A Personal Note From Orion
Welcome to a milestone episode of the Stellar Life Podcast! We’re celebrating our 400th episode with a deep dive into the art of manifestation, personal growth, and the power of a positive mindset. We’ll explore how to harness your inner light to make a real impact in the world, the importance of self-belief, and the critical role of divine intelligence in shaping our destinies.
Drawing on wisdom from thought leaders like Viktor Frankl and Wallace D. Wattles, we’ll discuss how gratitude, positivity, and inspired action can help you achieve your dreams. Plus, I’ll share personal stories of surrender, resilience, and the transformative power of self-love. Stay tuned as we journey through the keys to living your best, most empowered life. Let’s elevate your frequency and transform your reality right here on Stellar Life! So, without further ado, let’s dive into the show!
In This Episode
- [00:34] – Orion introduces the Stellar Life podcast’s 400th episode, outlining the importance of elevating personal vibration to do good in the world and the transformative power of teaching and inspiring others.
- [11:48] – Insights into practicing self-love through Louise Hay’s mirror work technique and the significance of perception and gratitude.
- [18:32] – Balancing empathy with personal well-being, using the oxygen mask analogy, and the importance of self-care to support others effectively.
- [21:19] – Orion explores the distractions posed by social media and advises focusing on personal goals and visions instead.
- [26:28] – Emphasis on mindset over environment, citing Viktor Frankl’s experiences during the Holocaust as a testament to maintaining vision in adverse conditions.
- [30:38] – Advice on owning one’s situation, maintaining resilience, and the importance of self-care and a positive mindset.
- [32:11] – Orion’s personal story of meeting her husband through the power of surrender and manifestation.
- [37:41] – The impact of positive speech on creating dreams, maintaining a positive attitude, and taking inspired actions toward achieving personal visions.
About Today’s Show
Hi, and welcome to the show. I am your host, Orion, and I am super inspired by this conversation because it is about manifestation. This is a conversation that I feel like no matter how many times you talk about it or hear about it, it always feels like new information. Because we tend to forget, our default is not to think that we are powerful beyond imagination, capable of creating our circumstances, or responsible for everything happening to us.
Sometimes, our default is to get into victim mode or think we are powerless. This conversation is just a reminder that you are powerful beyond whatever you think. You are powerful. You have the capacity and talent and are a part of this world. You can affect the fabric of your reality by taking the following steps: I’m going to talk about manifestation and the steps to manifest your desires. I’m going to share some stories from my own personal life about how I manifest things. Even though I did it in the past, I still struggle with the same self-defeating thoughts of who I am. “Can I do it?” But the more you’re into this stuff, the more you’re having those enlightened conversations, and the more you hear stuff that fulfills you, the less of those emotions you have.
It will be easier to jump back into being more of a Polyana, a positive thinker, like a cork. Regardless of what you see in the news, what you see in front of you, and what your environment or perceived reality is, you can always change that perception when you are connected to your higher power.
Your thoughts, actions, and the way you speak affect whether a dream will manifest or remain in that field of dreams and potential.
Because I call it God, some people call it the big spirit, the universe, whatever makes you comfortable. I’m going to use the word God because that’s what I believe in. The first idea of manifestation is to trust God. Trust that there is a higher intelligence, that there is something out there that is breathing through you, without you even thinking about it, and that is making your heartbeat without you even trying.
That intelligence makes a tree grow out of a tiny seed, that intelligence moves the weather patterns and clouds, and that intelligence is all good, and what’s for you to have your best life ever. You are a co-creator in this process. Your thoughts, your actions, and the way you speak affect whether a dream is going to be manifested or stay in that field of dreams and potential. Your thoughts, intentions, and connection are like watering that seed.
When you go into I can’t negative thoughts, focusing on lack, that seed gets dehydrated. You have to keep watering it and watering it until the dream comes true. Sometimes, our dreams come true not exactly how we thought they would, but it’s always for our highest good if you see it. So the first step in manifestation is to trust in that intelligence and the belief that it is there for you and everything is happening for you, even in hard times.
It’s happening for your highest and best good. When I look back at my life, I experienced an abusive relationship. At that moment, I didn’t see God’s hand in it. I didn’t understand why I was going through so much pain and suffering—physical pain, emotional pain, and mental pain. I couldn’t see the hand of God in it. I felt like a victim of my reality. It was a process for me to get out of that victimhood and reclaim my power.
Your thoughts, words, and actions shape the path from potential to reality, determining whether your dream takes flight or remains untouched in the realm of possibility. Share on XIt wasn’t easy. It took a lot of time and a lot of methodologies, but it took a lot of trust in myself, in my higher power, in God, that I can recover and win in life. Even if I experience something bad. My past does not define me. I’m going to build my future from the vision of the future that I want and step into that reality. I’m not going to let my environment, my pain, other people’s thoughts, and collective, universal thoughts get into me and tell me that because I experienced this and this, I won’t be able to move forward. And yes, it was not easy. It was a process.
It took a lot of trying. It took a lot of me fighting for what I wanted, either physically where I went, and I studied martial arts and also mentally consuming all the good information I could consume because I didn’t like where I was. There was a point where I said, “That’s enough. I do not want to live my life like a shadow of myself. I want to manifest the best life for myself that I can manifest.” With that determination, I moved forward.
Be kind and gentle with yourself no matter what you’re struggling with right now. Everything can become better.
That was the first step to connecting to your light and believing that there is a light out there that can help you increase your light, that you are a co-creator, and that you can affect your reality. It took a lot of crying, praying, connecting, and taking action, as well as a lot of mental action, like looking at my vision and what I wanted, and it didn’t happen instantly.
I went from broken to life is amazing. It’s a process. So be kind and gentle with yourself no matter what you’re struggling with right now. Everything can become better. We all have areas in our lives we want to improve on. We all have areas where we’re not feeling good enough, don’t feel we belong, or life was too hard for us, so we do not feel capable. That’s okay. It’s a part of the human experience.
We live in a world of polarity, yin and yang, light versus darkness, big or small—everything is duality. Without the darkness, we won’t be able to appreciate the light. Sometimes, our soul’s journey is to experience what we are experiencing so we can harness our light and bring this light forward to this world. As I reflect on that relationship, I can see that this was a gift from God for me. I had a choice. I could give up and step into a completely different timeline where I’m not the person I am today, and I don’t have the things I have today, or I can fight for what I want. I didn’t give up on myself because I knew there was a light inside.
I can hold on to this light, and when I do the right steps, God will help me. Something will work out if you constantly broadcast this very strong desire into that field, and your signal is like a bright light in the field. The field will reorganize itself around you and, in due time, will bring you all the people and the right circumstances to fulfill your dreams. I am very blessed now that I have a beautiful man in my life who loves and cherishes me. Like any relationship, you have to work on your relationship as you work on your cleanliness, like you brush your teeth every morning. You always have to invest in your relationship. I’m so grateful for what I have right now in my life. That would never have happened if I hadn’t experienced the darkness and polarity I didn’t want.

When you hold a vision, you want to hold a vision of exactly what you want.
I want to understand what I want and ask for, but I also want to reflect on myself and see where I was a part of it. I was the one who chose this guy. I was the one who allowed a lack of boundaries. The moment I took responsibility for this, everything changed. This journey was amazing. The pain gave me so much light in my life right now to create the relationship and the family that I always desired. The first step is desiring and trusting God. You desire and trust that infinite intelligence is working for you.
When you understand that things are happening for you and not to you, you’re not a victim. You have the power to change everything in your life. It depends on which story you want to tell. You can tell the story of victimhood and tell yourself and everybody else why you can never change your life. When you tell this story again and again and again, it’s going to become your reality, obviously. Or you can tell it a better story. “This happened to me, and I’m going to succeed, and I’m going to manifest.” Then you dropped that this, and this happened to me.
You have the power to change everything in your life. It depends on which story you want to tell.
Unless it’s a story of becoming like the story I just told you because I wanted to inspire you to know that even in the darkest moment, you can find your light. You drop that negative story and start telling yourself a better story about yourself. A part of me telling myself a better story at that painful moment was doing mirror work from Louise Hay. Louise says, “When something good happens, go to the mirror and say, “I love you.” And when something bad happens, go to the mirror and say, “I love you. I love you no matter what.’” To tell myself the story of self-love took a lot of courage because I was so ashamed of myself, so lonely, so isolated, and so broken.
I didn’t really love myself. It was almost like I was telling a lie to the mirror. The first time I told myself I love you, I couldn’t hold it. I started crying. There were a few more times when I said it, and I was crying. Then I could look in the mirror and say, “I love you,” and keep a straight face. Then, I could look in the mirror and say, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” To hug myself, to hug the hurt and the pain.
I start telling myself a better story, “Think about it. What story are you telling yourself right now? Is it a good story? Is it an adventure story? Is it a drama? Is it a sitcom? Which story do you want to build? Are you the architect of your life or the one who’s writing the script and affecting the field? What story are you writing?” I know my story sometimes has drama in action because I actually do like action movies, sometimes sci-fi movies, and sometimes I like drama.
I have to be conscientious about which story I project into the field right now, and I advise you to do the same.
But I have to be conscientious about which story I am projecting into the field right now. I advise you to do the same. Which story do you want? Which story do you want to focus on? Another thing in the process of manifestation is gratitude. You want to be grateful for what you have because you want to recognize that even if you are having a hard time, there are some good things—you can walk, breathe, and talk.
Some people cannot do that. Whatever you have, hold on to it and be grateful for it. That might be a challenge. It’s a whole different conversation, but I’m just going to touch on it briefly. You can also be grateful for what’s not working for you because even that is for your highest good. Sometimes, we can’t see what’s going to happen. We cannot see how the events right now are going to affect the future.
But if we’re grateful and surrendering for whatever we have in gratitude, then there is no resistance for the good to come in when you resist what is. And you say, “I don’t want this, and I don’t want this, and I don’t want this.” What picture is forming in your mind? What vision is that? The vision of what you want or the vision of what you don’t want? And you’re focusing on, “I don’t want, and I don’t want, and I don’t want it.”
This is the picture, and this is the vision that you are creating. How about you? Thank you for what I have. “Thank you for the good in my life. Thank you for my family or friends or the fact that I can breathe. Thank you for waking up this morning. Thank you for the sunshine. Thank you I got up this morning and did the dishes.” Then you focus on what you want, and you train your brain from focusing on the lack and fear to what’s good because two people can look at the same item and see two different things.
Refuse to live as a shadow of yourself, so manifest the fullest, brightest version of the life you deserve. Share on XFor example, in this case, if somebody’s looking at it from the front, they can see a straight line. If somebody’s looking at it from here, they can see the writing. If somebody is looking at it from here, they can see the zipper. Same reality, same object, different ways of looking at it. It’s about the way you look. Your story affects your vision, how you look at things, and your reality. There is no one reality. There is no one truth. Your reality is the reality that you’re building. If you feel sad and somebody comes and says, “Hey man, you just won a million dollars in the lottery,” All of a sudden, your reality is changing. Your emotions are happy. You don’t even have those million dollars, but you’re so happy because of a perception of happiness.
It’s about perception. It’s about how you see your vision. It’s about not seeing the negative and being grateful for what is good. “What do I have now? What’s good here? How can I focus on the good in my life and train my brain to see what’s good in my life so I can create that vision of the dream I want to manifest and bring into this world?” Clear mental picture. Like I said before, focus on the picture you want to manifest.
You can also be grateful for what’s not working for you because even that is for your highest good.
Do you want to manifest a fortune? Do you want to manifest bringing a child to the world? Do you want to manifest a beautiful relationship? Do you want to manifest peace and harmony in your surroundings? What do you want to manifest? Is that picture clear enough? When you hold a vision, you want to hold a vision of exactly what you want. It’s not a hard thing to do. We all kind of know what we want.
Sometimes, we can visualize it with our minds. Sometimes, we feel it in our hearts. We know what we want. But if that picture becomes murky because of other people’s opinions, our environments, or old negative beliefs, then we won’t have that clarity of picture. If we focus on wealth, for example, but we think about poverty, those two pictures will collide. If you want to focus on wealth, then focus on wealth. See what’s good if you bring into this photo, into this picture.
But there are starving people, and there are people who experience war. Guess what? It’s always going to be there. This universe is made out of light and darkness. There is a lot of darkness, but there’s a lot of greatness. Which movie do you want to step into? The one that regardless of what’s happening, you are wealthy and successful, or the one that you’re down depressed because you always see and look at the suffering. I’m an empath. I’m very empathetic. I noticed myself really being affected by the news and feeling sad about a lot of bad things that happened. And it does not serve me at all.

By staying true to who you are and keeping your light, you can uplift others to reach new heights alongside you.
Being sad for somebody who’s suffering cannot help them. Being successful and being able to inspire someone or support someone somehow supports a cause; that’s awesome. But when I’m just feeling sad for somebody else, it does not help or elevate them. It just brings me down. Just like if I’m coaching someone who’s having a really bad time, or I worked with somebody who had sexual abuse or like bad things, and I’m going just to be sucked into their suffering, I will just go down with them, and it’s not going to help them at all.
When I keep who I am and keep my light, I can help bring them up to my level as an empathic person. I always kind of like touching the suffering. Like I feel their feelings. I cannot feel people’s feelings. It’s just who I am. But I don’t let that sway me or take me into my own suffering, my own, “Oh, I’m so sad for them.” And then it’s me, me, me. I get out of myself and into what they need, and then I can serve. If you want to serve the world, don’t put this vision of how bad the world is. Yes, bad things happen all day long. Yet you can live a beautiful, successful life.
This universe is made of light and darkness. There is a lot of darkness, but there is also a lot of greatness.
When you live a beautiful, successful life, you have the power and the capacity to help others. Just like when you go on an airplane, they say if you’re with a child, put on your oxygen mask first. Why? If you don’t have oxygen and you’re not taking care of this yourself, you won’t be able to put the oxygen mask on somebody else. Even if you really love them and want to put the oxygen mask on them first. But guess what? You’re dying. Take care of yourself.
Increase your frequency, increase your light, and step into that higher vision; from that higher place, you can do so much good in the world. The best way to be very strong financially is to donate and help people in need. Yet the best way to help somebody in need is not to give them the fish but to teach them how to fish, inspire them to be there for them, direct them, and teach them. This is the best way to inspire people.
Social media sucks. It’s an amazing tool, but it also sucks because when it’s late at night, your willpower is gone, and you’re just scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or whatever you like. I read somewhere that technology can read your brainwaves, and that’s how they bring you the things you’re interested in. If something’s scary and you’re interested in it because it’s scary and very exciting, you will see more and more of this.
When I keep who I am and keep my light, I can help bring people up to my level as an empathic person.
The more you see that darkness and the painful things, the more you are taking yourself away from your vision, man. You cannot hold a vision of a beautiful life, achievement, or dream when you watch horrible news or see horrible videos, especially those shorts that mess with your brain and take you out of focus because all the cuts are super fast. They’re getting super fast. I’m like, “Oh my God, our kids. How can I protect my kid from all this fast-paced cutting and editing?”
Guard your ears and guard your eyes to the best of your abilities. We cannot avoid our reality. Obviously, bad things happen. We’re going to hear about them and take responsibility for your part of what you can do about it. Can you turn off your social media and instead go and watch a long-form lecture or this channel, this YouTube channel, this podcast, and get inspired and put good things in your mind that will help you focus on your dream and your vision?
Because every time you go down a negative path of focusing on the pain and going into lower emotions, focusing on things that you don’t even have zero influence on, like a war in a distant country, you’ll have no influence on it. You can scream and shout, and you know what things will unfold the way they will unfold. Instead, take yourself to focus on what’s good. Focus on your life.
No matter what’s happening in your surroundings, no matter what your environment is, you can win in life. It’s your birthright, and you can do it. When you are inspired and focused on your dream, you don’t only focus on your dream for like, “Oh, I meditated an hour this week, so I’m good.” You focus on your dream all day long. You focus on this undercurrent of trust and believe your dreams will come true. You know it, believe it in your heart, and do it 24/7.
When we see that somebody has things we don’t have, we have a choice. We can be envious and jealous, or we can be grateful to God for bringing this to our attention.
Every time you see something that reminds you of your dream, see the beautiful photo, vision, and affirmation that will help you connect to that vision. When we see that somebody has things we don’t have, we have a choice. We can be envious and jealous, or we can be super grateful to the universe, God, for bringing this to our attention. This is an example of what we can achieve. Which thought will bring you closer to your vision? Envy, jealousy, depression—I don’t have it. I’ll never have it. They can do it. I cannot.
I have to be born into a wealthy family, or other people can manifest, but not me or, “Wow, look at that house. I will save this because this will be like the house on my vision board. This is going to be the house that is in my vision and mind. This is going to be what I’m going to dream of.” Thank you, Universe, for affirming what an amazingly good life I can have.
Think about it today when you walk around and see things that remind you of your desire. If you start feeling like, “Oh, you’re going back to the default of, oh my goodness, I don’t have it. They have it.” Just change it. The more you change it, the more you get into the habit of changing it. There can be two kids that were born to the same family with the same environment, the same food, the same clothes, and the same struggles. One of them can become a criminal, one can become a saint, and they can be twins.
It’s not your environment that can put you down. Even in the worst environments, you can find a light. There is this book, Man’s Search for Meaning, By Viktor Frankl. He was a psychiatrist. He was in World War II in a holocaust camp. You saw people starving and dying. But even in this very, very terrible environment, the vision he held for himself is how he will, at the end of the war, get out of there and write a book and teach people how to get out of really dark situations. I read that feeling in the book a long time ago. What he did was find purpose even in this dark place.
He would inspire people. He always had the vision of a great life that he would have. While other people perished from starvation and all those horrible situations, he held onto that vision so tightly. That’s exactly what happened. He went out, had a successful practice, wrote this book that people teach until today, and was a light and inspiration for everyone—two people in the same environment, concentration camps, the worst environment ever.
You’re treated less than an animal. You sleep with no clothes on a wooden bench and hundreds of people in the tiny room. The things people went through there were so horrible and painful, yet people like them held a vision of what could be managed to survive and strive, have big families, and continue the lineage, regardless of the painful suffering they’ve been through. The more I own my situation, the more I have power over my situation. Things happen to me that I don’t like. Things happen in life that I don’t like. Wars happen, people are acting in a nasty way, and I don’t like it.
I can let that bring me down, and sometimes I do, and it brings me down, but I don’t stay there. I feel my feelings, and like a cork, I pop up. I don’t stay in the negative. I keep being determined to have my vision and have my dream. I’m not always like, “Oh, my God, my vision, my vision.” There are many times when I kind of lost faith. But when I lose faith, I talk to God and say, “God, this is too much. I can’t handle it. Please help me. Please give me the strength.”
What I do is also take better care of myself. When you care for your body, stretch, strengthen your body, and eat good food, you have more clarity of mind, and you can be there for yourself, your family, and your loved ones. If you ever lose hope, just pray to God, the universe, and infinite intelligence. Whatever you feel like, that intelligence is running your life, and ask it to help you. Even that sends a signal. If you don’t have the desire, you can even pray to have the desire.
The more I own my situation, the more I have power over my situation.
You always have the power. There’s no excuse. You always have power in you. It’s your job to find that nobody else can do it for you. People can help you, assist you. Coaches can. It can be amazing. It can help you do a lot of things. You’re the one who has to listen to this podcast. You’re the one who has to go and dream. Nobody can dream for you. You don’t want to have to. If you wake up in the middle of the night, write down your vision and what you want. Focus on the vision. That’s your responsibility. Nobody else can do it for you.
Just like in the gym. Nobody can do your pushups for you. Own it. Own your power because you are more powerful than you ever know. Own it. God had your back. As long as you want to focus on your power and be powerful, you will take inspired actions, and things will, like I said, unfold around you to manifest your dream. You can do it. That’s why I’m here. I’m telling you, like all the steps, it’s great for your logical mind. But I think the basis of all this is the belief that God has your back. God is within you, and you can do it.
You can change your life. You can get that job. You can get that business going. You can get that relationship going. You can have that baby. You can have that relationship. You can do it. A part of manifestation is surrendering, too. I don’t like the word surrender, but I understood I needed to surrender to get what I wanted. That’s how I feel. I manifested the love of my life where I was in a place of surrendering and crying and saying, “God, listen, I tried. I cannot do it on my own. Please help me.” Dr. Wayne Dyer calls it, “Let go and let God.”
If you ever lose hope, just pray to God, the universe, and infinite intelligence.
That’s exactly what I did. I just let go and let God. It was a very, very emotional moment. I took the load off of my shoulder and handed it to God—God, angels, whatever you believe in, higher being, higher self. My prayer was listened to. Within 48 hours, I met the man of my dreams.
Nine days later, he proposed to me in a hot air balloon in Vegas. It’s a whole other beautiful story of manifestation. It was a process. It was a process of taking myself out of a very low point in my life and focusing on my vision. I go to the gym, do yoga and martial arts, strengthen my body, eat well, watch funny YouTube videos, watch inspiration, and attend seminars. Eventually, I understood that I also needed to surrender in order to manifest my dream. Surrender not from a place of weakness and poor me or victimhood. Surrendering to my higher power.
I’m going to read this again. There is a thinking substance from which all things are made and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills all interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by thoughts. This is The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles from 1910. It was a long time ago. The idea of the law of attraction and projecting our thoughts into the field happened long ago. You can find it in ancient scripts and ancient cultures.
This is not new. It feels like a new age. But this is not nothing. Nothing on earth is new. This is not new knowledge. It’s just a matter of us remembering, touching our souls and reminding our souls to remember that infinite field of infinite potential that we can step into and manifest into this 3D physical form. We manifest from a higher dimension into this dimension, from the energetic into the physical. Everything created in this world started with an idea, inspired an idea, became a thought and an action and was worked into this physical reality.
Whether it’s a car, a plane, or a nice dish, it all started in the non-physical and was created into the physical. Your life starts in the non-physical and moves into the physical. Your manifestation happens in the non-physical and then moves into the physical. Be happy and fulfill fulfilled where you are. So let’s say you’re working at a job you don’t like but want another job or feel really happy. You’re in the right place at the right time. As you excel in a job that is not perfect for you and you put 100% into it, you’re in amazing gratitude.
You do your best. You will either get a promotion in that job and have a different peer group, or another job will open up for you. But if you’re at blame and complain all day, you’re in a lower vibration. You won’t be able to manifest your dreams. It goes back to gratitude. It goes back to higher vibration, accepting exactly where you are, and being grateful. For where you are, if you wash dishes, wash them with a lot of joy. I saw this story recently. I don’t remember exactly, but this guy who used to wash dishes and always made a little dance and was super happy was eventually promoted to manager of the restaurant.
Because of his attitude, because of his joy, nothing was beneath him. If you have a job, thank God you have a job. Thank God you’re able to make money. Thank God for everything that you have right now; more will come. But be happy and content in the moment. From that place of being happy and content, good things will show up in your life.
When you radiate your deepest desires like a brilliant light into the field of possibilities, the universe aligns to make them reality. Share on XGuard your speech. That’s a big one. I want to work on this more. Even talking to people about what we lack and what we don’t have is not good. It never works. But the moment we do that, we are focusing on it. As soon as we say something, a mental image is created in our mind. If that mental image is not what we want to have and not our dream, it will push it further. Because if you’re like doing all this manifestation work, but then a nice afternoon, you complain about what you don’t have, then you’re going to go the next morning, meditate, do the manifestation work, and then your neighbor is going to come, and you’re going to complain about what you don’t have. How is this going to work for you? Not as amazing as it could be. If you just turn your dream into reality, yes, things are going better and better. You don’t have to say, “Oh my God, I’m amazing. I’m a billionaire.” Now, that’s a lie.
But you say, “Yeah, thank God, things are getting better. Things that we’re good and fine, everything is improving slowly but surely.” Or don’t even say that things are getting better and better. This is something that your subconscious mind can work with even if you’re not in a great place. Because everybody knows that everything can get better. Even when you say you’re better, you already feel better. Things are getting better and better. Watch your speech, what you are saying to yourself in your home’s privacy and what you are saying to other people about your current dream or situation. Very important to speak well.

If you just speak your dream into reality, things will go better and better.
God created the world by saying, “This is going to happen.” This is going to happen. The whole world that we live in was created. You can create or destroy your speech or your conversation. Speak beautiful things into reality and speak in a way that lifts people up. Don’t need to exaggerate. Speak your truth. Your truth is that you are getting better. Even now, after you listen to this, you are getting better. You have so much great information. You are already better. Things for you are getting better and better and better. Own it. Be active mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s really easy to just be lazy and not work on your dreams.
I want it, but then go and maybe watch something on YouTube. If you are determined to achieve your dreams, you work at it, and you work at it mentally. You take the time of your day to focus on your vision. You write things down, and you see your picture every day. This is a mental effort. From this mental effort, you’re going to get inspired ideas. To go to a retreat, talk to a coach, watch this, take the right turn, and go to your friend’s house and have an inspiring conversation that will lead to something great. When you are inspired, you take inspired actions.
When you take inspired actions, you manifest your dreams.
When you take inspired actions, you manifest your dreams. We live in a world of action. It’s not only mental; it starts with energy and goes into the 30, and from here, we need to work with what we have. All their right actions will happen from those inspired thoughts. Be active mentally and physically. Take care of yourself. Take care of your body, take care of your soul, take care of yourself. Love yourself, hug yourself, and do whatever you need to achieve your dreams.
If a dream drops into your field or your psyche, it means you can achieve it. We all have different dreams. My dreams are different than yours. Your dreams are different than your father’s or mother’s. Their dreams are different from those of their neighbor. But we all have different dreams. Why do they have one dream, and you have another? Maybe God or an angel whispered that dream in your ear.
Because in a world of full potential, you can step into it and manifest your reality into that beautiful vision of exactly what you want. If you like this content, please like and subscribe. Do me a favor. If you like the podcast, please review it on Spotify and Apple. You can always contact me at my website, Orion’s Method. If I can help you with anything, I’m here for you. I love you very much and pray that you will manifest all your dreams for the best and highest good. Amen. I love you. Bye.
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
{✓}Focus on elevating your energy and vibration. Positive energy attracts positivity and opportunities, helping you do more good in the world.
{✓}Aim to teach and inspire others instead of merely providing material help. Empower them to achieve their goals and create lasting change.
{✓}Be cautious with the media you consume. Limit exposure to negative content and focus on long-form, positive content to keep your mind aligned with your goals.
{✓}When you see others succeed, shift your mindset from jealousy to gratitude. Use their achievements as a source of inspiration rather than envy.
{✓}Speak positively about your circumstances to attract favorable outcomes and create the life you want.
{✓}Prioritize your well-being. You need to take care of yourself first to be able to support and serve others effectively.
{✓}Spend time visualizing your goals vividly. This practice aligns your intentions and actions with your desires, bringing your dreams closer to reality.
{✓}Face adversity with resilience. Your mindset and vision are crucial; they shape your outcomes far more than your environment does.
{✓}Actions that resonate with your goals are essential for manifestation. Consistently take meaningful steps toward achieving your dreams.
{✓}Trust in a higher power, whether you call it God or the universe. Let go of control and believe that everything unfolds for your highest good.
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