the abject pain and spiritual poverty that I subjected myself to as a coping mechanism early in life. It’s this double-edged sword where I had a lot of pain and suffering as a result of my addictions. But because of that deep wound, I also have a certain degree of compassion and empathy for others that really enriches my life because of the connections I’m able to make, as you mentioned before the call, the level of authenticity and realness I’m able to bring in the content that I produce, my own podcast, and also just not only publicly, outwardly facing, but in my interpersonal relationships. I have deep connections because I got so much of the crap out of the way early on, that from 26 years old until now, almost 21 years later, all I’ve done is just go deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and deeper, into the exploration of my own spirituality. Also working on my health, the external material self. That’s kind of where I come from. At 26, I was living in Hollywood. I got sober. Started to go to India to learn to meditate and really work on myself. Professionally, what happened was I fell into entertainment fashion industry, and began working as a stylist which is, for those listening, it’s the most frustrating and redundant issue with the stylist because we need to tell someone you’re a fashion stylist, most people say, “Oh, you design clothes?” That is so annoying. I was looking at some memes on Instagram today, there’s this great account called Stylist Problems or something, it’s all these memes, and one of the memes was like trying to explain to your grandparents what you do for a living, and someone rolling their eyes because no one gets it. But anyways, since I’ve lived in Hollywood and so I started working as an assistant fashion stylist for bands. Aerosmith was one of the first gigs that I had. That was really my first big break because working for their stylist. I’m newly sober. I’m 26 and I just get catapulted from being a drug dealer and a waiter, those are two of my enemies, and a non-paid musician, those are kind of my three skills. Then got catapulted into all of this spirituality and then professionally into being a stylist. That means that I learned how to dress other people professionally. I get the clothes, and I create looks, and dress celebrities. I ended up doing that for 17 years. Working with hundreds of musicians, and actors, and magazines, and TV commercials, and all of that, and then 10 years into that – the meanwhile into fasting, and herbalism, and saunas, and biohacking, and all that stuff, and meditation, everything else, but 10 years into my fashion styling career, I started a business called School of Style which is a boutique fashion school sort of half art school, half trade school, specifically designed, and exclusively designed to teach people how to have a career as a fashion stylist or personal stylist. That business now is nine years old. Two years ago I made the decision to personally retire from being a fashion stylist and reinvent myself at 45 to be what I call is a lifetylist. That’s taking the culmination of everything that I’ve learned about the metaphysical, physical, spiritual, psychological, health development, well-being, to take all of that and everything that I’ve learned and distill that down into various programs and a podcast, and a coaching practice, and really design the ultimate lifestyle for not only myself but anyone else who’s interested in doing so. That culminated in the launch of my podcast a year and a half ago which is, as I said earlier, also called the Lifestylist. I’m one who has suffered a lot and has found ways, healthy ways and means, by which to overcome that suffering. In doing it, it’s become my mission to help humanity for anyone that is interested in the methods that I have found to help humanity to alleviate their suffering on all levels possible. That’s what really drives me. That’s my true heart’s content and my passion in life.
I totally feel it. I understand your passion. I have a similar passion in my work. I have so many questions to ask you. But I’m just gonna start from the beginning. The first one that comes to mind, you’re a fashion stylist, you have huge success, people look up to you, you work with the biggest names in the world, your School of Style is developing and growing, and all of a sudden, at age 45, you’re like, “Hey, I’m gonna make this transition.” You’re making the transition and the shift without knowing what’s to come. But you had a major success in the last year and a half or 2 years and a half, however long the time was since you made the shift. Tell me a little bit about the fear behind this transition and the result of this transition.
You know, it’s crazy. It’s been a year and half, officially. A little over a year and a half now. I think it was because the one year anniversary of my show was June 6th, for some reason I remember that particular day. You know what it was, it was just I’m such a creature of habit in a sense. I had done the fashion styling for so long that, I don’t know, I just kind of thought this is just what I do even though I have kind of lost my passion for it. There’s been different things that I’ve tried to do in life. I wanted to be a musician for a long time and I did that for 15 years. That never really took off in terms of the financial rewards and I think the music thing was a case of having probably more passion for playing music than I did talent. I’m not being self-deprecating. I just mean some people have so much passion that it makes up for their lack of talent. Some people have a lot of talent for one particular thing but they don’t have any passion for it. Hence, the kid who’s the math genius with the really high IQ and the parents want them to go into software development and the kid runs off to art school or whatever because that was where the passion lie. For me, I had the passion for music but I’m an okay musician but I wouldn’t say that just being honest, I’m not an exceptionally talented musician where you stand back and go, “Oh my god.” Not to say that all successful musicians or artists are ones that are the Jimi Hendrix of their generation or whatever. I don’t think that my passion and skill ever really were aligned in a powerfully enough way for me to really be propelled to what I wanted to be. Then, as a stylist, I don’t think I was ever that passionate about it but I had a natural ability, and a natural skill, just visual acuity, and just an artistic sense, and an aesthetic that was marketable.
I also think that the fact that you weren’t emotionally involved with you being a stylist, it wasn’t your complete identity where you’re like in some way, shape, or form, took a step back, really helped you grow your business because there was less attachment there.
That’s true. That’s true. But the same could be said that I still think I could’ve achieved a lot more in terms of that career based on, and I know this is not healthy to do compare yourself to other people, but I can’t help it when I look at my peers, some of the other girls that were assistants back in the late 90s or early 2000s when I was an assistant, one comes to mind, her name’s Monica Rose, and we’re both in the trenches of the same level. She was not only really talented naturally, but was also so driven and so passionate. She lived and breathe fashion. She went on off to work with the Kardashians for many years, and the Jenners, and now works with all these supermodels, and just has this really, really lucrative and successful career while I progressed. But I wouldn’t say I ever broke through to where I would be, say one of the top 25 stylists in the world like Monica is. But I think that the thing was is that I literally just fell into it, I was like, “Wow, I guess I’m kind of good at this,” but I’ve never, if I was really honest with myself, I was never that passionate about fashion and I never went to the fashion parties. I just don’t care about that stuff. I think the point I was trying to make was because I was just a creature of habit and I made a good living and I got a certain degree of, as styling more widely-known, I got a certain degree of prestige. I think an ego-identity, eventually, kind of out of being a stylist because it was an embarrassing job to have. I was embarrassed by some of my former jobs that lack skill and were known to not be that lucrative. Whereas when I started to tell people I was a stylist, they’re like, “Oh my god. That’s so cool.” I’m sort of like, “It is.” I feel like a failure because I couldn’t make it in music so I had to switch to dressing musicians which, to me, is like the lesser social valued job. But eventually, I came to appreciate being a stylist but by 17 years, I was going, “God, I’m not passionate about this,” and it started to become clear to me that each time that I booked a job, there’d be this excitement of, “Oh wow. A new project. Cool. A new opportunity to challenge myself and work with some amazing people. Make a lot of money.”
But you weren’t fulfilled.
Yeah. That’s the thing though. I started to look what really makes me happy. The number one thing that puts me in a good mood, to where I’m enjoying my life, and I feel good, the number one thing and I’m not, this sound it’s such kind of a corny thing to say, Oprah moment. But really what makes me happy is helping other people. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. How I discovered this was from being an addiction recovery for all these years. Really having a lot of opportunities to be of service in such a meaningful and impactful way where I could take a kid who’s newly sober, and teach them whatever I had learned, and impart some of my wisdom and experience to them in a really meaningful way. To watch their life just go from abject poverty in every dimension of their existence to them being happily married, starting company, having a kid. To be riding shotgun with God in someone’s life like that is, that is a profound experience. That is what gives me goosebumps and makes the hair on my neck stand up.

To be riding shotgun with God in someone’s life like that is, that is a profound experience.
Yeah, I get it.
The struggle that I had, Orion, was that I could never reconcile how you do that kind of work and get paid for it. I had to work through a lot of false ideas about that if you help people, you have to be Mother Teresa, and not be in it for the money, and not have online courses, and sales funnels, and all that stuff which I’ve always looked at as sort of corny. I’m fine with sales, and marketing, and branding, and social media, and all that when it’s for a company that provides a service like my school. I never felt bad I learned all about neuromarketing, and making people buy, and taking their money. I’m really good at it and I wanna get better at it because what we’re delivering at my school is of so much more value in terms of its potential to alter someone’s life professionally, than what we’re charging. I never had any qualms but..
When it comes to you and you’re sharing yourself and knowledge, I don’t think there is a coach in the world that didn’t go through this phase.
Or even somebody that shows up with their own invention or their own IP because it happens to me too where I’m like, “Well, I can market somebody else’s idea, somebody else’s even or retreat, and talk about it, and get people really engaged in signing to it.” But when it comes to my own thing, sometimes there is the who am I or spirituality and money don’t mix. The truth of the matter is that when people pay they pay attention. Just when you go and buy one of your expensive…
Oooh, that’s good.
Yeah. When you buy some of your expensive biohacking supplements you don’t feel guilty for buying them. The company doesn’t feel guilty for selling them because this is something that is going to improve your life. It’s just a part of, I guess, both of our upbringing where – usually when you come from a lower socioeconomic level then the whole idea around money and spirituality don’t mix. It’s a very strong idea.
Right. I had to really work to overcome that part of it. But I think even in the earlier stages of the transition once I made a finite decision that I don’t care if The Rolling Stones, well maybe that would be an extreme example, but I don’t care who calls me, I’m never picking up a piece of clothing ever again professionally. I’m just done driving around Hollywood for 13 hours a day trying to find a pair of red shoes in the size of the client or whatever. I’m just like, I’m done.
Yes, let’s talk about biohacking. How did you become a biohacker? What is biohacking? We did have Dave Asprey here on the show. We talked a little bit about some of those technological advancement, but I’m just dying to know more about your transition, your lifestyle, and what you do, and all the good stuff.
Absolutely. In closing of making the transition and that segues into the physical aspect of this lifestyle practice, when I made the decision to go this way professionally, then I had to really commit to it 100% and start to find the value in my knowledge about health, and natural healing, and all of the stuff, and spiritual peace and sort of to really get over that not seeing myself as an expert in that area. Now, in summary, I’ve kind of really come into my own. I’ve realized, “Wow, I do actually know a lot of cool stuff that is very helpful and meaningful to people. My knowledgebase is very broad. I’m not a scientist. I have no credentials. I’m not a doctor obviously but I am obsessed with improving my quality of life and helping other people to do so. A lot of my journey has, in fact, included the physical. Meaning, fitness and just general physical well-being, and at various times, I’ve oscillated between assigning focus to the enterprise of spiritual depth and developing my own sense of integrity and wisdom on the spiritual plain. Also, the acquisition of knowledge, mentally working with that professionally as an entrepreneur, interpersonal relationships. All of the inner psychological, mental, spiritual work for sure but at the same time, I’ve realized that it’s really difficult to achieve success in those other ventures of personal refinement and development when your biology sucks. There’s been times where I really, really work on the physical and then maybe, I lose my meditation practice or I’m not reaching out to my spiritual guides and counsellors because I’m so obsessed about getting in share or whatever. Then there’s periods where I tend to focus more on the physical side or whatever side it happens to be on. I believe that to really become a fully integrated human being that it’s crucial to address your personhood on all levels.
That’s lovely. I like the way you phrased it.
Yeah, well here’s the thing, you can do wheatgrass animals all goddamn day but if you haven’t forgiven your parents for abandoning you, or abusing you, or if you haven’t forgiven the molested that robbed you of your innocence, I don’t care how much freaking vegan food you eat or whatever, you won’t be fulfilled. Likewise, try meditating with a brainful of MSG, and aspartame, and glyphosate, and a smart meter on your bedroom wall, sleeping next to your WiFi router, and just assaulting your biology. You have to have mitochondria. You have to have energy. It even takes energy to do something as passive as meditation. You’re still burning energy when you’re in a deeply meditative state. If I want to not only improve my life but have a positive impact on the world, I can sit and meditate and be spiritual all day long but listen, I need to have the energy to get my ass off the couch and go out into the world and lead a meditation park or produce a podcast or whatever.
And also do all the behind-the-scene moving parts of marketing, and phone calls, and coaching, and all that.
The way that I, to zero in on your question a bit in terms of biohacking, let’s just cover kind of what that is.
What’s your definition of biohacking?
It’s a term that I still find kind of nerdy. I haven’t thought of a better one.
I think Dave Asprey came up with it and then everybody started calling it biohacking.
To me, we should just call it your health nut. You know what I mean. That what it was back in the day, “Oh, that guy, he’s a health nut. He’s the one…” In the early days if you ate granola you’re into health foods.
But yeah, when I hear a health nut, I think about granola. It needs to be a little more edgy.
Right. Let’s just say biohacking is looking at your biology, that’s the bio. Looking at your biology as a complete system that’s all interrelated and interwoven. As someone would learn how to hack a computer you’re looking at all the components within the hardware and the software of the computer. You’re learning how to manipulate your way and navigate your way through that system, and optimize that system by eliminating things that are deleterious to its function, and then adding things that are in harmony with its highest function and optimizing that. Biohacking is like hacking your biology. That’s looking at all the different systems as a synergistic whole and adjusting and tweaking as you live your life using supplementation, technology, things like that which I can go into in order to optimize the way that you feel physically. The goal not being, for me at least, not so much about longevity, and wanting to live until I’m 500 and merging with an android or something like that. For me it’s just however long I’m supposed to be here, I really wanna suffer as little as possible, and I would prefer that when I die, I die of somewhat natural causes although that’s difficult to define rather than getting degenerative disease like dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, heart failure, ad infinitum. I just don’t believe that we’re inherently meant to go out like that. Biohacking is about really taking charge and control of your own biology and having a sense of responsibility and autonomy when it comes to the operating system, or the meat suit, or the sort of costume that our soul cruises around in. some of the things that I use in terms of biohacking if we’re just gonna frame it in that context and use that terminology is I look at things from a various, I think, simplistic, and sort of broad, zoomed out perspective. I just look at, I guess, you could say, it’s maybe similar to how someone might approach a paleo diet. Let’s look at how we got here and what works. Beyond just the food you eat biohacking is about your whole environment. The environment inside your body but as well as outside of your body. Starting with the outer environment of what’s best for human biology, I just look at how we got to where we are and what worked and hasn’t worked. If you look at this sort of graph of the history of human health, if you take apart, you remove plagues and things like that obviously, extinction events, and what not. Essentially where we went wrong is around the first was the introduction of widespread agriculture, when humans got on more hybridized, domesticated, watered down food, and ate less wild foods. Be they animal products,organ meats, or just wild food with a lot of, plant medicine essentially with the medicine intact rather than being removed. That’s in terms of the interior environment but externally, with the advent of electricity, now you’re got EMFs and lighting at night. As our technology advances, what happens is, we get further, and further away from our natural environment. The things that I really look at or sort of, you could categorize them in terms of the elements. I really look at the lighting. What is natural human lighting? Natural human lighting is that you get a lot of your naked body, depending on where you would have lived in the equator of course, and the seasons. But you’d get outdoors, and you get sunlight, you get sun in your eyes, there are no sunglasses, there’s no sunscreen, we’re exposed to good, natural, healthy sun. Sun exposure is one of the main foundations of my lifestyle sort of protocol. Also, we would never see sunlight at midnight or at 2 AM but we have that now because we have incandescent lighting and then also, some other toxic lighting that’s been evolved out of incandescent bulb. Now we have these LED lights in our computers, in our devices, and so to biohack your light it’s a whole probably an hour-long show in itself but I just look at, I get healthy sunlight, then at night, I limit, if not totally eliminate, all the blue light that’s not inherently natural. Also, environmentally, one thing that we’ve really lost is being grounded and connected to the magnetic field and just being electrically grounded to the planet. If you look at all living creatures with the exception of birds in flight or migration, all sentient beings stay connected, electrically grounded. Get in those free electrons. Dispersing electrons and taking up electrons positive and negative. That ceases to take place whenever we started rubber-soled shoes rather than leather-soled shoes or being barefoot as many indigenous have been, and then riding around in cars with rubber tires that are of course disconnected. Then we come in at home, it’s elevated, and it isn’t electrically grounded. Sunshine, grounding, and working with light are some of the main external biohacks. Then within each one of those, there’s nuance approaches to all of those. But that’s just in a broad sense.
Sunshine, grounding, and working with light are some of the main external biohacks. Share on XYou are describing me last night and maybe this morning. Last night I put my TrueDark glasses on before I went to bed and then this morning, I live by the beach and honestly, I don’t go to the beach enough but I had a couple of free hours in the morning, so I just walked down the beach, took off my shoes, and felt the sand on my feet, and felt more grounded, and it’s kind of like, sat there and soaked the sunlight. I was also very conscious to walk on that side of the street that has sun because I do work many hours in front of the computer. I’m at home a lot, I work from home, it almost needs to be a conscious decision to get my butt out of my seat, and get out, and get some sun, because that affects the melatonin at night. It affects the way I sleep.
Yeah. That’s crazy. I was actually talking to Stephan prior to us recording on his show, and he’s like, “What is your biggest sleep hacks?” It’s so counterintuitive that as early in the morning as you can, to get at least get 20 minutes of natural daylight, not looking at the sun, but sunlight into your eyes, bright, bright daylight. How that actually will improve your sleep more than almost anything. People wanna know, “Oh, should I have some chamomile tea? Is that gonna make me sleep?” No. That’d be the weakest approach to optimizing your sleep. Actually, getting that natural sunlight…
It’s like putting a bandaid on top of a bandaid.
Yeah, exactly. That’s kind of a few broad strokes on the outer environment. In terms of biohacking the interior environment, where I always start is with water.
I know you go and you get your own water. Do you still do that?
Oh my god.
Yeah. There’s a lot to be said for, again, we just look at how…
I’m gonna come hike with you. I wanna see your secret source of water.
Getting your own spring water is really one of the most, it’s just primordial, satisfactory experience. Because it’s, in our DNA, and if you believe in reincarnation.
I do.
Who knows how many thousands, or millions, or trillions of times we’ve been out in nature getting the sustenance, the lifeblood of not only our body but the entire planet. Getting that true, natural, untouched water from the earth, there’s something so profound about it. To me, that once water intake is really, really important because most of your body and your brain is made of water. Everyone disagrees in terms of the percentages from 70% to 90%, it kind of oscillates but what I know is if you look at the body, say you take a guy like me, 6’2”, 180lbs, and you cremate me, you know what’s left over? About 5 ounces of ash. What is that ash? That’s the carbon that’s left over after all the water evaporated which is what I’m really made of. If you think about your biology,
I never thought about it that way.
We really literally, aside from our spiritual self that is beyond the physical realm, and beyond our body, our consciousness. Everything except that is mostly water.
But I just wanna get that distinction here that when you talk about good water or springwater, you don’t talk about springwater in plastic bottles that you buy in the supermarket right?
I created, god, I should have a landing page or something for this, I created a document because this is such a common question. I’ve been working on the water piece for 21 years. I’ve been refining my practice of the type of water that I put in my body in, and developing a hierarchy. I wish I had something, like I said, a landing page, to send people to. You can find all the stuff I talk about on my podcast which I’m sure we’ll talk later, but anyway, about the water, I can summarize it like this, and this is just my experience, just how I feel in my body. Also just my very strong intuition about what’s natural to the human and our relationship to the planet, our mother earth. But also, this is based on tons of profoundly intelligent, and wise educated people that ‘ve interviewed over the past year and a half, and I keep waiting for one of them to disagree with my approach to water, and all of them, PhDs., neuroscientists, on and on they all say, “Yep, you nailed it.” I couldn’t come up with a better strategy. It’s been backed up by quite a few brilliant minds. My strategy is this that the best water at the top of the food chain is water that you collect out of a spring that you then drink immediately because that water is full of energy, and this is scientific, it’s not a woo-woo energy, but it’s quite literally alive and full of all of these electrons. It’s just buzzing when it comes out of the spring. I either drink it at the source that would be the number one or have that water bottles in glass. Now I go collect my own spring water almost everywhere I travel in the world, I find the local spring, I go drink that water. Locally, I go sometimes maybe a couple of times a year and I’ll collect about three months worth of water, stored in glass, 5 gallon glass carboys, you can buy those at home brewing stores. I store that water as cold as I can and as dark as I can. I have covers because I wanna keep that water covered just like it would be in nature. The water from a spring is part of the hydrological cycle that of course, went from the ocean, up in the clouds, that became rain or snow, that went over the mountains, drip all that water that’s now saltless from the process of being up in the cloud, drops that onto the mountain, sips down to creeks, brooks, rivers, streams, then becomes the ocean again, goes up to the clouds. You can kind of see a diagram of a cartoon model here making the cycle. I wanna get water at the end of its cycle because it’s the most pure at that point. That would be from a spring ideally at a high altitude. That water is inside that mountain for 100s if not 1000s of years before it comes back up depending on the geological circumstances of that particular area. I’m drinking water ideally that’s alive and as fresh as possible and has been kept cold and dark. There’s a company on the west coast called Live Spring Water that would deliver water to you in your home from a spring in Oregon. They collect the water themselves. The water is completely untouched by mankind and is true living crystalline water that has its own innate intelligence and substructure intact, and delivered to your door cold for maybe a little more than like a crappy water like Arrowhead or something. Spring water in glass which has been untreated and untouched by man would be number one. Now the next step down with that would be spring water that’s more commercially available, that does come from a spring, is delivered in glass bottles or you purchase it in glass bottles. I’ll tell you why glasses so far superior to any plastic. But the second tier water would be water that’s been sanitized using ultraviolet light and ozone. Ultraviolet light and ozone are not toxic. It’s not like a chlorine or something like that, or bromine or something that you would use in a swimming pool or a hot tub to sterilize the water. But the laws in this country actually require that every company that sell water for drinking commercially that they do sanitize the water using ultraviolet light. What happens when you use ultraviolet light is that it kills any microbes that are present in the water which is great because you don’t wanna pick up E.coli or any of these waterborne bacteria or viruses or anything like that. The intention is good, but what happens is, when you hit spring water, let’s say a good spring water like Mountain Valley Springs, I drink that one when I don’t have my preferred water available but that water has been sterilized with UV. The good news is you’re not gonna pick up any parasites or anything weird from the water. The bad news is that is now dead water, meaning that not only is there nothing alive in it even beneficial probiotics and bacteria that you would want from a natural spring to keep your gut bacteria as diverse as possible. Normally, if you were a hunter-gatherer, and you lived in a certain area there would be bacteria present in the water that was actually in relationship to your environment, and therefore, would really be good for you. But when you buy water that’s been sterilized by UV and you set it out in the sun, and let it get warm, and let it get light, it won’t grow algae. That tells you that that water is dead. If you leave actual spring water that’s untouched out in the sun after about three to four weeks, it turns green, there’s stuff starts to grow in it. Why? Because it’s been inoculated with life. It literally has the breath of life in it. That’s why I prefer completely natural untouched spring water. The next one down would be spring water that’s been sterilized. That’s still pretty good in glass. I would say for me the third option would be – well, there’s two types of spring water. You have true spring water and then you have water that is labeled and marketed as spring water, but actually comes out from an aquifer, which is essentially an underground lake. It’s a little bit different than a spring. A spring comes from an aquifer way far away. Usually in altitude. It’s travelling up through the mountain. That’s how it’s getting sterilized and cleaned. But aquifer water would be like more well waters. Well water and aquifer water are essentially from underground lakes and ponds and that would be kind of the next one. Then after that, I would say would be filtered tap water but here’s the thing, you gotta understand, there’s probably 100 layers of filtration in terms of the efficacy of water filtration that you could have access to in your home. You have reverse osmosis. You have distillation. You have just other purification systems.The efficiency and validity of those filtration systems and what they do to the water is widely disputed and varied. If you have like a little breather filter or pure filter that you screw on your kitchen sink, that’s not doing anything, for example. However, if you go to the other extreme and you get an RO or Reverse Osmosis System, that’s stripping the water from literally everything, every single mineral. Same with distillation. Then you’re ending up with really what could be called more of a pharmaceutical water. Not even truly H20, but a dead and really, really dead, and in many cases, acidic form of water that’s not even really, in one sense, water anymore. There’s really only one company that I’ve found that I believe has done filtration right. If you wanted like an under sink filter and they’re out of Laguna Beach. I’m gonna interview the inventor actually soon. His name is Glen Caulkins. They’re called PristineHydro. Glen is a water, I sound like a water geek, Glen is a really brilliant guy, genius. He’s broken the water thing down and created this filter that actually mimics what a true spring would do to water. He sort of treats the municipal water supply coming through your pipes as like an underground aquifer. Then his filter becomes now a simulation of a true spring and to the degree that his filter removes everything from the water, good, the bad, and the ugly, then it repopulates the water with the right mineral content, and then vortexes the water which brings the molecular structure of natural water back into existence, because it’s been sort of the DNA has been decoded and scrambled when you run it through a filter evenly, or run it through right angle pipes within the plumbing system. That also sort of denatures the water. He’s gone at this from almost a metaphysical, well not metaphysical, more of a quantum level filtration. If I was gonna filter water that would be I guess, we’re at at tier three. The next down would be distilled water reverse osmosis water or maybe on the same level or same tier, would be spring water in plastic bottles.

The efficiency and validity of those filtration systems and what they do to the water is widely disputed and varied.
I’ve been drinking so much bad water in my life. Oh my God. I feel like I have to just go and order a bunch of those spring water. I bet you that just by that my life is gonna change.
Oh, here’s the thing. You guys live in Santa Monica. You could get a live spring water delivered. Everyone always freaks out, “Oh, it’s gonna be so expensive.”
While we were talking I went on the website actually.
I’d probably spend, actually, if you want, if you do end up ordering that, it’s totally up to your own intuition, but the code, I think it’s The Lifestylist will save you 27% of your first order.
Oh my God. The Lifestylist is your podcast which is awesome.
Oh, thank you.
Everybody, listen. Just add it to your favorite podcast along with this, Stellar Life, because this one is really, really amazing. You can hear Luke and how geeky he gets when it comes to everything health. Look, honestly, I’m a little bit disappointed, because I have this list of 1 million questions that we didn’t get to. We didn’t get to because you have so much knowledge. I wanna have you back on the show for sure if you’re open to it.
Of course.
We talked about a little about grounding. We talked about the effect of sunlight and the need to eliminate blue light from your environment, meaning that before you go to bed just turn off your computer, don’t look long at little screens for at least an hour, or use some kind of a blue light filter on your screens, and you can also use TrueDark glasses to avoid to be exposed to blue light. We’re not gonna talk too much about it, because we’re almost at the end of the hour which just breaks my heart, but let me ask you, what do you do first thing in the morning? What is your morning routines as far as nourishing your mind and nourishing your body?
I have it down to such an, I’m like Steve Jobs kind of. I like automating things especially early in the day when my brain is not turned on so much. But yeah, I have my whole morning so regimented at the exact same thing every morning. You could put a video camera in my bedroom and literally watch 365 episodes of my wake up.
You should do this for YouTube. You should actually put a video camera of like this is 30 days of my life.
Yeah. But what I do is first, I use a sleep app called Sleep Cycle. I set an alarm and there’s an half an hour window where it will wake me up not in deep sleep. As soon as you start to wrestle around it wakes you up which I highly recommend, because if you wake up and you’re not producing cortisone, you’re still producing melatonin, you’d be groggy all day. That’s the first thing is I wake up to the proper alarm. Then I reach over and I pop a molecular hydrogen tab in the huge glass of spring water that I’ve put on night…
What the hell is that?
A molecular hydrogen it’s made by a company called Vital Reaction. Hydrogen, of course, is just a natural element but now they figured out how to produce hydrogen gas in water. You put this little tab in your water, pound that down.
On top of your spring water that you go, and you hike, and you get yourself? Because this is not good enough, you have to add this crazy tab into your water to make it even more amazing.
What that does is it makes that first class of water really invigorating and very hydrating. The hydrogen is an immensely long story but essentially, that’s the most potent scavenger, free radicals, and anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant molecule that you can put into your body. That’s the first thing. Sometimes I put up a little sea salt in there or even nascent iodine. I pound that down then I take an ampoule of Bulletproof Unfair Advantage which I keep in the night stand, boom, that’s mitochondria fuel, essentially a supplement that gives you mental and physical energy.
For people that don’t know what Unfair Advantage is, it’s a little plastic tube filled with CoQ10 and what else is it?
PQQ. Oh, sorry I made a mistake.
No, no. It’s CoQ10. The CoQ10 from what I understand, amplifies the potentiality of the PQQ. There’s a synergistic formula. It’s made by Bulletproof. I find that to be really effective. That’s just the first little thing and then what I do is, I immediately grab my phone. I do not check my emails. I may or may not look at my text if I have a few. Usually, I look at them but I don’t start responding. I just make sure that I’m not late for something or something like that. Then what I do is I immediately put on some sort of spiritual or personal development audio, by the way, the first thoughts I have have to be about God.
What are some of your favorite? Real quick.
I have a lot of audio by Dr. David R. Hawkins, he’s probably my favorite spiritual teacher. But then in terms of podcast I’ll put on Byron Katie.
She’s gonna be on my show. I’m so excited.
Oh, me too.
I’m gonna interview her in a couple of weeks and I’m shaking, it’s so amazing.
Oh my god. I’m so happy for you. It took me a year to finally get through to her people. She’s one of my favorites. I listen to the Oprah soul sessions, or Brendon Burchard, or Tony Robbins, even sometimes, Dave Ramsey or the Zig Ziglar podcast. Just anything that’s gonna make my mind right.
For how long do you listen to that? 30 minutes?
Yeah, I do. I bring it, my phone with me and I start making my little smoothie and getting my whatever I’m doing to kind of continue the routine, and give you the rest of it too. I just keep that going because I wanna make sure that my mind starts out with the right kind of thoughts, they’re gonna produce the day I want.
It sounds really simple. But it wasn’t simple for me to get that I can actually do my dishes and listen to something inspiring, which I started doing lately, because it was always like one or the other. I was like, “I never have enough time to listen to the empowering sessions.”
See, that’s going back to the biohacking is, I look at every moment of each day as so precious. I always try to maximize or stack as many things as I can at once turn that moment. While we’ve been on this call, for example, I’m of course, I’m sitting in my home studio here, and I have this like a night mask that you wear when you’re trying to block the light. I’ve had it on about half the time to exercise my eyes because I’m becoming a bit nearsighted, it’s really good to have your eyes open and unable to focus in pitch black, I’ve been having my little eye mask on.
Because we’re not on video. I couldn’t see that. It’s really cool.
Yeah. I’ve also been doing a lot of mobility exercises and stretching while we’ve been on the call and just moving my body around and I’ve been, in a sense, almost like exercising my eyes and my body.
You’re very talented because you’re able to talk and move and nobody can sense that you’re moving.
Well, I do. I have good mic etiquette. I move around when you’re talking and then I jump back on my mic so that you don’t hear me. Otherwise, it’ll sound like this. I’m gonna be moving it’s gonna sound way different than when I come in close to the mic. I’m aware of that. If I move around I just make sure it’s not…
I wanna live in your brain for an hour.
I’m not saying anything. Sometimes it’s fun. Sometimes it’s torture. After I get my mind right and I just put that podcast on then I’ll make a little, a quick elixir. It’s not really a smoothie because I try to avoid the macronutrients. I’m pretty much intermittent fasting. I don’t want to eat protein or carbohydrates or sugar or anything until way later in the day. I’ll just have a Bulletproof coffee or some sort of herbal elixir that’s got herbal extracts that don’t really have much.
What type of herbal extracts do you like?
Usually use one of two brands. Four Sigmatic make this great little packets of medicinal mushrooms and different herbs and things. But I use those more for when I’m on the move. But usually for my morning drinks I use a company called Longevity Power and I do extracts of pearl extract, reishi mushrooms, cordyceps mushrooms, turkey tail, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, shilajit. I do a maca extract from them, a goji berry extract.
Wait because I have this powder that combines most of the mushrooms that you mentioned. I I do use ashwagandha and maca. But you use them all separately from different powders.
I do them sometimes in a blend. Longevity Power has one particular blend called Longevity In A Bottle. There’s a lot of this super food. Green powder and all these kind of stuff on the market. I think most of them are pretty good but Christian’s is the owner of Longevity Power. He’s so hardcore obsessed with getting the best and most potent extracts that I think his multi one is all I would need, but because I’m kind of extreme and obsessive, I might wanna do a higher dose, say for a period of Reishi mushroom or something. I think for daily use the blends are really good because you get everything at once in their couple of tablespoons and some nut milk or something and you’re good to go. But sometimes I wanna make a dose on certain things. That’s why I like the bulk individual.
Because why now?
Sometimes I do a whole tablespoon of ashwagandha when a standard dose would be half a teaspoon.
A whole tablespoon? That’s crazy.
Oh, sure, sure. Yeah. That’s why I do that. That’s the kind of herbal drink. Then I’ll take DHA every morning. I do some CBD and THC oil. A very small ratio of THC.
CBD on first thing in the morning?
Because it’s very anti-inflammatory and calming. Yeah. It settles down your nervous system.
Because I would take it randomly. I sometimes take CBD oil but usually when I just need to relax. If I have a little bit anxiety or if I wanna go to sleep better. I think if I’ll take it in the morning I’ll fall asleep.
Yeah. I don’t find that to be the case. But I also just take everything all the time because I’m just wired like that. Then I’ll do Pine Pollen extracts. That’s mornin. Then I’ve made by Bulletproof coffee but I don’t drink until after I meditate. Then I take that first herbal drink and then I’ll take an all the way cold shower. No hot water at all ever. Unless it’s a special occasion and my back’s sore or something like that. But typically I don’t even turn on the hot water probably.
I so love hot water. The hottest the better.
Maybe. Probably six out of seven days a week, I don’t even use the hot water.
That’s brutal to me.
I do the cold shower then I’ll have a little acupressure mat that I step on when I brush my teeth. That activates all the pressure points in your feet. It hits all the related meridian systems that go to your organ.
Okay, I love it. What is this mat? What is it called?
It’s made by a company called Saje actually over in your neck of the woods. They have a store on Abbot Kinney in Venice. Saje makes essential oils and stuff. I walked in the store and they have this little spiked mat that you stand on.
I love it.
Yeah, it’s like acupressure therapy.
I do acupuncture once a week. I’m all about it. I love it.
Again, it’s one of those things, if I have to stand in front of this goddamn vanity in the bathroom and brush my teeth, put my face lotion or whatever, why waste time doing that when I could be also standing on this mat? There’s the that. Then there’s the Squatty Potty which is to put your body into a natural human configuration when you’re eliminating.
I just wanna add that we’re gonna have the Squatty Potty video in the show notes. It’s very entertaining.
Oh yeah, they’re so great. They have great marketing.
The magical unicorn.
Then I do my morning meditation, I’m wrapping it up here. I know it’s a long answer to a short question but the physical parts part of it but then really get in spiritually aligned is in the meditation. I do 20 minutes. Pretty much to the minute, maybe a little longer in some cases if I kind of zone out but I do a vedic meditation, a mantra-based and while I meditate, again, I’m maximizing that. I got a red intranasal laser light, actually it’s an LED light that produces a red spectrum of light it’s 8/10 nanometers and that shines up your nose onto your brain while you’re meditating and produces mitochondrial energy. It’s also very relaxing.
What’s the name of it?
It’s called the Vielight Intranasal either laser or LED. They have different spectrums that do different things. I use the one that really improves your cognition but also makes you calm. I’m sitting on the Bio-Mat which is a crystalline amethyst-filled infrared mat.
That’s amazing.
Yeah. It makes you so relaxed. It keeps circulation going. It’s really good to sit on the Bio-Mat when you’re sitting because you don’t become stagnant.
What’s the name of the mat again?
A Bio-Mat.
Bio-Mat? It’s got crystals on it.
Oh yeah. It’s got like, I think, 17 different crystals inside it and then it produces infrared heat. By the way, I know you have a lot of female listeners, it literally is the cure for cramps, in terms of the symptoms obviously. If you’re getting cramps there’s something wrong with your body, you need to use functional medicines to figure out what that is. But if for the symptoms of cramps, I’m telling you, I’ve had a lot of really happy girlfriends, and women friends, they’re like, “Oh my god I have cramps.” I’m like, “Wait, try this.” You put the Bio-Mat over their abdomen, and within 30 minutes their cramps are gone, it’s incredible.
Oh my god. Wow.
I’m sitting there meditating and doing that. The last piece of the meditation is that I’m also using a device called an AmpCoil. An AmpCoil is a really advanced piece of technology I adapted in the last year which is a combination of biofeedback and PEMF therapy. It’s similar to Rife Technology. It reads the energy of your body and then sends certain healing frequencies or cleansing frequencies back into your body. But there are also programs on the AmpCoil that thru the frequency technology and the electromagnetic field that it creates can induce different brainwave states. During meditation, I put on one. It’s very balancing to the chakra system, as well as putting you into a great theta state. If I’m gonna spend 20 or 30 minutes meditating, I might as well do four other things during that 20 minutes. It benefit me. Then I end that, this is the last piece of my morning. I swear. I might do a little spiritual reading literature. Also, as naked as I can be on my porch in the sun. That’s kind of part of that whole little morning routine. How I end it before I get to work, and after actually interact with the world, and be productive is, I do a few minutes on my Bellicon Rebounder. A small trampoline that I just jump around to wake myself up and get all of that energy that I’ve just cultivated all morning, to get that moving, to get ready to interface with humanity.
Also, cleanse your lymphatic system while doing it.
Right. Exactly.
That’s amazing. You are amazing. We definitely have to have another podcast because we didn’t even touch the tip of the iceberg of your knowledge in what you do.
That’s happens to me a lot when I interview people. It depends – I’m very talkative and hyper obviously. As an interviewee, I’m more of work to reel me in and make me not take up too much time. But when I interview people as the host, sometimes it’s a little bit like plain teeth, and I have to really work to get an hour out of them and keep it interesting and engaging. There’s some people where I have a list of 20 questions and I literally don’t get to answer one of them because they’re so passionate and they have so much to say, and I oftentimes end it like, “Okay, we need a part two and three.”
Yeah. We need a part two, three, four, seven.
That happens to me.
I need a recurring guest named Luke Storey.
Hey, anytime.
Thank you. Before we leave, I know you gave tons of tips, what are your three, off the top of your head, three top tips to live in a stellar life, and then let’s share with the listeners how they can reach you, work with you, and tell them a little bit about your amazing podcast.
Sure. I would say the number one recommendation for any sort of fulfillment is to by some means, develop a relationship with whatever the energy and power that created the planet and everything on it. It’s to develop some working relationship with that. Whatever you end up calling it or by whatever system of theology or belief you’re able to access it. I think that’s the number one most valuable component of human life is that we are connected to the divine. True fulfillment I believe is just in not creating that connection but just in acknowledging that it’s there and really cultivating the awareness of that. In other words, I just call God because it’s easy, but a lot of people have a hard time with that word because it’s very loaded. Luckily I wasn’t raised with any kind of religion. When I came to believe in God I didn’t have any aversion to that or any sort of intellectual pride or anything that prevented those like, “Oh, sure God. Listen, something makes my heart beat every night when I go to sleep.” But for me that relationship with God trumps everything because without that I become lost and life loses its context and its meaning. That would be my number one recommendation. But that’s more of a heart-spaced connection to the creator, to the unseen hand. The second recommendation would be to really, really monitor one’s own thinking and thoughts, and to guard one’s self from any and all thoughts that are based in negative energy which should mean any self-defeating or other defeating or combative or toxic thoughts at all, that’s made possible sort of a two-parter, that’s made possible in my experience through a couple different means. One would obviously be a strong meditation practice. I do 20 minutes a day, twice a day. That set me up to be able to observe my thoughts more than them being in constant control of me. I think that’s where that awareness starts. As my mind is more positive, and more clear, and I’m more in a witness perspective, then that’s the thing that enables me to better achieve number one which is staying in a connection to the divine, to that source or love and intelligence, that’s always there and available, to build that. It’s kind of a two-part interconnected. The third recommendation is addressing the physical level which is important. I wanted to say it’s the most important but doing number one and number two are a lot easier when you don’t feel like crap. You have to address the physical one and that’s the ways in which we’ve described is the outer environment. Optimizing that to be as natural as possible then creating balance and order within your inner ecosystem and finding out what’s off and addressing that. I think through functional medicine’s probably the best way to begin doing that. I guess that’s kind of mind, body, and spirit being number one than getting the mind right, speech, verbalization, self-talk, all that, then optimizing your physical energy so that you’re detoxing your body and you’re upgrading it in every way that you can.
Develop a relationship with whatever the energy and power that created the planet and everything on it. It’s to develop some working relationship with that. Share on XWhere can people find you?
I can be found in the number one place, the hub of everything that I’m producing in the world, and that is lukestorey.com. My podcast is kind of the crown jewel of my work here at this present time and it’s called The Lifestylist podcast. I interview a number of different, sometimes high-profile, sometimes the plumber comes in and has good stuff to say, and I interview him. It’s funny because I thought, “Oh, it’s all about getting famous people.” It’s like, no. It’s about getting meaningful, deep people that have an impact.
I totally agree. Sometimes I have guests that are super famous and sometimes I have guests that nobody have ever heard of. It’s not about that. It’s about the level of connection, and the level conversation, and contribution that happen in the episode.
Absolutely. My show, The Lifestylist, is really where I think I shine. That’s my deepest passion in terms of connecting. For social media, Instagram is I think, my most popular and most used medium. I do a lot of Instagram stories and Instagram live of everything that we talked about today that you’ve graciously allowed me to share with the audience. I show this in real time all the time on Instagram live which sucks because the Instagram live they disappear in 24 hours. Sometimes I’m going, “Damn. I’ve put out way too much value on that medium that disappears.” But the flipside is it allows me to be so so authentic and real because I know it’s gonna disappear. I can really be myself and make it be sloppy and very behind-the-scenes. I wouldn’t do that for a YouTube video that’s gonna live there forever. I have a lot of fun with people on Instagram.
Thank you so much, Luke.
Thank you. I can’t wait to do it again.
Me too.
Your Checklist Actions to Take
✓ Keep doing what makes you happy. Focus on things that always put you in a good mood and make you ready to seize the day.
✓ Establish a morning routine to start your day off right. Be grateful for all your blessings each morning.
✓ Prioritize your overall health and find balance between your physical, spiritual and mental states. This is how you live a balanced life.
✓ Find one area of your life to improve. Is it your sleeping habits? Drug addiction or past trauma? Determine what you want to fix before figuring out your next step.
✓ Try different biohacking processes to find what works best for you. Results vary from person to person.
✓ Be kind and patient with yourself. Take small steps towards achieving your goals and celebrate your small wins. This will make your goals seem more attainable.
✓ Strive for a quality life instead of a long life. Your goal should be to live a life free of pain and disease.
✓ Work on building a strong mindset by doing various mental and spiritual healing activities. Meditation is highly recommended.
✓ Develop a deep connection with a higher power. Have faith and be grateful for this divine being no matter your belief system.
✓ Be mindful of your own thoughts and steer clear of negativity. Negative energy is always self-defeating, toxic, and harmful to your overall health.
Links and Resources:
About Luke Storey
Luke Storey, a former Hollywood celebrity fashion stylist, has spent the past twenty-one years developing and refining the ultimate lifestyle, based on the most powerful principles of health and spirituality, while at the same time embracing the technology and modern conveniences of urban living.
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