A Personal Note From Orion
I want to share my interview with Nicholas Upchurch on Believe.Love Podcast. Nicholas and I had an amazing conversation about success, love, and real issues in the universe.
In this episode, I share my life journey that led me to help others find their divine power. I also discuss the appreciation of life’s imperfections, how to become a person deserving of a good and healthy relationship, and share some tips for strengthening your relationship with your partner. In addition, I explain how Orion’s Method works.
This episode is full of practical tips that can help you see the world differently and help you to emanate love, peace, joy and freedom to the people around you. So, without further ado, on with the show!
In This Episode
- [02:43] – Orion opens up about her past and shares inspiration on how she overcame a toxic and abusive relationship.
- [11:28] – What steps did Orion take to achieve her success?
- [15:29] – Orion discusses trust and the secrets to having healthy relationships.
- [19:30] – What causes people to cheat?
- [22:12] – How can femininity be transformed into strength?
- [27:30] – What exactly is Orion’s Method? How does Orion use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to break down the subconscious mind’s barriers?
- [30:27] – Orion discusses the mind-body connection.
- [36:10] – Nicholas talks about understanding and its connection to love.
- [38:40] – Visit orionsmethod.com for more insightful information about love, success, and unleashing your inner goddess.
About Today’s Show
Welcome to Believe. My name is Nicholas Upchurch. I am so happy to be here with you. We’re going to help you to make more money. We will help you with true success, health, and wellness. We’re going to help you explore yourself and our universe.
The person who will help us today is a very special guest. She’s an international speaker, a life coach, and a love coach who’s been on ABC News and in The Huffington Post. Her name is Orion Talmay.
Orion, how are you?
I’m doing great. Thank you. How are you doing?
I am doing very well. It’s an honor to talk to you. Let me tell you about Orion, everybody. Orion is reaching out to successful or regular business owners and entrepreneurs. Those people who are looking to connect and looking for self-love. They’re looking to find their divine power and to feel alive, especially with women.
She helps a lot of women specifically. We all have great women in our life, so guys, we can pay attention. We’ll learn something. A lot, actually. Men could learn a lot. She teaches people to care for themselves more physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Orion, tell me about your story. You’ve become very successful. You’re building a business, but your story is so amazing. When you come from a challenging story and build your own business, the story is the most important thing. Tell me about your background, Orion. What led you to this?
Okay, let’s go back. I was in a very bad, toxic, and abusive relationship. It took me about two years of going through severe depression to get out of it. At some point, it was a choice to go the medical route or self-medicate. Or find that light inside me and what is inside of me that can rise like the phoenix from her own ashes.
I did everything that I could to elevate my state. It started with little things like watching funny YouTube videos, doing mirror work, and then actually going and studying from the best of the world in the area of self-development, relationships, and learning how to empower myself.
Another aspect of empowerment was through the physical. My internal question running my life was, “how can I not get hurt again?” I used to sabotage every relationship I got myself into. I was very much in my masculine. “How can I not get hurt?” Also, it was on the physical level that I went and studied martial arts, MMA, and Aikido. I lifted weights like the guys. That was super tough. You will self-sabotage when you come to a relationship with this question of how you can not get hurt.
I went to a seminar called Date With Destiny by Tony Robbins. I changed my question, “how can I not get hurt,” to “how can I trust more?” That night was a very powerful one for me because, at 1 AM, I went and sat by a waterfall and prayed to the stars. I was at the place of surrendering my control to a greater power, in a place of love and faith.
I had a complete breakthrough. First, I cried and laughed and cried and laughed, and then I sat down and wrote my relationship vision. I wrote about what I want in a man and who I need to be. “How do I need to show up in life? What needs to change internally to attract the love I want?”
I sat, prayed, and sang, and I was at peace. The next day was a good day. The following day was the last day of the seminar. At 1 AM, I met the incredible man who is now my husband. We got married about a month ago in Costa Rica.
I learned what it takes to have a good relationship, and from such great leaders and luminaries, I want to empower people the way I was empowered.
Thank you. Because I went through all the hurt and the pain, I learned what it takes to have a good relationship, and from such great leaders and luminaries, I want to empower people the way I was empowered. I want to save them the time and trouble of figuring it out because I learned the lessons and can help them now.
I’m amazed at what you’ve accomplished. We do much more than just helping people with money in business. What you’re talking about as well is true success. True success has to do with love, light, and so many topics that can go hand in hand.
I want to expand on that because that’s what’s really important, especially your relationship. Your story that you just told me is amazing.
Our website is believe.love. I know your website is orionsmethod.com, so I definitely suggest people go there.
Because I’ve hired over 100 people over X number of years, I know I can pay attention to detail. But, to put things together in terms of your business and your life, a lot of times, until we address those tough things, we’re unable to open ourselves up to take action.
You’re putting yourself out there now. You are on TV and making a difference. Your website is very well-organized, and it looks good. This is not easy to do. People want to get started doing things in terms of money in business. However, in terms of their life, I heard that you did certain things to enable yourself to find harmony so you could also take action.
It says here you are a rebel in your teenage years. At 18, you served in the intelligence unit. It taught you discipline. You moved to Japan and then got minor roles and independent films in New York City. And it wasn’t easy.
Talk about all these experiences and what made you open up to take action so you can do what you’re doing now regarding your business. Then, we’ll get to what’s really important: love and true success.
I always knew that there was something more for me. You might call it courage or stupidity, but I always had this hunger for life, to go and explore more, and go against the grain.
You’ll accomplish things in life faster with actions that aren’t ideal but are perfect in their imperfection. Share on XWhen I was 22, I used to sell cars. It was boring for me, and I decided to quit. I remember the conversation with my manager, who said I had a really good job and shouldn’t leave because of the economy, but I knew a different calling for me. I remember reading a guidebook about Japan. It’s talking about visualizing and how your subconscious mind can manifest things. I highlighted all the places I wanted to visit in Japan in the book.
It’s not enough to sit and visualize. You have to take action. So I took massive action, meaning I bought a ticket to Japan. At that time, I wasn’t that great at saving. I only had $700 in my pocket. So that’s when I went to Japan, not knowing the language and not knowing anybody there. Actually, I had never left the country before.
That’s a big trip. I know firsthand. Go ahead, continue.

Anything that makes you feel empowered will come from the inside.
I went to Japan, and things worked out. I found random jobs, and then I even found love. A trip that was supposed to be three weeks ended up being almost four years. It was a wonderful time. It was an experience that shaped me as a person and shaped my life.
Nihon ga suki desu ka?
Hai, sou desu. That’s about all I know. I forgot a lot.
You have to dive and pray to God that a net will appear. Sometimes, the net appears, and you get hurt a little bit, but whatever you experience, you learn from it.
Nihon Daisuke. I love Japan. I love Japanese as well.
You’ve reached my limit of Japanese. You’ve surpassed me. How did you take action? In terms of business, people want to have success in terms of money. That’s what we have to live by currently. In going to Japan, doing what you’re doing now, and building a great website and business, orionsmethod.com, what enables you to take action? Because that’s something, people want to do so badly. What allows you to do that in everything you’re doing?
Sometimes, I had to learn that I had to get over my imperfections. Sometimes, you have to take an action that is not perfect. You have to dive and pray to God that a net will appear. Sometimes, the net appears, and you get hurt a little bit, but whatever you experience, you learn from it.
If I look back at my life, the bad relationships, good relationships, bad experiences, good experiences, pain, love, hurt, and joy, I won’t change a thing because I believe that everything in my life shapes who I am today. But, if you go forward thinking that—again, connecting to faith and connecting to love—you will take faster actions that are imperfect but are perfect in their imperfection.
When I went to Japan, I read the book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, and I believed it. I remember while I was in Japan, and even when I struggled in the beginning, every time I went by a little Shinto temple, I would ring the bell, throw a coin, clap 1, 2, 3, and say a prayer of gratitude.
I always prayed for my guides. I always thank them like, “oh my God, thank you for my health. Thank you for all my life. Thank you for being here in this magnificent country.”
Whatever you focus on will grow. For example, if you’re focused on gratitude and appreciation for what you have, you will get more of that. Taking action will be easier because you will have more faith in your guides, the universe and an understanding that the universe is working. Nothing is being done to you. Your universe is working for you.
Whatever you focus on will grow. You will get more if you’re focused on gratitude and appreciation for what you have.
I admire what you’re saying. It matches Dr. Rachna Patel, who we had on, and said that gratitude is the key to her success. It’s the exact same thing. Orion is saying the very same thing. Also, when men hear things like guides, I can tell you I had channelings from people—a couple was making things up.
One lady in Sedona, Arizona, was channeling. I didn’t tell her anything. There was no pre-interview about what was coming through, and there was no way anybody could have known that. She just came out for 20 minutes and told me things nobody would know.
There’s a lot of truth to what Orion is saying. I really admire it. She has an amazing story, and she’s an amazing person. I want to talk about true success, Orion. True success is love, of course, like you said. Without love and understanding, success in terms of money may be empty. There are very wealthy people out there. I’ve had no money, I’ve had a lot of money, and I’ve had tough times.
What’s going on with men and women when it comes to love? A lot of things are about trust. Men, to be honest, lie a lot. Women do as well, but men usually want more than one girl in many cases, especially if they were raised in this country. Do you think success is money? A lot of times, men are driven towards that.
You help women as well. You’re helping men too. But what do you think of reaching a deeper understanding of honesty and relationships on both sides? What’s going on out there? What are the secrets behind good relationships, in your opinion?
Without trusting and giving someone your trust, you will never be able to build an authentic relationship.
Even if you had people betray, hurt, and cheat on you, you can’t continue without trusting whatever the case. Because without trusting and giving someone your trust, you will never be able to build an authentic relationship. Relationships take a lot of work. First, you must learn to become a person deserving of a good relationship, whether you’re a man or a woman. Who do you need to become to have the relationship that you want?
Who do you need to become if you want somebody smart, successful, spiritual, good-hearted, and sexual? Do you need to become all those things to be a vibrational match to the person you want to attract? This was exactly the work that I did.
You can do that work. You write down who I want. What kind of traits do they have? How can I highlight those traits in me? What action steps? What type of person do I need to become to attract that person?
I can verify what Orion Talmay is saying. It’s true. She helps both men and women, but a lot of women specifically. But even for men, the reason I’m doing this show is exactly what she’s saying I’ve had to do it because I felt alone. I made myself alone and decided I wanted to do the same thing. I’m still working on it, but I’m doing the same thing.
She also talks to women about that, but men, we can do the same thing. Of course, men and women were designed slightly differently, but we can find some harmony. It starts with trust and honesty. I’m sure Orion would agree.
Have this hunger for life, explore more, and go against the grain. Share on XOrion, if we get into health and wellness, a section that this topic’s going to, it’s going to be an interesting topic to put in health and wellness, but why do men and why do people cheat? What can we do about it?
When people cheat, that means that something in their relationship is not healthy enough. For example, the man treats the woman badly and puts her down, or the woman treats the man in a way that emasculates him and makes him feel unimportant. She’s not allowing him to be the man. She’s not letting him experience himself as a leader in the relationship.

Without love and understanding, success in terms of money may be empty.
It’s not about who’s the leader. It’s not an ego game. It’s just that men want to be the woman’s superman, lover, and provider. So when a woman makes him feel less, he will go and cheat, not because of the sexual aspect of it necessarily. Sometimes it is, but not necessarily just because he wants to feel admired by somebody else.
I can validate what you’re saying. As a man and having gone through many situations, it’s beautiful because it doesn’t take away from me a woman’s capabilities. Women, especially when it comes to spirituality or things that really matter, are smarter. Generally, they’re more open to something that could be true that is of a bigger picture currently. So I think we’re working to harmonize that.
Over the years, our mind collects filters that blur how we see the world. Sometimes all it takes is removing or changing these filters for us to look at things from a better perspective. Share on XIt’s a beautiful discussion you and I are having because I’m a man, and you’re a woman. It’s great because a woman’s strength is what you’re talking about. It’s not a weakness.
Men need to tell the truth. That can be a tough thing for men to do. They’re afraid of telling the truth. So I think it starts there, but if you tell the truth and there’s some real discussion—when I say real, I mean real—then I guess anything is possible if we start there and we see it as a plus and not a minus.
Women, I don’t blame them. They could see it as a weakness because they’re afraid of getting hurt, so they don’t want to let their guard down. What enabled you to make that change and feel like this is your strength to be feminine and beautiful like this and not a weakness that you will get hurt?
That’s completely true because I saw feminine women as weak. I saw it as a weakness, but at that seminar, they talked about masculine and feminine energies, what men want from a woman, and what a woman wants from a man. Usually, even powerful women want the man to be the powerful masculine. A powerful masculine man will not want another guy in the relationship.
It doesn’t matter if you were dressed or not. It’s that internal energy. When I was in my extremely masculine, I used to dress up. I used to look like a beautiful feminine woman, but man, I was too tough, hard, and guarded and didn’t let anybody in if they tried.
I love what you’re saying. This is perfect for me, and I can improve as well. Of course, we all can, but men can definitely improve a lot.
It starts with the number one thing I’ve heard from talking to many girls. It’s honesty, all the tough honesty. It sounds tough, but it’s loving. To me, it’s loving because so many girls have gotten lied to. But what you’re saying is you’re making it your strength and not a weakness to be feminine.
Yeah, and with tough honesty, I agree with you. But there is a way to do it.
Sure. What is a good way for women to receive that?
One good tool in relationships is Imago Dialogue. It’s just a way to communicate and connect so that both sides feel listened to.
Tell me about that.
It’s a wonderful tool. When people get into fights, they can’t hear the other side. This is an opportunity not necessarily to agree with the other side. Just listen to them, validate what they are saying, and make them feel heard. The moment someone feels heard, they open up, and there’s more possibility to connect again.
When people get into fights, they can’t hear the other side.
Another thing that’s something that my husband and I do almost every night is gratitude. Before we go to sleep, we have the appreciation moment. We try never to go to sleep without it. We say at least three things to each other that we appreciate about each other. Like, “oh my God, thank you so much for doing the dishes. Thank you for helping me with my horrible spelling today. Thank you for smiling at me. That eye connection we had was so cool. Thank you very much.”
Then, you focus on gratitude and what you love about each other. If you focus on what you love about each other every day and have this amazing appreciation for each other, will any of you go and try to look elsewhere? I don’t think so.
I agree with you.
If you think you are married or with the best person in the world, you will not go and stray because this is self-sabotage.
Yeah. If you think you are married or with the best person in the world, you will not go and stray because this is self-sabotage.
There’s some truth to that. It starts with honesty. If a man feels masculine to the nth degree, that is a big step. Men need to be honest and work through the things that might not allow them to connect completely, have some truth come out, and work through some things, which could include talking about some hard truths they’ve hidden from women.
I know successful men that are up to all kinds of shenanigans. A lot of this comes from honesty. So I’d take to heart what Orion is saying, whether you’re a man or a woman.
Orion, please tell us when we talk about our universe, which has to do with us, we’re a part of our universe, and we’re talking about our subconscious mind. You talked about it earlier. What is Orion’s Method? This is really deep and important. Tell us about Orion’s Method.
Orion’s method is a combination of everything that I learned from the best people in the world. From traveling to India, spending time in an ashram and Oneness University, learning from the greatest leaders and luminaries, investing in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in seminars, learning from my own mistakes, doing the work, and connecting to my universal Google, if you may. We are all connected to infinite power.
That’s been scientifically proven for men out there. It’s actually scientifically proven every point in space and time is connected. Physicists have proven that. Go ahead, continue.
That’s beautiful. We’re all connected. It’s just about allowing the connection and yourself to listen to your inner voice, relax, and follow what you think is true to you. Like anything in the world, like exercising at the gym and changing your physical appearance, it takes time and effort. It doesn’t have to be hard, but it has to be consistent.
Allow the connection and yourself to listen to your inner voice, relax, and follow what you think is true to you.
The more you do it, the more you will connect to that because God, the Creator, and that power is not a concept that somebody can teach you. It’s a personal experience. So you need to experience that power for yourself. I’m sure everybody, at some point in their life, had miracles and coincidences that happened to them that led them on an amazing path. So they can connect to that power.
You’re right. It’s available to us all, it’s always there. It doesn’t have to be immediate. There can be ups and downs as we’re finding it, but it’s always there. We’re always connected to it. Orion is an example of that. So I would listen to everything she’s saying, orionsmethod.com.
I went on orionsmethod.com, and I saw that what you’re talking about is an integrative approach to your well-being and working with the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of yourself to create a total transformation. You break through the barriers of the subconscious mind through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Can you tell us about that and also hypnotic techniques? It includes fitness, nutrition, and bio hacks to improve your health and wellness. With Believe, I think it’s similar because it is all connected. Orion, expand on this method because it sounds so beautiful.

The moment someone feels heard, they open up, and there’s more possibility to connect again.
Thank you. Of course, I believe in the mind-body connection, especially for women. A lot of traumas are stored in the body. More than the intellectual way of talking to somebody or even hypnosis, they need to release traumas through some somatic works, movement, dance, and breathing, even doing mantras and using their voice because women are afraid to use their voices.
You can have a powerful dance and release all the pain. But, we are on the same pattern over and over again. Sometimes, we get stuck on a thought. NLP helps you break those patterns.
There are studies behind that. So that’s an effective thing, isn’t it?
All kinds of unforeseen opportunities will show up to you when you change your mind because when you change, the world around you changes.
Yeah, of course. Your whole world is reflected in you through the filter of your mind. When you change the filter, you see the world differently. All kinds of unforeseen opportunities will show up to you when you change your mind because when you change, the world around you changes.
That’s right. Neuroplasticity, I guess, shows us that we can have—I’ve heard from other doctors—20,000 versions of ourselves. Literally, you can. But to do that, from what Orion is telling us, what I hear is we have to address the subconscious because that’s where it all is. NLP, hypnosis, and then loving ourselves can enable us to take action in having those breakthrough aha moments like Orion did, where you do it.
She went to Japan, then met her husband after looking at the stars and praying. So I want to tell you, Orion, what you teach can change the world.
There are people with big guns and a lot of money controlling things. That’s just the bottom line. I love them even energetically, not necessarily them specifically. We’re not going to get anywhere ignoring it all.
What you’re teaching women specifically is the way. Imagine if all women went towards guys who are trying to be driven money-wise and with love. Imagine how quickly the world would change if the most beautiful women—and by the way, all women are beautiful—physically went towards that kind of a man. Imagine if they felt empowered and not like they would get crushed like you’ve been able to do yourself. Imagine how quickly the world would change.
It’s not about external beauty. It’s about what you radiate from the inside that will create an attraction.
I want to thank you because that is so powerful. What you’re teaching, when women put it into action, can change the world, so I want to thank you for that.
Thank you. As you said, it’s not about external beauty. It’s about what you radiate from the inside that will create an attraction. There is always the superficial level, of course. But, a woman must take care of herself to the best of her ability.
And so do men.
Yeah, and men, too, of course. I was addressing women, but yeah, men too.
Yeah, sure. I was being fair.
Also, to have that internal change and for a woman to feel soft and free, I recommend experiencing wearing beautiful lingeries even underneath your business suit. Find ways to dress them that make you feel empowered, whether it’s an old T-shirt or a beautiful dress. Anything that makes you feel empowered will come from the inside. It will show from the inside.
When you go beyond that superficial lizard brain type of attraction, what’s left is what’s in your heart and the person that you are.
For men, in the same way, external transformation does affect internal change. When you go beyond that superficial lizard brain type of attraction, what’s left is what’s in your heart and the person that you are. If you work on yourself, change yourself, and emanate more love, joy, bliss, and freedom, people will get attracted to that.
That’s what’s important, what’s happening inside you, because people, men and women, are looking for somebody to complete them. Like, “Oh my God, I’m looking for my other half.” So I say, make sure you are full, so when the other person comes, it’s just the cherry on top.
Yeah. I’m down the same path. I needed to date the most beautiful girls and make the most money. Understanding is love.
I moved to South Beach, Miami. I lived in LA for a year, but the most beautiful girls are everywhere in Miami Beach. Physically, they’re beautiful too. There are a lot of very physically beautiful girls that are beautiful inside and out as well.
Vibration is the key. I was being fair to women as well. Men could get in shape and stay in shape as well. We have to work out as well. What she’s talking about, Orion is that there’s a deeper level.
Often, men are more likely to focus on physical beauty in our world today. What can make somebody beautiful is the feeling of being complete. You might care less when you feel complete and have a good vibration. Other things will become attractive to you as a man. Understanding is the key, and even understanding the tough things in life. Men could also do a much better job understanding women, so I agree with what you said, Orion.
There’s the idea that I don’t have enough. I don’t have enough money, this and that. It’s like a never-ending quest to feel that there is enough and you are enough. Some billionaires think, “oh my God, I made all this money, and I still don’t feel like I’m good enough or there is enough in my life.”
Start feeling like you are enough right now, and look at all the areas in your life where there is enough. Start with the little things like I can breathe. I don’t think about breathing. This invisible force is breathing me, so thank you for that. Start with little acts of gratitude. Just affirm to yourself the good in your life and focus on what’s enough.
Yes. In The Power, the book after The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, she exactly said to focus on the things you love and let the other things just fall off. So go right back to that list of things you love, even the simple things. We all have things we love. We all do.
If you work on yourself, change yourself, and emanate more love, joy, bliss, and freedom, you attract better people and energy. Share on XOrion has taught us some amazing things. I recommend you check out her website, orionsmethod.com. It’s been a great honor to talk to her. A lot of things she’s saying correlate with me. Her story is so beautiful. She’s helped so many people.
What I hear from her are small victories. Look at your subconscious, believe in yourself, and there’s so much to her message. You can watch this again and visit our website to check out more.
Orion, thank you so much for joining us on Believe.
Thank you so much, and keep believing.
That’s right. Have a great day.
You too. Thank you.
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
{✓}Practice self-love. Self-love means embracing everything about yourself. Prioritizing yourself is never an act of selfishness.
{✓}Awareness of your limiting beliefs will allow you to immediately denounce them. Life is short, and it’s your ultimate mission to live it to the fullest.
{✓}Open your heart to all the possibilities the world has for you. See potential instead of limitations; competence instead of mediocrity; hope instead of indifference; radiant beauty instead of imperfection.
{✓}Be at peace with your imperfections. We are all humans trying to find a way in this world. Sometimes things don’t go your way and that’s okay.
{✓}Work on becoming the best version of you before looking for the partner who deserves your love. Your vibrations attract the people that come into your life.
{✓}Create your relationship vision. Write out what you want in a partner, but most importantly, write who you need to become to attract the person you want.
{✓}Listen intently. Listen to the people around you, validate their words, and make them feel heard. The moment someone feels heard, they open up, and there’s more possibility to connect.
{✓}Jot down what you’re grateful for every day. Gratitude is one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship.
{✓}Respect your partner and hold them in high regard. Encourage and help elevate them, and allow both you and your partner to shine in your masculine and feminine energies.
{✓}Remove the filter that forces you to see the world in a negative light. Your whole world is reflected in you through the filter of your mind.
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