A Personal Note from Orion
Today, we’re going to talk about a topic that is near and dear to my heart and that is love. PBS Love expert, psychologist, and bestselling author, Diana Kirschner Ph.D., has helped 10s of 1000s of singles and couples to find the relationships of their dreams. Along with her team of experts, love mentors, and dating coaches, she uses a unique approach to help women and men heal from heartbreak, create high-value self-confidence, and find lasting passionate love. Dr. Diana is the author of the bestsellers Loving 90 Days, Sealing the Deal, The Diamond Self Secret, and 30 Days to Love.
There are so many tips around love and so many people are looking for love in different places. I believe the first place to find the love of your life is inside you. In my journey in finding the love of my life, the man of my dreams, I’m also helping others do the same.
I think the first key is to find self-healing, and love yourself, and arrive at a place where you believe it is safe to be in a relationship that you deserve. You are enough to have the relationship of your dreams because you are. The person you’re looking for is looking for you, maybe you are in the same room but you’re at different frequencies. Maybe one of you doesn’t believe they deserve love. So, they can’t tune in to you and vice versa. The real work is from the inside.
Dating apps and looking a certain way, are important but only 10% of the whole thing. Yes, you need to do the work and do things in the physical realm. But I believe that in order to find love, you find self-healing and then you find love yourself. And from that point, you are becoming the point of attraction. And you attract the person that is a vibrational match to you and if you want to attract someone who’s of a higher vibration, then you need to elevate your vibration and find the person to match to that. This was a really fun conversation and I’m sure you’re going to learn so much from it. And without further ado, on to the show!
In This Episode
- [00:54] – Orion introduces her next guest, PBS Love expert, psychologist and bestselling author, Diana Kirschner, Ph.D. She has helped tens of thousands of singles and couples to find the relationships of their dreams.
- [04:07]- Orion asks Dr. Diana about the reason for her fascination with love and in deciding to help the world in finding their love partner.
- [7:03] Dr. Diana explains healing from her past wounds through a coach who saw her diamond identity.
- [8:46] – Orion and Dr. Diana share the feeling of finding the right one.
- [10:47]- Dr. Diana explains the steps to reflect the beautiful self, turn on the charisma magic, and find your soulmate.
- [15:21]- The process of embracing the Diamond Self and coming up with the process.
- [20:14] – Orion asks about affirmations and the steps of using them in finding happiness.
- [25:49] – Dr. Diana talks about how it’s a miracle and a blessing to have someone who celebrates and supports you.
- [26:42] – Orion asks to share tips in connecting to your radiant self and believing everything is possible amidst challenging periods and stressful times.
- [28:24] – Dr. Diana gives an example of a client finding love through COVID, and Orion shares her experience in finding true love.
- [33:19] – Orion asks Dr. Diana about her tips for living a stellar life.
- [35:39] – For a Free Breakthrough-to-Love Coaching Session, visit Dr. Diana Kirschner’s website by typing lovein90days.com, clicking the dating coach tab and filling out the form by saying, “Orion sent me” to be part of the top list.
About Today’s Show
Hello, Dr. Diana. Thank you so much for being here.
Thank you, Orion. I’m so excited to talk to you.
Wow. You are a love goddess. You help so many people find love, but if you would go back, what was the fascination around love? Why did you decide that this is how you want to help the world?
Well, of course, I didn’t have it. I was born the unwanted fifth daughter to a chaotic, alcoholic family that only wanted a boy. When I was born, my father didn’t even come to the hospital to see me. When he heard it was a fifth girl, he said, “I don’t want to see her.”
I had this idea that our true love had to exist because the poets were talking about it and it seemed to be there.
I grew up feeling invisible, feeling not loved, and not seeing love around me. You know what I’m saying? I had this idea that our true love had to exist because the poets were talking about something and it seemed to be there. I went on a search to figure that out because my dating life was a disaster with that kind of early relationship with my father. He was always your first love, right? Your first love is your parents.
My dating life was a disaster. Gone with the ones that didn’t want me, I’d settle for crumbs, you name it I have it. I went on a search to find out what the heck, how does this thing called love work? I wound up getting a master’s degree and Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Most importantly, I wound up finding a kind of fairy godmother—and I’m not kidding—who really helped me get to the ball.
I wound up meeting and marrying my soulmate. I’ve been married to him for decades, which is a miracle. I mean, it’s a complete and total miracle, Orion. I mean, really, truly. So that’s why I do this work. It’s basically paying it forward. I think that love is the hardest thing we ever tackle, go into, are blessed with, or however you want to put it. It has all these different sides to it. Work success is one thing, but love success is a real challenge, especially these days with so much going on.
Yes. We’ll get into that. My question is, as a young person that holds the beliefs that “I am not seen, I don’t deserve love.” Even my dad doesn’t care about me. How did you heal that?
Love is the hardest thing we ever tackle, get into, and are blessed with. Work success is one thing, but love success is a real challenge. Share on XWell, you see, that’s the thing. I met a coach who was like a fairy godmother to me who, in a sense, reparented me. It was actually a man, not a woman, but he reparented me. So what do I mean by that? In other words, he saw what I call the Diamond Self in me. Each one of us has this identity where in their gifts, they are in their unique presence. They are actually in their charisma. I call this being in the Diamond Self.
He noticed that and he said to me—it was not sexual at all—you were incredible. He would be noticing this. I thought he was completely insane, of course, with the upbringing I had. He said to me, “You are incredible and you deserve love.” It was like going back in time. It’s like being able to have a new childhood.
When you have that experience that someone actually gives you the input that you were missing growing up, that actually is their healing of the wounds that you have—these wounds that we all have from growing up. Of course, the wounds are made worse by our relationships. You enter relationships as an adult with people who rewound you exactly the same way. If it was abandonment, if it was abuse, if it was being engulfed—whatever that wound is.
A great love relationship is when you’re both growing. That’s what keeps it alive. It keeps it fresh. It keeps it juicy for decades.
But you did well. You found the one.
Well, it was incredible. Of course, as soon as I met him, I wanted to dump him.
Yeah, because it was too good. If we think we deserve something small and something really good appears, then it’s not like something feels off, something feels odd.
We’ll do anything we can to sabotage. What happened? How did you not sabotage this?
Of course, I tried to run away but my fairy godmother coach said, “Stay with him. Stay with him. Stay with him.” I’ll tell you what’s really interesting, Orion. He was so good to me and he still is. He’s so good to me. I’ve been hanging out with him during the pandemic, and we just have the best time, I’m not kidding.
I stayed with this man who is really my soulmate in a way, out of love for my fairy godmother coach.
Anyway, but my coach said, “You have to put up with being loved. You have to take it even though it hurts and it’s scary. You have to learn to take it.” I stayed with this man who is really my soulmate in a way, out of love for my fairy godmother coach. I don’t want to disappoint him. He seems to believe in this. I didn’t initially. Honestly, I didn’t do it for me. I did it because I couldn’t. I couldn’t just do it for me. Do you know what I’m saying? I couldn’t just do it for me at that time. I didn’t feel like I deserved it.
What did you do to start? Besides, that amazing coach was reflecting your beautiful self to you and how lovable and incredible you are. He encouraged you to stay in the relationship. But eventually, that was your decision to stay.
How did you do that?
Well, I really worked on myself. There’s this work that we do in my coaching practice that’s called The Diamond Self work. Your identity is malleable. That’s the great news because of neuroplasticity, the neurons in your brain that make up the net that reflects your identity are constantly changing. It’s like a constantly changing light show. You can go in there and deliberately change your identity. This is what we call the Diamond Self work.
Everyone has charisma. It's just a matter of finding their Diamond Self identity. When you turn on that charisma, magic happens in finding your soulmate. Share on XWe don’t ordinarily give ourselves our own names. Our parents name us. It’s only celebrities who get to do that. Well, it’s not only celebrities who get to do that. We get to do that. In our Diamond Self work, the women give themselves names. I gave myself the name, “The Radiant Beacon of Loving Guidance.” I began to live by that name. I used it as an affirmation. I worked with that name and I began to live into it.
I began to dress that part. I’m going to go shopping and buy little pieces of jewelry that reflected that, clothing that reflected that. Growing up, I always felt very ugly and unattractive so it’s always hard to go shopping. But when I did the Diamond Self work, it was pretty obvious what to buy.
Right. Sometimes we need that separation where we don’t buy it for ourselves because we don’t deserve it, but that radiant beacon of light, is it?
Of loving guidance deserved it all
Yeah, she deserved it all, so I’m doing it for her. It’s not me.
Then it is me.
You can be deliberate in shaping your moods and realities. Even in shaping your body. It’s a very powerful thing.
It’s not me but it is me.
That’s right and over time it’s more and more me and more and more me and more and more me. Now, it’s really totally me.
I love that. When I work with clients, I do some alter-ego work as well. I have my clients connect with their either superhero self or goddess self whenever they need more of. Creating this identity that sometimes we need that deep breath, that separation, so we can step into our 2.0 version of ourselves.
Sometimes, I don’t deserve it, but she does. Then you integrate it and it’s beautiful.
We have worked with tens of thousands of women all over the world and the Diamond Self work is their favorite work. They give themselves names like Saucy Minx, Vivacious Vixen, Amazing Grace, Beloved Mighty ISIS, Goddess of Love and Light.
Nice, very nice. Beautiful.
When you are feeling it, your charisma, your heart chakra, your heart energy gets very large and very magnetic. People call that charisma.
I like what you said about the brain. Our brain is malleable and we can change. Sometimes we think who we are right now is the only potential. This is who I am and nothing can change. But we need to understand that this is who I am right now. Maybe I’m not there yet, but I can change. I can step into whoever I want to become, whoever I can believe that I become. Like you said, there are processes like your diamond process that will allow one to step into their greatness. From that place of greatness, you can attract.
Exactly. When you are feeling it, your charisma, your heart chakra, your heart energy gets very, very large and very magnetic. People call that charisma. Everyone has charisma. It’s just a matter of finding their Diamond Self identity. When you turn on that charisma, magic happens in finding your soulmate because the rule is, as within so without. Love yourself, then you will have a partner loving you the same way you love yourself only slightly better, slightly more.
You want a partner who is coming to give you even more love, and then you will then give him more love. That is what a great love relationship is so that you’re both growing. You’re both growing in your Diamond Selves. That’s what keeps it alive. It keeps it fresh. It keeps it juicy for decades.
What are some things that you’ve been doing to embrace your Diamond Self? How did you come up with that process?
Everyone has charisma. It's just a matter of finding their Diamond Self identity. When you turn on that charisma, magic happens in finding your soulmate. Share on XThere are exercises where you literally blow up the disappointing self. You can get an image of your disappointing self. Let’s say you decide that you want to be amazing grace and you make an affirmation that says I am amazing grace. What we are wired to do is to move in a zigzag fashion in our growth. As soon as you take one step forward, there’s a step back, then you need to take two steps forward, another step back, two steps forward, another step back.
That means that if you say, I am amazing grace, chances are that you’re negative, disappoint yourself, and you say, no, you’re not. No, you’re not. It’s going to come up and go to sabotage you the way it always has. You can actually close your eyes and you can imagine that disappointing self as like a dark cloud. Then you can expand it, expand it, expand it, expand it, and it dissipates. You can actually change it in terms of the way it’s there in your neural net and dissipate actually into nothing, which is pretty powerful. I certainly used that before.
You can take any negative thought like that, imagine it as a black cloud, and you make it the size of your city. You make it the size of your country. You make it the size of the world, the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe, and then outside the known universe. When it’s outside that known universe, you can allow it to dissipate.
Affirmations are deliberately created seed thoughts, which seed a new mood, a new possibility, and a new reality that you want to create.
Some people think that, oh, it’s just a thought. You’re just imagining it. How can that influence you? Well, if anyone that is listening right now can imagine biting into a juicy lemon and really feeling it, they will all salivate because our thoughts create reactions, physical reactions, both in our bodies and in our actions, and everything that we are in the world. Our thoughts matter. When we change those thoughts through imagery like that, you can create a breakthrough.
The mind doesn’t understand only the spoken words. The mind really understands metaphors and symbols. That’s the language of the mind. When you work with those types of exercises and you dissipate that dark cloud, it actually creates a physical reaction in your brain and new neural connections in your brain. Then you step into that beautiful new self that you always wanted to be that is actually you.
Exactly. We don’t realize that we can be deliberate in shaping our moods and shaping our realities, actually, even in shaping our bodies. It’s just a very, very powerful thing. We’re not taught this as we grow up. We’re not taught this, which is so important. It’s not taught in school how to rewire your brain, how to deliberately live, how to deliberately create happiness for yourself, but it can be done.
Even if you’re feeling completely hopeless and completely downtrodden, you can take yourself to where you want to go.
It’s amazing how far you can take that. It doesn’t matter where you start, even if you’re feeling completely hopeless and completely downtrodden. Even if you’ve been cheated on, stabbed in the back, betrayed, and you feel like you’re in despair, you can do it. You can take yourself into where you want to go, but you really need someone who is there envisioning with you, who can envision your Diamond Self, who can hold that vision steady, and see how great it really is, right?
You need a mirror. You need a better mirror.
Light mirror that doesn’t show wrinkles.
I’m a coach and I’m working with coaches all the time. Sometimes there is a limit to how much we can see. Sometimes we need somebody from the outside to look at the bigger picture and say, I see this and this in you. I see your greatness. Why don’t you try this and this, and they bring their own life experiences because there are the things that we know that we know. And then there are the things that we know that we don’t know. But there are the things that we don’t know we don’t know. So we need somebody from the outside to come and help us with that.
Exactly, on point.
So you believe in affirmations. What are affirmations and how do you use them?
Okay, so affirmations are deliberately created seed thoughts and they see a new mood, a new possibility, and a new reality that you want to create. For example, you might say in stillness, I know the true soulmate love that I deserve or the divine is bringing love to me. That is beyond my wildest dreams in a surprisingly effortless way. You can actually be very creative with your seed thoughts. You can bring in a spiritual aspect to your seed thoughts, which also connect you to the universe.
When you start doing affirmations, more than the sky’s the limit. It’s beyond the sky being the limit.
When you start doing that, more than the sky’s the limit. It’s beyond the sky being the limit. You can create in an amazing way, really, really amazing way. These spiritual affirmations or depending on what your background is or religious affirmation, God brings me love that creates perfect happiness for me, my soulmate, and all those around me.
Are you familiar with Dr. Amit Goswami?
He was featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? He is a doctor of quantum physics. He is a professor and he’s got lots of quantum physics theories and all that. He was my guest here on the show, episode 227. He also shared some incredible processes for oneness. He talks about how quantum physics is all about how we are all connected and how when we see something, something appears. That’s why our intention is so important because there are so many single people walking around with a very unclear intention.
It’s not a sharp intention. It’s like, I want sometimes maybe to find love, and I don’t even believe it.
It’s not about judging anybody that’s listening. It’s just about you got to put a very, very strong intention to find what you want. Even scientifically, when you look for the color red, you look around you, you will find red, you will not find blue. Because when you look for the color red, you’re active in activating your reticular activating system. That means when you focus on something, you will find it.
No matter what has happened to you, how much you've been hurt, where the scars are, or how much in despair you've been, you can change that and get to whole new levels in your life of happiness and love. Share on XIf you focus on not having love and all the old programs that are running your mind, that hurt five-year-old that is running the show, if you focus on those beliefs, this is what you’re going to find. You’re going to find proof that you are not loved, that you can ever have love, and that people will keep hurting you. If you change that program, if you change that intention, and you start looking for what you really want, 99% is that you’re going to find it.
Exactly. Believing is seeing. I have something I talked about in one of my books. It’s called having a relationship killer belief. These are core beliefs that we actually hold on to and find ourselves repeating over and over again like, I’ll never have love because there’s something wrong with me. That’s one. Another one is there are no good men out there or there are no good women anymore available.
All the good ones are gay or taken.
Exactly. True love doesn’t exist. These are the opposite of what we call the love intention. These are the opposite. We tend to fall into these repetitive negative programs and beliefs that are truly relationship killer beliefs and we don’t even realize it. We don’t even realize we’re doing it. It’s like, it’s a given. It’s like, this is the way reality is, but the thing is, reality is so malleable. Just as you said, quantum physics shows that reality is malleable.
The whole cosmos is generated by consciousness and observation.
Everything is generated by observation. The whole cosmos is generated by observation—consciousness and observation. We can harness that. That’s why I say no matter what has happened to you, no matter how much you’ve been hurt, no matter where the scars are, no matter how much in despair you’ve been, you can really change that and you can go to whole new levels in your life of happiness and love.
That’s so beautiful. I totally believe in that. You’re a live example of that. That regardless of all those old beliefs, what was running the show, and believing that you are unloved and unseen, you found the most incredible partnership. The most incredible love. For decades now, it’s so incredible, and it is possible for everyone that is listening right now.
So true. I used to walk outside on the sidewalk in front of my house as a little girl and I would be weeping. What I was crying about was that my parents had me. I felt so bad for them that they had me. That’s what I used to be crying about. To be with someone who celebrates me, who really has supported me in everything I’ve done, including this work that I do with my team of coaches, it’s such a miracle, such a blessing.
I feel like it’s easy to celebrate you because you have such pure beautiful intentions and you have such a beautiful smile. You’re radiant. You come across as very loving. I can feel the love.
Thank you. Thank you.
The big problem is loneliness, especially if you’re single.
Awesome. Talking about the consciousness of what is, we’ve been going through a tough period globally, very tough. For some more than others, some of us are still experiencing lockdown and it’s very difficult. It’s very stressful. In stressful times, how can one connect to their radiant self? How can one still believe that everything is possible?
Well, the big problem is loneliness, especially if you’re single. The loneliness, we’re not wired for this. We’re not wired to be separate. It’s important to really have interactions with loving people, loving friends, whichever ones are available to be with you. Even if you have Zoom meetings with your dear friends, more telephone contact. Once again, your aura or your being is large, it can be very large so you can actually connect energetically. If you give that gift to yourself with the people who love you, you can connect energetically. You can feel that connection. You can help get rid of this loneliness that this time is creating.
Also, I’m happy to report that people have found love. They have their Zoom dates. If they can’t meet in person, they do their Zoom dates. Then they graduate to meeting outside. Our clients are finding love. I mean, they are in spite of COVID.
What you’re looking for is looking for you. It goes back to intention, and it doesn’t matter what is happening externally. It’s what’s happening internally that will affect your destiny.
Love often comes in a surprising package.
Tell me about some of your clients and how did they find love through COVID?
Oh, okay. Yes. Let’s see. There is Sharon, I won’t say her last name. She met a man who was really, really wonderful actually on match.com. I do like Match. I’m not affiliated with Match. He did not look like the package that she expected to have love come to her in. He was not exactly her type, which by the way is sometimes a great thing because love often comes in a surprising package.
She started having Zoom dates with him. They had a lot of fun. They were doing things like cooking, watching movies together, and watching TV shows together. Eventually, they started having dates outside, and then they got vaccinated. Then they started becoming more and more physical. I like to see at least two months of consistently improving contact before there’s any sex, although kissing and cuddling are okay.
Actually, I was just looking at what she wrote to me today and it’s just amazing because they wound up living together, progressed pretty rapidly. She said, “He is everything that I asked for.” She wanted a God-loving man. She’s very religious and she wanted a God-loving man who is totally comfortable, who’s totally on her way of life. She said, “He’s everything I wanted. Every single thing I’ve wanted.”
She wrote me this beautiful thank you. He’s actually retired, he owns his own house, has a beautiful house, and he’s like, “You’re going to be my wife.” He knows she’s the one. There’s no second-guessing.
Love yourself, then you will have a partner loving you the same way you love yourself - only better. Share on XThat is so beautiful. I’m so happy for them. I love what you said about he’s not being the right package. You think love is going to look a certain way and be a certain way because I was in a really bad relationship prior to my current relationship. I used to be attracted to bad boys that looked a certain way. When I met my husband, he did not look like a bad boy. He’s a nerd. He’s a handsome nerd, but he’s a nerd. I actually met him at Date with Destiny.
Oh my god, so he was in a growth course with you?
Yeah, in a Tony Robbins event. It’s a six-day very intense event. If I didn’t do the work that I did on myself on those six days, I would have met him for coffee, and then I would be bored because he was too good. He was just too good of a person. I’m not used to good people. I’m not used to being treated really well.
Growth courses are fantastic for meeting people.
Growth courses are fantastic for meeting people. I have three incredibly important questions to ask yourself about anybody you meet in terms of whether you should date or not. The first question is, is he crazy about me? The second question is, is he willing to grow? There are no perfect princes, but if the man is willing to grow, he could grow into an almost perfect match for you because he’s going to work on himself.
He can say what he’s done wrong, he can apologize, he can go to growth courses with you. He could go coaching with you, and he could grow to an almost perfect prince. I’m not surprised that you met him at a growth course, that’s fantastic.
Yeah, so what was the third question? Is he crazy about me? Is he growth-oriented? What was the third one?
Third one is, does he meet my soulmate basics? What does that mean? Is he on the same wavelength as me intellectually, communicates really easily? Is there some chemistry? I don’t want completely insane chemistry necessarily, but there’s got to be some chemistry.
I think it’s very important to get yourself a fairy godmother or mentor who is living the life you want.
Are the values aligned? Are the goals aligned? If I want children, he wants children. You see what I’m saying? He’s got to meet those soulmate basics. If you have the three questions, then you will wind up in a great relationship if the person satisfies those three questions.
Very nice. That’s beautiful. Thank you for those tips. I have another question about tips. What are your three top tips to live a stellar life?
Oh, wow.
Or at least three tips that you think are really, really good.
Okay. First of all, I think it’s very important to get yourself a fairy godmother or mentor who is living the life you want. That’s very very important.
Number two is to actually change the channel. When you find yourself suffering or in negativity, change your internal channel. What does that mean? You could produce music. You could use a growth exercise. You could use meditation. You could use a video or a growth course, or you could use a spiritual meeting or a 12-step meeting. Change the channel. Change the channel in your mind.
Number three is to have a very clear detailed picture of the life you want to live, very detailed. So that you know what your ideal day is, you know what your ideal relationship is, you know what your ideal work is.
That vision, you want that to meet the calling of your heart, and when you feel this glimmering in the heart and you feel called to something, whether it’s something at work, love, or in parenting, it all unfolds. It will all unfold perfectly because the divine is helping you create that.
Yeah, extraordinary. I know that you have a gift for our listeners. You got something especially for our listeners.
Yes, very special. I have this extraordinary team of extraordinary, they’re fairy godmother coaches. When I did my PBS special, I actually used these coaches to coach me to do my PBS special. It came out fantastic.
They’re all amazing. You guys who are listening to Orion’s show can have a free gift session with one of these fairy godmother coaches for 40 whole minutes. You can work on Diamond Self. You can work on dissipating anything negative. You can get rid of relationship killer beliefs. It’s so exciting. Definitely go ahead and take advantage of this. All you need to do is go to lovein90days.com. Click on the Coaching tab. Here’s the important part, you have to say ‘Orion sent me.’
You have to. You must.
Because we often turn people away, but if you say ‘Orion sent me,’ you will be guaranteed to get your session. You will become at the top of the list. Definitely take advantage of that. You will love it.
Yes, you will love it and it might help you find the love of your life.
Exactly. We had that situation that was interesting. A young woman wanted to get a commitment from her boyfriend who was dragging his feet and she had her session. The coach suggested that she do two or three steps with him and he rose to the occasion, proposed.
Nice, very nice. Dr. Diana, thank you so much for that great gift. Thank you for the gift that you are to the world and for sharing your wisdom and amazing wonderful advice with us.
Thank you, Orion. Thank you for the gift that you are to the world. You’re incredible. Thank you so much.
Thank you and thank you, listeners. Remember to find a mentor that lives your dream life, to change the channel in your mind, to have a very clear and detailed picture of the life you want to live, and to have a stellar life. This is Orion, until next time.
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
{✓} Do the Diamond Self work. Dress yourself to reflect the beauty and attractiveness within you. Always remember that you deserve everything that you have.
{✓} Connect with your superhero self. Create an identity that will allow you to step into version 2.0 of yourself.
{✓} Believe that you can change and step into your greatness. You can be whoever you want to become. And from that place of greatness, you can attract.
{✓} Find someone to grow with. Choose a partner who will give you more love and whom you can also give more love to.
{✓} Blow up the disappointing self. Close your eyes and imagine your negative thoughts like a black cloud. Expand that until it dissipates into nothing.
{✓} Create positive thoughts. Your thoughts matter. When you change those thoughts through imagery, you can create a breakthrough.
{✓} Look for a mentor or coach. Sometimes you need an outside perspective to see the bigger picture and say, “I see this and this in you. I see your greatness. Why don’t you try this and that.”
{✓} Break free from having relationship-killer beliefs. Instead, have strong intentions to find what you want.
{✓} Connect with people you love to avoid loneliness. You are not wired for loneliness and separation. So, it’s important to have interactions with your family and friends.
{✓} Check out Dr. Diana Kirschner’s Free Breakthrough-to-Love Coaching Session by clicking on the Coaching tab on her website. Fill out the form and say “Orion sent me” for VIP treatment!
Links and Resources
- Dr. Diana Kirschner
- Instagram – Dr. Diana Kirschner
- Twitter – Dr. Diana Kirschner
- LinkedIn – Dr. Diana Kirschner
- Love in 90 Days
- The Diamond Self Secret
- 30 Days to Love
- Love in 90 Days
- Sealing the Deal
About Dr. Diana Kirschner
PBS Love expert, psychologist and bestselling author, Diana Kirschner, Ph.D. has helped tens of thousands of singles and couples to find the relationships of their dreams. Along with her team of expert Love Mentor® and dating coaches, she uses a unique approach to help women and men heal from heartbreak, create high-value self-confidence, and find lasting passionate love. Dr. Diana is the author of the bestseller, Love in 90 Days, , Sealing the Deal, The Diamond Self Secret and 30 Days to Love
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