A Personal Note From Orion
If you’re feeling stuck, it’s never too late to change your perspective and be open to new experiences. Life is filled with beautiful things waiting to be discovered. This is how our guest changed his life twenty years ago.
Dr. Dain Heer shares his life-long journey of seeking something different and helping people change their lives. During his darkest moment, he came across Access Consciousness, and he’s been having a wonderful life ever since.
Having decided he wasn’t a victim, he learned the real power of courage, choice, and resilience. He now shares all of these and more with people who are looking to feel the same. He’s also found a great way of using energy to create transformation, his signature work—Energetic Synthesis of Being.
He’s a body whisperer, chiropractor, and co-creator of Access Consciousness. He’s also the author of Body Whispering – A New Way of Seeing, Being & Healing. With his signature energy work called Energetic Synthesis of Being, he shares how you can transform your life through awareness and take part in an exercise to kickstart your journey. Tune in today!
In this Episode
- [00:47] – Orion introduces Dr. Hain Heer, a body whisperer, chiropractor, and co-creator of Access Consciousness. He’s also the author of Body Whispering – A New Way of Seeing, Being & Healing, and the creator of Energetic Synthesis of Being.
- [05:02] – Dr. Heer shares how he started exploring and eventually became the co-creator of Access Consciousness.
- [09:55] – Benefits of Access and how it works.
- [17:57] – Dr. Heer shares how he helped one client overcome the victim mentality.
- [22:12] – Access brings about who you are and helps you find what makes you lighter, not heavier.
- [28:46] – Dr. Heer guides us through the Energy Bubble Exercise.
- [35:00] – The Energy Bubble Exercise allows you to create the future you actually desire.
- [40:30] – Orion shares her life before she gave birth and the changes she felt after it.
- [45:31] – Why it’s important to start having a great relationship with your body.
- [50:14] – Dr. Heer shares that having fun, making mistakes, asking more questions and judging less are the top tips for living a stellar life.
- [51:39] – Visit Dr. Dain Heer’s website and find him on YouTube, where he has more than 400 videos of free tools. You can also read his book to know more about Body Whispering.
About Today’s Show
Hey, Dain. Welcome to the Stellar Life podcast. Thank you so much for being here.
Thanks, Orion. Great to be with you. How are you doing today?
I’m doing good. I’m looking forward to our conversation. Before we dive in, can you share a little bit about your passion, your mission in life, and a little bit of background story on how you got to where you are today?
Oh my goodness, we could take the whole podcast just on all that stuff. Twenty years ago, I was at a place where I was going to end my life if things didn’t change. I had enough. I had been suffering, unhappy, and dynamically depressed for the better part of three years.
I’m one of those seekers. I’m one of those people who always knew something different should be possible. I was reading all the books I could, going to seminars, thinking I’d find the answer, and then a few days after a weekend workshop, it would feel like the universe caved in on my head again and I had no space.
It was after one of those days that I went, universe, here’s the deal, you got six months. Either my life really changes or I’m killing myself. I planned a date. I knew how I was going to do it. I was just getting out.
It changed my perspective on everything that was possible.
A week later, I came across something called Access Consciousness. I had one session of something called Access Consciousness Bars. It changed my perspective on everything that was possible. I went into it depressed and suicidal, and I came out of it with gratitude for being alive that I couldn’t get myself to mentally. I had to actually experience something that gave me that experience. After that, I was like, man, if it feels this way to be alive, I’m in.
It’s this really light touch on the head. Somebody puts their hands on different points in your head for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. I thought it would probably have absolutely no effect. It quite literally saved my life. But what it created in my world is this sense of, wow, change is possible in a totally different way and way faster than I thought it could happen.
I started exploring this Access Consciousness stuff as you might imagine I might. I started finding the answers I had been looking for and what I always hoped could be created as reality actually could. Fast forward 20 years later and I’ve been part of co-creating it for the past 20 years with the founder, Gary Douglas, and also at this point over 10,000 facilitators around the world.
My target is to give people as many tools as possible so they can actually have the life they desire. My weird point of view is that the purpose of life is to have fun. If we’re not enjoying it, why are we here?
“You’re so weird.”
Totally. It’s so true. Do you know the original meaning of weird?
Of spirit, fate, or destiny.
Oh, wow. Really?
So when people tell you you’re weird, you look at them with a knowing eye and go, thank you.
We're infinite beings, and we have a lot more capacity than any of us have ever acknowledged. Only our judgments and points of view limit us in what we're capable of choosing. Share on XI like that a lot. Those trigger points on the head, what’s really happening there when they’re doing the session?
What we say about it is it dissipates the electromagnetic component of thought and judgment.
I need that.
You, me, and everybody else I know. I still do that as often as I can, but I try to get it done at least once every couple of weeks just because it feels good.
Is it like a session? You go to a practitioner and you have a session?
I had somebody come to my chiropractic office. I was in Santa Barbara, California at the time. It was really amazing because I had done so much in self-help, personal development, spirituality, psychology, metaphysics, and everything else I could find and yet nothing gave me a lasting experience of peace and space.
I can totally relate to that. I’ve done so many workshops. I’ve done so much. Everything Tony Robbins, Landmark education, and this and that. Seriously, my husband and I, before COVID and before the baby—I have an almost two-year-old in two months—used to be seminar junkies. We used to go to everything under the sun. I understand that. I feel it. You ride the high, but then you’re waiting for the next hit.
Exactly. I had done that for several years but I always had the sense that it should be possible. I always had this sense that I know something can work.
It wasn’t until I finally gave up hope. I’m like, okay, it’s never going to happen. I’m also a seminar junkie of magnitude. Then I found this and it actually does what everything else promised. I’m not knocking anything else out there.
Yeah, me neither. I just want to make it clear. I got so much out of everything that I learned, so much. But still, there is this sense of I seek for more. There is more out there, almost like a FOMO. What am I missing?

What’s true for you always makes you lighter. A lie for you always makes you heavier.
Like something you’re missing out on. It’s like, I know I’m missing something. What is it? The thing about Access is it’s not in the box of this reality. It’s not for a lot of people because a lot of people just want to decorate their box of reality in a prettier color or change the scenery.
It’s got a different perspective. It’s like, look, the fundamental idea behind it—which is not really ever even talked about—is it acknowledges that we’re infinite beings, meaning, we have a lot more capacity than any of us have ever acknowledged. It’s only our judgments and our points of view that limit us in what we’re capable of choosing.
The thing about Access is there are a lot of tools. There are lots of things to use in the trenches of life. Access is not about what you get out of a class, a seminar, or a book. It is, but the value of that is what you get to live as your life from that point forward with the tools to change things at the moment.
How does it work? Is it just pressure points and then it affects the brain? How does it work?
I can tell you the effect. I can tell you we’ve done studies. We’ve done brain studies where we study brain waves as a result of it. It increases the brainwaves that are in relaxation, in creativity, but also a sense of gratitude, and a sense of connection with everyone and everything around you.
People often go, how? I’m like, well, I don’t know that the mechanism for the exact how of that has been discovered yet, quite frankly. I used to be in the same boat. I’m like, how does this work? If I didn’t know how then I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it.
No, I’m not riding that boat. I’m just curious. I’m very spontaneous. Is there a promise there? Does it look interesting? Let me do it. I’ll do everything and anything. I do the same thing with food. I’ll try anything that is not endangered or bad for me.
My target is to give people as many tools as possible to have the life they desire. The purpose of life is to have fun. If we're not enjoying it, why are we here? Share on XThat’s where the magic of life is, where you’re willing to try things. Also, we all have an innate knowing. One of the tools I give people is what’s true for you will make you lighter and a lie for you will make you heavier. In other words, something that’s going to work for you and create more for you will make you feel lighter when you think about doing it. If it’s not, it’ll make you feel heavier.
This is one of the really simple things that we can all use. If we’re cruising the Internet, reading all kinds of stuff that’s making us heavier and heavier and heavier, stop. Go do something that creates lightness. When we could guide our lives from that, it’s amazing what occurs.
Right. How was the last year for you? How did you handle all the changes and the external stresses?
Last year for me has been phenomenal. Access for the last 9 years has been growing by about 16%–20% a year. In the last year, it grew only about 10%, but it’s been amazing. I’ve seen people willing to choose changes. The reason I do this is for the change that I get to see in people. I have seen people choose changes that were never possible before, that they were never motivated to choose before. Also, I’ve seen our business grow dynamically. I’ve seen a lot of people.
Here’s the thing that I’ve seen with people with Access tools. They didn’t suffer during the pandemic, pandemic lockdown—whatever you want to call it. They were using the tools to continuously navigate each moment to create more, not suffer more like most people were choosing. It’s been amazing. For some people, you don’t want to tell them, they’re like, hey, how’s it been for you? You’re like, it’s been awesome. They’re like, that was not supposed to be the answer.
I’ve seen people willing to choose changes.
It’s almost like you got to lower your standards around other people to make them feel more comfortable.
I know. Isn’t it amazing?
There is a lot of envy. People that don’t feel like they can create their own reality will envy other people because they will stay in a state of victimhood. He’s smiling, he’s happy, he’s got this and that, and I don’t. I’m a victim. Somehow, the fact that he’s got something that I don’t have is like he’s taking it away from me.
Exactly. The way it should work is, wow, if they can have it, I can have it too. I’m actually getting inspired by it.
Let’s talk about victim mentality and how one can get out of that. I was there in the past and I chose a different path. Every once in a while, I do see myself getting into a victim mentality of, oh, poor me, but it doesn’t happen that much. But still, what are the tools to handle that besides awareness?
Here’s the thing, one of the things that I found about being a victim is that victims are actually victimizing others and getting control over them with their victim story. That’s a different perspective, but in Access, we have different perspectives on everything. Which is why we’re sailing and a lot of people are not.
If you’re dealing with somebody who’s doing victim, realize that they’re stuck in their story and they’re using it as a way of trying to control you or to try to control their reality. One of the greatest gifts that we can give ourselves and others is to be in allowance. Allowance is where you look at it and it’s just an interesting point of view.
You can literally say to yourself, okay, interesting point of view, I have this point of view. Interesting point of view, I have this point of view. Interesting point of view, I have this point of view—until you no longer have a point of view.
Because when you separate the point of view from your identity, sometimes, we think that because we think a thought, this is who we are. But at the moment you even put those words and repeat them, then there is a gap between you and the perspective, and perspective can change.

I’m one of those seekers. I’m one of those people who always knew something different should be possible.
Exactly that. This one particular tool is one of the quickest ways I found of getting there because it takes it out of the positive and negative polarity that most people live with.
You go, okay, it’s just an interesting point of view. It’s not a point of view I have to hold on to. It’s not something where I need to make the other person wrong. Or if you realize you’re doing victim yourself, realize that you’re trying to control someone or something, maybe the way you were controlled. Maybe you’re just perpetrating it the way it was done to you. Is that really the choice you would like to make? Is that really where you want to create your life from? And then you have a choice.
When you really try to help somebody who does victim, how do you approach it?
It depends. There are two types of people doing victims. The first type is they’re actually there to change it and they realize it. The second type is they are there to perpetrate that it cannot be changed.
To get married to it. To love on it. To hold it tight and really never let go.
My precious. For a lot of them, this story is such a defining element of their reality that to be without it would be so undefined that they’re not willing to have it.
It’s difficult. I don’t want to sound like I’m really judging people because sometimes, a person is in so much fear and it’s just maybe not the right time to let go. It may be a process of letting go.
Absolutely. That also. If you are with them and with it from this perspective of an interesting point of view, which is where you’re not aligning and agreeing, which is the positive polarity, which is actually what acceptance is. Acceptance is where you go, oh well, this is real and true. If you’re not resisting and reacting, which is the negative polarity, which is well, you should give this up. Why are you holding on to this? Then you can be there with the person and go, hey, what’s up? That’s what I do. I just lower my walls and barriers and I’m like, hey, what’s going on?
Every question opens up a doorway of possibilities. You'll see things show up in exciting ways that you couldn't imagine were possible. Share on XCan you give me an example of somebody you worked with, and what was the process like?
How many thousands would you like?
Just one.
I worked with one lady who had experienced a lot of abuse and was actually being abused by her husband. She had experienced it in childhood and she’s also being abused by her husband. I was like, “Hey, what’s up? What would you like out of this? What question do you have?” She said, “How do I change this? I went from being victimized by my family to choosing a husband who had the same level of abuse. I’m not sure I’m willing to give this up. This is all I’ve ever known.” I was like, “That’s exactly it.”
What I did was I worked with her. We have this other tool in Access called a Clearing Statement. What it does is it changes the point of view that gets you stuck in any situation. What I did is I asked her some questions and I started using that. What happened is energetically, it felt like she was compressed in this concrete ball that she was stuck inside of and you could feel it start to break apart.
I asked her, I said, “So what’s the value of this for you?” We asked a question like that. Then I said, “Okay, how old were you when you first experienced this? What did you choose and what did you decide then?” What we ended up getting to was when she was three or four years old, there was this situation that occurred where she exploded basically. She had so much energy. She got angry at her father for being mean to her mom. Her father then abused her because what we realized was he was actually afraid of this four-year-old little girl. I was like, whoa.
It changes the point of view that gets you stuck in any situation.
If you think about that for a moment, that totally defies logic. When I work with people, I throw logic out the window. I just ask to follow the energy that they’re presenting because each person at the moment, if you ask them questions, they know where they’re sticking themselves. It’s just nobody’s asked them a question that would allow them to access that awareness.
What happened was she literally scared her father and then he started abusing her from that point forward as a way of trying to get back his “power,” if you will, if we want to look at a reason for it. But what that did was she created a structure and an image of her at that point of how she had to be and it was always about suppressing the power of her. This is an interesting thing because this is one of the things I find so dynamic with “victims.” They were made wrong for being the other side.
For being the hero.
For being the hero and for being the potent, powerful person in the room. They were made so wrong for it they went, oh, that’s bad and wrong. Okay, I hurt people when I did this, or whatever story they have going on, which is why I work with them individually to find the story.
But 90%+ of the time, once we get the story and they realize, oh my God, I have been doing this against me because me being that powerful was wrong. I created this thing and I’m perpetrating it so I never get out of that box, explode, scare people, or hurt people because they think they may have scared people. They think they’ve hurt people when in actuality they didn’t. They were actually a source and a force for good for possibilities.
Once they get that, usually, the whole thing just melts. That’s so cool. You can feel that concrete wall around them, that bubble they’re stuck in melting. It’s truly beautiful to perceive.
And then what happens to a person that experienced that and found their power? Do they go home and just go to the other extreme until they find balance?
No. This is the interesting part because Access doesn’t work like anything else out there. What it does is it gives you access to the being that you actually are. We never create freedom. Remember this idea that what’s true for you always makes you lighter. A lie for you always makes you heavier. The heaviness people are stuck with is because they’re living from so many lies as to what they’ve decided is them or is true for them.

People use Access tools to continuously navigate each moment to create more, not suffer more like most people are choosing.
With this, what happens is when you get access to your being, you don’t tend to go to that other side where you’re loud, obnoxious, trying to have power over other people because you don’t need to. You’ve got you. That’s the whole target is you having you.
Is there any navigation? Is there a learning curve? Because it’s so different when you’re not willing to be victimized anymore, when you don’t need the story of how you were victimized, or the need to hold on to that compression or compartmentalization of your being in your power anymore. Then, you just get to be it and be with it.
What I’ve seen is so many people go from being these dynamic victims who are controlling other people, sucking energy from other people, and all this sort of stuff, and they just change. Everybody around them starts going, what happened to you?
I’ve seen several of them leave currently abusive relationships. I can’t tell you the number of emails, calls, and texts I’ve gotten from partners who say, thank you so much. I have access to the woman that I married or the man that I married that I thought was gone forever. I didn’t realize it was this story holding them back. They change in really beautiful ways from what I’ve seen.
That’s really amazing and you helped co-create it. What evolved throughout the years? What are some lessons that you learned for yourself and for the people that you teach?
It’s been such an amazing evolution because when we started, we were in two countries. We were in the United States and Australia when I started Access. The founder of it, his name is Gary Douglas, had started it 10 years before that. We became fast friends when I met him 20 years ago and now we’re in 176 countries. We had something like 4 facilitators at the time and now we have over 10,000.
That’s incredible.
Thank you. It’s been an interesting learning curve dynamically. But I say the many things that I’ve learned, two out of those. One is to continuously ask questions and function as the question, not the answer and not the conclusion.
Tell me more about that.
Start using it in your life. You’ll see things show up in very interesting ways that you couldn’t imagine were possible.
Let’s say, for example, asking a question. One of the great questions I love to ask is, how does it get any better than this when something good happens or when something bad happens? Because we always open the door for it to get better, whether it was good or bad. I suggest people use that. Start using it in your life. You’ll see things show up in very interesting ways that you couldn’t imagine were possible.
Another question is, what else is possible that I’ve never considered? You’re in a situation and it looks a particular way, or you’d like to have a greater outcome. You go, what else is possible that I’ve never considered?
What happens is every question opens up a doorway of possibilities. It’s just that most people have been taught to function from their conclusion, their judgments, and to try to get everything right rather than ask a question, open the door, and let the universe contribute to you what it has available that you can’t even imagine.
Nice. Because our brains will answer whatever we ask them. If I ask myself, oh, why am I so stupid? Then my brain will answer, oh, because of this, this, and that. If I ask myself, why am I so smart? My brain will answer because… The quality of our questions determines the quality of our life.
So true, exactly that. I suggest people ask open-ended questions rather than questions that are really judgments of you in disguise or judgments of other people in disguise. In doing so, we start to craft our own lives, which is the other thing that for me is so vital that we actually get a sense. One of the other things that I learned that was so helpful was because I always desire more, always continuously and I used to think that was wrong. And I realized now, it’s not. It’s just how I’m wired and how a lot of us are wired.
By desiring more, you created more good in the world.
Exactly that. We all see people who desire more power over others, more control, more money just so they can feel like they have power and control.
So it can cover all the deep work they need to do and don’t want to handle. Because usually, when people do the work and they’re becoming more aware, they just become better people because they healed something within them.
When you develop a great communion and connection with your body, your body starts looking differently. It starts changing and looking more alive. Share on XThey get more access to who they truly are. All these people that are out there being mean, controlling, and abusive of others have no idea who they actually are. They’re just functioning from an image. It’s okay. You don’t have to be the effect of it. You don’t have to judge it. You don’t have to have anything go on in your world as a result of it.
If you’re creating your own life, then you won’t, because why would you take energy out of the creation of your life to resist and react to somebody who is functioning from that place? You just realize it is a waste of energy. But if we also take the step and go, okay, one of the things I realized that was very helpful in realizing that to craft my reality and future, the way to do it is actually to get a sense of the energy that would be there if I had it. Meaning, when I first did this, I called it the energy bubble exercise. Can we do a little exercise for everybody?
Yes, let’s do it.
Okay, cool. Here’s what I like everybody to do. You can add anything to it, take anything away from it. I’m trying to access what is actually your being’s capacity to create because energy is your first language, and your being functions on energy. We think we need to do everything with our minds, which is why it doesn’t work out magically. Even if we’ve checked all the boxes, it still doesn’t work out a lot of times because we’re going against our knowing, we’re going against the magic of us. This is a way of crafting a future by getting a sense of what you would really like to have.
Here we go. What I like you to do is imagine that you know the greatest wizard in the universe that can make anything happen for you and they’re willing to contribute to you to give you anything you truly desire. What I’d like you to do is I’d like you to ponder. If you could have anything in your life in the next 2–3 years, what would it be? Initially, we’ll go, I would like this much money. I would like this kind of house. I would like 2 or 5 kids. I’d like to live in this place and all that.
Let’s take it from a different perspective. What I’d like you to do instead of trying to get those solid things because the universe has all kinds of ways of making things show up for us if we’re not fixed on the outcome, fixed on the how, and also fixed on what it’s going to take to get there.
If you think of a house, a relationship, or something, what I’d like you to do is to get the feeling of that, the sense of having that. Not that particular house, that particular person, that many kids, that much money, or whatever it is, get the sense of it. I’m going to walk you through a few things that might help.

I’d like you to get the sense of having ease with money.
I’d like you to get the sense of having ease with money. The sense that it’s okay that money goes because money always comes in. It’s great that money comes in because then you can let it go and be in the flow of money. Get the sense of the way it would be and here’s the other thing. You don’t have to know how any of this is going to happen. You just have a unique way of perceiving these things and desiring these things that we can actually use to create these things.
You don’t have to know how it’s going to happen to get ease with money if you don’t have it right now, but get the sense of having ease with money. Maybe at some point in the past, you had it. You can use that as a slight reference point, but just be with that for just a moment. What would it be like if I had total ease with money? I had enough money to pay for not only all my bills, and my house, and whatever, but enough to be able to have enough saved for at least six months of expenses and stuff. I got a cushion, no problem. Also, the sense that I’m always creating more. Be with that for just a moment.
Now get the sense of doing something. Whatever it is you do for creation, money, or whatever, get the sense of doing something that you absolutely love. That has a sense of being a contribution to you and other people, that really creates in the world more of the world you would like to see, getting paid well for it even though you don’t know why, and having fun doing it. Also, for most of the people listening to this podcast, get the sense of it changing all the time in a really cool way so you don’t get bored. Because you know how you were if you do the same thing twice, you’re bored.
Let’s ask for something that changes, that you don’t even know what it is yet. You may have parts of it in place. Even what you have right now changed and what you think has to be changed so it can be open-ended, so you can actually use your magic to create it.
Now get the sense of fulfilling relationships, whatever you would like. If you want an enjoyable other, ask for that. Maybe you’d like your current other to be more enjoyable and less of another. Great fulfilling relationships. If you want kids or if you have kids, a sense of having people around you who truly have your back, people there who are willing to contribute to you, and maybe even people who have the wisdom to be able to guide you on this path to more without a judgment.
Get the sense of what it’s like to have people in your life that don’t judge you, that adore you exactly as you are right now, that are willing to call you on your crap. They don’t buy your crap, but they don’t judge you for having any of it. They don’t need you to be any different than you are right now. Now, get a sense of being in connection and communion with the earth, where you can actually perceive its whispers and the energy that it gives you, and have a sense of gratitude for it.
Get the sense of what it’s like to have people in your life that don’t judge you, that adore you exactly as you are right now.
Lastly, get a sense of actually liking your body. Looking in the mirror and liking it not for the image it portrays and presents, but gratitude that this creature has been with you, contributing to you, being there for you no matter how much you judged it, and doing everything that you want it. Get a sense of actually liking it and being able to change whatever parts of it you would like to change just by asking. Whether it’s a problem you have or some different shape you would like, what if you could ask and receive?
What I’d like you to do is I’d like you to get the sense of having and being all of that, even though some of you probably fell asleep by now because it can be very relaxing. Your brain disengages when I asked you to go with the energy of it. Just know you haven’t done it wrong.
Get the sense of all that energy, whatever all that stuff is, and put it in front of you. Pull energy into it from all over the universe, from everyone and everything is going to help make it a reality for you that you don’t even know yet. Then let little trickles go out to everyone in everything who’s going to contribute to that. Just ask for it to show up with more ease and quicker than you could ever imagine. There you go. That’s the beginning at least.
Wow, that was so fun. I like that. I want to stay there. Can you just keep going?
Here’s the beauty of this. Now, anything that feels like that energy or any of those energies, anything that feels like that, do it. How many of us have wanted to know what to choose to create the future we desire? We read books, we define this, and we define it to the minutest degree thinking that’s going to make it happen, but we’re killing all the magic when that happens. Because if it doesn’t match even one of those definitions, we reject it. This is about undefining it, and now, you have the energy to follow to create the future you actually desire.
How often do you do this for yourself?
I started out by doing it about once a week, then it got to once every couple of weeks, and now I do it once every few months.
It's so different when you're not willing to be victimized anymore, or the need to hold on to that compression or compartmentalization of being in your power. Share on XWhat did you manifest in your life that you thought, oh, I’ll never be able to have it or other people can have this?
I’ve got to say, really, my whole life at this point. I say that with such gratitude. It brings tears to my eyes. I mean, really. The life I’m living right now, I asked for some version of it that was so much less because it was in the box of what I thought I could handle, what I thought I could create. I bypassed everything that I thought my life could be and would be, and how it would show up probably 10 years ago. I’ve never been asked that question. I thank you for it for the awareness that it gave me because truly, I feel so blessed to have the life that I have.
One of the things that I have always wanted to do was have an impact on a lot of people’s lives. I really wanted to, but I never really thought it would happen because I’m not Tony Robbins. I’m not going to go do the things that other people do and the way that they do it. What I’ve seen is by being me, it has shown up in a really magical way and it just keeps growing. That for me is one of the greatest gifts I could ever imagine is actually getting to actualize being the contribution that we can be for other people.
Yes, I can understand that. I can relate. When I coach, when I create a breakthrough for somebody, it makes me feel really good, really warm, and fluffy inside.
One of the things that I have always wanted to do was have an impact on a lot of people’s lives.
Isn’t that one of the coolest things in the world? I mean, goodness. For me, it’s like all my Christmas came at once. You see somebody whose whole world just opens up and it’s like, yay, go, us.
Yes, while creating this much impact in the world. I can’t even imagine how it can feel. It probably is so beautiful. I would like to talk to you about Body Whispering. What is it and how can we speak with our bodies? You touched a little bit on it in the process. I would like to know more about it.
It’s one of these wonderful things that we have that just makes our life better because we all have bodies. I wrote this Body Whispering book, as you know. People say, who’s it for? I said, mostly people with bodies. It really is where our bodies are really these amazing, kind, gentle creatures that will do anything we desire. What we have been doing is directing judgment at them. Oh, you’re not pretty enough. You’re too wrinkly here. You’re too saggy here.
What happens is, when we judge our bodies, we get more of what we judge. We’ve all been taught, you judge something to change it into something better, but that doesn’t actually work. It doesn’t work for us or our bodies. The idea of Body Whispering is the recognition that our bodies communicate with whispers of energy. They don’t communicate with words, they communicate with whispers.
The only time we get to where we have stiffness, pain, and disease is when we’ve been ignoring the whispers and now we need the brick upside the head. There’s such a different way that we can be with these phenomenal creatures. When I wrote the book, I had been having these conversations in classes for years and yet, I would go to try to have them outside of class and just have this conversation and I couldn’t. It’s like the space was not available for it.

Body Whispering by Dr. Dain Heer
Finally, the space became available and it was like, wow, this is a conversation that can be heard now, so I finally wrote the book. Anybody off the street that desires to have any greater connection with their body or people who already know their body whispers, they work with bodies. But they want to do it with less pain because a lot of people take on a lot of other people’s pain and suffering. It’s really about walking you step by step through having this gentle space with your body where you have gratitude for it, where you enjoy it, where you actually let it do its thing and you do yours as the being and creating a space where it’s just awesome to wake up with your body because it’s with you all the time.
Before I gave birth, I was in the best shape of my life. I was also doing S Factor, which is a central pole dancing, but they do it in a way of empowering the feminine. They used to do it in the studio. I think she already closed the facility and it’s online right now. When we used to do that, I used to go on retreats. I went to Jamaica and all kinds of really awesome retreats where we were really connecting to our inner goddess, our feminine self, and feeling beautiful self-expression.
I remember in one retreat, I looked in the mirror and I was accepting of my little belly and I really accepted my body. It was a moment of, wow, I accept my body. Now, after I got pregnant and my body changed, the bones are moving. I experienced things in my body I never experienced in my life. I had to go through a C-section and all of a sudden, all those aches and pains.
I have an episode about shockwave therapy, which is healing your scars because when you have the scars that go in very deep down in your tissues, it can create an imbalance in the body. I started doing shockwave therapy treatment and I feel much, much better. But still, my relationship with my body, with her right now is a little bit—it’s not as warm and kind as it used to be. I feel like I still have judgment, I need to improve, and I need to look better. I’m still nursing.
My body, she’s not the body that I knew. How do I love her more besides looking in the mirror and saying I love you? What kind of whispers do I need to listen to? What kind of whispers do I need to whisper to her?
I love that question. Let me start by saying that’s why I wrote the book. The reason I say that is because it’s a path we need to be willing to walk. If you have somebody guiding you on that path, it’s actually a relatively easy path to walk, but it involves so many parts and pieces that it’s like, we have to get that our body has a consciousness of its own first. And that we, the being, are not our body first.
Right now, just close your eyes and expand out a mile in all directions. You don’t even have to visualize it, you just ask and there you are. Now go out 10 miles in all directions. Notice that you’re there too. You’re able to do that. You’re able to expand into that space. Now go out 100 miles in all directions, now 1000 miles, now 10,000 miles, and now 25,000 miles, which is roughly the size of the Earth.
Now notice you’re laughing, which is exactly what should happen, actually. Because what happens is when you get more space, you get more ease and you get more joy. If you can expand out that big, that’s you the being that’s expanding out. Your body obviously did not just become 25,000 miles wide.
That’s your being. Could a being that big fit inside of a body this small? The answer, of course, is no, but we’ve been running our entire lives based on the lie that our being is stuffed inside of our body, and that our body is somehow keeping our being in prison. But in actuality, our being is free to roam.
We have these bodies. We created them so we could experience the things that only bodies can because if you didn’t have a body, you couldn’t taste ice cream, you couldn’t feel your lover’s touch on your cheek, you couldn’t experience what it’s like to lie in the sun and feel a hot shower, have an orgasm, or see your child and touch your child. These are all things we get because we have bodies.
Our bodies communicate with whispers of energy.
My sense is we have bodies because it’s awesome. If we can make that distinction between the being in the body, but not as separation, as an acknowledgment, wow, my body is inside of me, okay. Then what you realize is, my body has its thing that it does, I (the being) have my thing that I do.
Your body’s job is all the stuff here that relates to bodies like eating, sleeping, having sex, feeding your kids, doing all that sort of stuff. If you start to just get a connection with your body and ask it for things that concern it, like body, what would you like to eat? Body, what would you like to drink? Body, what kind of movement would you like to do?
The real beginning of this is actually to start to have a great relationship with our bodies again, rather than believing that they’re somehow limiting us the being, and rather than just going with the projections, the expectations, and the judgments that we have and that other people have. And rather than believing that our body’s soul source is to be the prettiest image it can be because that’s about other people and their judgments of us.
We all do it. We’ve all learned to do it. We’ve all learned that that’s what we’re supposed to do. What if there’s a thing that you could have with your body that nobody else does? Here’s the weird part. If somebody even ventures into the realm of this type of conversation, a lot of times, they’re like, well, you shouldn’t care about how your body looks.
That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that, when you develop a great communion and connection with your body, your body starts looking differently. It starts looking more alive. It starts dropping weight. It starts changing pain. There are so many things that it does and is capable of that we’re not allowing because we are maintaining a fixed point of view about how it has to look and what it has to be.
This is the beginning and then from there, what you do is every day when you look in the mirror, put your hands on that part of your body you’re judging, and just be with it. Just be with it. Pick one part that you’re going to do for three days or so and just be with it, and just go, hi. Then notice the energy that your body gives you back. You may not notice anything. You may be like, I’m sitting here with my hands on my tummy, what am I doing?
Eventually, what will occur is you’ll notice something. You put your hands on and you notice warmth, or you’ll notice that your body has been suffering here too and it needs you (the being) to help it get out of where it’s been suffering. Because if it underwent a C-section, that’s a trauma to the body. Maybe it’s their suffering and our judgments are making it suffer more. Like us, when we suffer it, it knows less what to do when people pile suffering.
When we’re suffering and people pile their suffering on us, we feel less equipped to change it. What if it’s the same with our bodies? What if just putting your hand on it for a few minutes a day and just acknowledging it, not trying to go anywhere…
I need to be there for my body?
Yup. Be there especially in those parts where you think you want to avoid and see what’s there, see what it’s showing you.
Our body has a consciousness of its own.
I’m also very grateful for my body. She did something miraculous. When I wanted to conceive, the doctors gave me a 5% chance to conceive. It was totally a lot of conversation with my body. I went for one exam and they told me that my uterus walls were too thin. For a month, I visualize them getting thicker. I did another exam a month later and it was totally fine.
Girl, that’s what I’m talking about.
I understand that. Sometimes we know what we need to do or how we need to do it, and we need somebody to remind us that it’s possible.
Yes, true story.
Thank you for that.
Thank you, and thank you for that story. You probably have lots of others, and that’s what people need to hear because that’s the thing. If somebody else can do it, well, then, okay, maybe I can too. Talk about inspiration.
There are so many miraculous stories. We have so much power over our bodies and our healing. It’s beyond. We only need desire. If we have a desire, we’ll find the right answers.
True story. We have the desire and we have to also have the willingness to change. The willingness to get over what we thought was and be exposed to what actually can be.
Yes. Wow, Dain. I want to keep talking to you for hours and hours, but I want to be respectful of your time.
Thank you. Maybe another time we could talk for hours and hours.
I would love that. Before we say goodbye, for now, two questions. One, what are your three top tips for living a stellar life? Where can people find you?

Look in the mirror, put your hands on that part of your body you’re judging, and just be with it.
Number one, have as much fun as you possibly can. That means as much fun as often as you possibly can. Do at least one thing a day just for the fun of it, for the joy of it, and for the joy of your body. At least one and acknowledge that you’re doing it, just for the fun of it, even if you’re not supposed to.
Number two, get used to screwing things up and enjoying it. I suggest that you screw up at least one thing a day too, just for the fun of it, just to get used to it, and just get over the significance that you have to be perfect like we all think we have to be because we all think we have to be and none of us is. Having fun, screwing up, and getting it wrong is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
The third is to ask more questions and do less judgment of you and everybody else. Recognize we’re all on this planet together. The greater you get, the greater we all get. Please, do not diminish your greatness for anyone, even if they desire it, even if they require it. Please recognize that those that require that of you are diminished in their own world that is not a function of you and it has nothing to do with you.
Where can people find you?
Drdainheer.com, and also on YouTube, I’ve got over 400 videos of free tools.
I loved your videos.
Thank you.
Really good.
Thank you. I got another one coming out. Actually, it just came out today about allowance and acceptance. I’ve got a lot of free stuff on my website. There’s so much available. Please check it out and see what makes you feel lighter and what sounds fun to you. That’s my other tip. Whatever makes you feel lighter and sounds fun to you, please do it and forget the rest.
Nice. Dr. Dain, thank you so much.
Thank you, Orion. It’s truly been a pleasure.
Thank you, listeners. Remember to have fun as much as possible, at least one fun thing a day. Screw up one time a day, at least. Ask more questions and do less judgment of yourself and everyone else, and have a stellar life. This is Orion, until next time.
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
{✓} Try out new things. You experience the magic of life when you’re not afraid to discover what’s good and bad for you. The only way to find out what you love is by being open to new experiences.
{✓} Focus on doing tasks you love. Do activities that make you feel lighter, not heavier. By avoiding negativity, you’re preventing unnecessary emotions from manifesting in your life.
{✓} Be inspired by other people. Instead of being jealous, celebrate other people’s successes and strive to manifest your own. Treat their achievements as motivation to work towards your own.
{✓} Listen to different perspectives and welcome new ideas. You don’t have to accept all views. You just need to be open.
{✓} Continuously ask questions. You’re often limited to what you currently think and feel. By probing your thoughts and feelings, you open doors to different outcomes and possibilities.
{✓} Stop judging yourself. Being kind to yourself cultivates a positive mindset. Don’t be your greatest enemy.
{✓} Be willing to evolve. You can achieve anything and become whoever you want to be. All you need is the eagerness to welcome change in your life.
{✓} Find time to have fun. Life doesn’t have to be serious all the time. As much as possible, do at least one enjoyable thing every day.
{✓} Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s human to make mistakes, and they’re valuable sources of lessons. So recover quickly and focus on what you can learn from them.
{✓} Visit Dr. Dain Heer’s website, and subscribe to his YouTube channel to access more than 400 videos of free tools. Then, read his book and explore Access Consciousness to learn how to lead a lighter life.
Links and Resources
- Dr. Dain Heer
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- Body Whispering
About Dr. Dain Heer
Dr. Dain Heer- Body Whisper, Author and Co-creator of Access Consciousness.
Beginning his journey as a chiropractor, Dr. Dain Heer has been facilitating, exploring, and celebrating the magic of bodies for the last 30 years.
Along his journey, he developed his signature energy work called the Energetic Synthesis of Being: A totally different way that invites a new level of awareness and energetic transformation with bodies which includes kindness, caring, and communion.
Growing up, Dain had a lot of abuse in his life, but he never chose to be a victim. He learned very early on the power of real courage, choice, and resilience. He learned to transform life’s challenges into a gift of strength, awareness and continue being in the question. Dain says judgment is the biggest killer on the planet, especially the judgment of ourselves.
Based on his own life experience, he asks, “What if we could get out of the wrongness of ourselves and see every wrongness, the places where we judge ourselves the most, as a strongness? What would be possible then?”
Reaching far beyond what people say with words, Dain looks at the energy of what is being presented and invites people to live without apology, no longer needing to hide their differences and unique capacities from the world. Body Whispering- A New Way of Seeing, Being & Healing is Dain’s latest book.
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